Top Freelance Data Visualization Experts for Hire

Pradnya Akhilesh B.

Data Cleaning, Analysis, Visualization • Dashboard Creation • Reporting • Power BI, Tableau, SQL, Python
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USD 15/hr

Insightful, forward-thinking professional with experience in analyzing businesses’ needs and working towards delivering valuable solutions – ma...

USD 15/hr

Jonathan C.

Controlled Substances Psychopharmacology | Freelance Data Scientist, Data Engineer | Cannabis
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USD 100/hr
Neuroscience, PhD
United States

Subject Matter Expert on Psychopharmacology (Drugs, Brain, Behavior). A neuroscientist participating in the emergence of Psychedelics &...

USD 100/hr

Shane H.

Data Scientist with 5 years experience working across the full spectrum of Analytics.
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USD 50/hr
MSc. Business Analytics (Machine Learning) (Distinction)
United Kingdom

Data Scientist with 5 years experience working across the full spectrum of Analytics.

USD 50/hr

Asemakaha M.

I a data analyst /scientist who love to play and make reasonable insight and business decisions with data.
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USD 14/hr
B. sc computer Science

with use of data analyst/science tools like R, python, sql and power BI i have been on project like revenue and price prediction, Fraud detect...

USD 14/hr

Kalai R.

AI Scientist with extensive subject matter expertise in climate and energy including research to market experience
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USD 150/hr
PhD Applied Mathematics
United States

Multifaceted AI scientist at Xerox PARC, focusing on application of AI to climate, healthcare and infrastructure. Led and executed ~$2M project...

USD 150/hr

Mohamed A.

Researcher, Analyst, & Training Specialist
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USD 8/hr
Ph.D. in Information Technology

Examined 2 million experiments for Ph.D., demonstrating research abilities. Built 25 technology projects showcasing programming skills using Py...

USD 8/hr

Murat B.

Data Analyst, Ankara, Turkey. Blog: Email: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Git:
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USD 25/hr

Python | SAS | Core data science stack (Pandas, Seaborn, ...) | Exploratory Data Analysis | SQL | OOP | PowerBI | Dashboards

USD 25/hr

Abdul L.

Molecular biologist |bioinformician| Expert in R | SPSS
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USD 20/hr
molecular biology

Master degree in molecular biology. background in bioinformatics and genomics data analysis. Proficient in R programming and SPSS, with expert...

USD 20/hr

Alexander D.

PhD Researcher with experience in acoustics, array signal processing, wave propagation, Python, and mechanical design.
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USD 50/hr
United States

• PhD research with a focus on acoustics, signal processing, and mechanical engineering. • 4 years experience conducting technical research in ...

USD 50/hr

Sai Vinay S.

UAV Product Management || UAV Design, Development & Deployment || Unconventional Aeronautical Engineer (Chartered)|...
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USD 20/hr

With continuous five (5) years of aerospace industry experience, I am currently working as Product Manager(PM) to propel the product strategy &...

USD 20/hr

Eduardo E.

Expert in Machine Learning and Data Analytics for Advanced Healthcare Solutions
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USD 35/hr
MSc Molecular and Cellular Biology

I am an experienced bioinformatician with deep expertise in health data analytics and machine learning. With a PhD in Biomedicine from the Uni...

USD 35/hr

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