IEEE Optimization Competition



 Heuristic optimization has undergone significant developments in recent years. By using different novel mechanisms for improved search exploration and exploitation, modern heuristic optimization tools have demonstrated a great promise for solving real world problems with high mathematical complexity.

The Working Group on Modern Heuristic Optimization under the IEEE PES Power System Analysis, Computing, and Economics Committee is organizing a Panel Session combined with a Competition titled:

Evaluating the Performance of Modern Heuristic Optimizers on Smart Grid Operation Problems”

The session will be held at the 2017 IEEE PES General Meeting. This panel and competition concerns with two hard-to-solve optimization test beds:

i) Stochastic OPF based active-reactive power dispatch;

Developers: Sergio Rivera (Universidad Nacional de Colombia), Andres Romero (Universidad Nacional de San Juan), José Rueda (Delft University of Technology), Kwang Y. Lee (Baylor University), István Erlich (University Duisburg-Essen)

ii) Optimal scheduling of distributed energy resources. All interested researchers are kindly invited to be part of this initiative and to ascertain the effectiveness of their algorithms on these challenging test beds.

Developers: Zita Vale and João Soares (Institute of Engineering – Polytechnic of Porto)


The problem definitions and implementation guidelines as well as Matlab codes for the test suite can be downloaded from



Final results should be submitted to this email address until 30th March 2017 in accordance with the guidelines provided. The implementation codes of each algorithm entering the competition should also be submitted along with final results. The submitted codes will be in the public domain and no intellectual property claims should be made.

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The organizers will announce the codes together with a comparative analysis based on the provided results between April-May 2017 at first three ranked algorithms will be selected for presentation at the panel, for which only PowerPoint presentations are required.



Important dates:

Call for competition: 14 January 2017

Confirmation of participation: 30 January 2017

Submission of results and codes: 30 March 2017

Announcement of best three ranked algorithms: 28 April 2017

2017 IEEE PES General meeting: 16-20 July 2017

Sergio Rivera, I.E., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Depto. de Ing. Eléctrica y Electrónica
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Carrera 30 Calle 45. Ciudad Universitaria. Edificio 453
Bogota, Colombia
Tel: (57 1) 3165000 ext. 14083


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