Medical Device Consulting Services: Why Hire Freelancers


Medical device consulting firms provide end-to-end services that can help you accelerate time to market. However hiring freelance medical device consultants on demand can be easier and quicker, especially for medical device SMBs and startups. 

Given the changing landscape of the medtech industry, medical device companies have to be quick to adapt and innovate. The industry is largely dominated by small-and-medium-sized businesses, who are tapping into new developments in AI and data science to develop novel medtech products. As the journey to market is complex, the majority of SMBs need some amount of handholding to get their product out to market. They may need help with regulatory compliance, product development, quality management and more.

Typically large businesses would approach an established firm for medical device consulting services to help them accelerate time to market. However the gig economy has made the expertise of individual specialists easily available. This is invaluable for medical device SMBs who have limited resources but at the same time need to work with qualified subject experts. Here are the main benefits of hiring medical device freelancers over consulting firms:


For one-off requirements or for short-term consulting, it’s obvious that it’s a lot more cost-effective to hire an independent medical device consultant or freelancer. The biggest perk of working with an independent consultant is that there are no retainer fees, you can hire on demand. You don’t have to commit to a minimum contract or cost. Hiring an agency comes with several overheads and associated costs, which are eliminated when you speak directly with a freelancer. SMBs and startups in particular need to make clever use of limited resources, which can play a crucial role in their business growth.

On Kolabtree, you can get custom quotes from experts before you decide whom to hire. Rates vary from USD 50 per hour to USD 170 per hour, depending on the level of expertise you require and the nature of the project.

Easier to contact experts directly

Working with a medical device consulting agency can be a complex process in itself, requiring you to spend time on planning, paperwork and budgeting. On the other hand, contacting an expert directly makes it easier for you to have one-to-one conversations, explain what you’re looking for and make customizations as per your requirement.

On Kolabtree, you don’t have to spend time searching for an expert. You can just post a project for free, and our support team will help you find the best suited freelancers for your project.

Hire on demand for one-off requirements

Taking a medical device to market involves several steps. Let’s say you need help with only specific aspects of the journey, such as:

  • Writing a clinical evaluation report (CER) for a specific device class and therapeutic area
  • Statistical verification of your clinical trial
  • Getting guidance on 510(k) submissions and other regulations
  • Applying for grant funding
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For one-off requirements such as the ones listed above, it’s efficient to directly contact a specialist with expertise in this area. You may even have a question or a problem that might be resolved over a quick call with an expert.

Saves time and effort

Working with a medical device consulting agency can be a complex process in itself, requiring you to spend time on paperwork and budgeting and planning. In large companies, there is usually one person who liaises between the two parties to make sure that the briefing is done right, and the deliverables meet the expectations. Small businesses cannot afford in-house teams dedicated to monitoring the activities of external agencies. They’re looking for a quick solution from a trusted and experienced specialist.

On Kolabtree, in many cases, the CEO/Co-Founder of companies themselves directly posted a project and made the hiring decision. Over 90% of project owners receive a quote within 24 hours.

Better Flexibility

Medical device consulting firms, like most consulting firms, offer bundled services or ‘packages’. There is limited flexibility to make the package completely customized to your needs. Even if you can, it is unlikely you will be able to hire consultants on demand without paying some sort of a retainer fee. You are also dependent on another structured company, who will work specific hours on your project.

Working with a freelance expert gives you flexibility over budget, scope of work and the timeline. On-demand platforms provide the added benefit of getting several different quotes and proposals for your project before you decide on the best fit.

Kolabtree has helped medical device companies worldwide hire freelance regulatory writers, medical device consultants,  EU MDR consultants, FDA submission experts and more. Post your project confidentially and securely and discuss your requirements directly with consultants. It’s free to post your project and get quotes. Get started now

Kolabtree helps businesses worldwide hire freelance scientists and industry experts on demand. Our freelancers have helped companies publish research papers, develop products, analyze data, and more. It only takes a minute to tell us what you need done and get quotes from experts for free.

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About Author

Ramya Sriram manages digital content and communications at Kolabtree (, the world's largest freelancing platform for scientists. She has over a decade of experience in publishing, advertising and digital content creation.

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