

The landscape of the scholarly communications industry never ceases to evolve because publication trends, researcher needs, and technological tools keep changing at a rapid pace. Effective and transparent communication and resource sharing is the only way for organizations and author-facing companies to keep up with any advances in the industry. UKSG, an organization that specializes in connecting the knowledge community by organizing many events through the year, conducted a conference in London on November 15, 2016. The conference focused on understanding and responding to the evolving expectations of academics and researchers. Over 150 professionals from the industry, including academics, participated in the engaging one-day event. It was the perfect opportunity to introduce an exciting new start-up such as Kolabtree to the publishing industry.

会場には、学術出版業界で経験を積んだ方々や、エキサイティングなスタートアップ企業の若手起業家の方々が多く参加されていました。スピーカーのパネルは、経験豊富な出版関係者と活気に満ちた若い起業家が混ざり合っていました。午前中のセッションでは、経験豊富な研究者や評判の高い出版社による示唆に富む講演が行われました。昼食後は、起業家たちが自らのスタートアップ企業を紹介する機会となりました。Kolabtreeの共同設立者であるAshmita Das氏は、Kolabtreeを代表して、このプラットフォームが研究者の進化するニーズに応え、博士課程の卒業生にチャンスを与えることができる方法を説明しました。聴衆はアシュミタ氏のプレゼンテーションに魅了され、多くの人がKolabtreeの初期の成功に感銘を受けていました。

The competition for リサーチ grants has intensified immensely over the past few years. Funding for research and development for the sciences has taken a hit in many countries. According to a study conducted by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), the federal R&D budget is only 3% of the overall federal budget, which is one-third of what it was in 1968. The resultant lack of job opportunities in academia and the industry is a big challenge for early career researchers. Although collaboration between researchers from different geographies is on the rise, the trend is not the same for collaboration between universities and small businesses or start-ups. This creates demand for a secure, on-demand platform that provides access to a wide array of highly qualified talent. Kolabtree facilitates collaboration between clients and freelancers by providing a secure environment in which documents and ideas can be exchanged.


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