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USD 100 /hr
Hire Dr. Yogesh F.
USD 100 /hr

Electronic cooling, data center thermal management, CFD, R&D, Mechanical-Thermal Engineering

Profile Summary
Subject Matter Expertise
Writing Technical Writing
Research Technology Scouting, Scientific and Technical Research, Systematic Literature Review
Consulting Scientific and Technical Consulting, Manufacturing Consulting
Data & AI Predictive Modeling
Product Development Formulation, Product Evaluation, Material Sourcing, Product Validation, Manufacturing, Concept Development, Prototyping
Work Experience

Technology Development Manager

Cooler Master Corporation

January 2023 - Present

Postdoctoral Researcher

National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

March 2021 - January 2023

Research Fellow

National University of Singapore

August 2018 - March 2020

Doctoral Research Visitor

Georgia Institute of Technology

January 2016 - July 2016


PhD Student (Mechanical Engineering)

Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar

July 2012 - December 2016

M.Tech (Thermal & Fluids Engineering)

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University

July 2010 - July 2012

B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering)

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University

June 2006 - June 2010

  • Data Analytics: Application in modeling, control & signal processing

    IIT Gandhinagar

    January 2024 - Present

  • Microsoft Excel Edvanced

    IIT Gandhinagar

    January 2024 - Present

Yogesh Fulpagare, Tao Yao, Chao-Jen Li, Chi-Chuan Wang (2023). CFD analysis of spent fuel dry cask storage system for High burnup nuclear fuel . Progress in Nuclear Energy.
Fulpagare, Y., Yao, T., Li, C.-J., Wang, C.-C.(2023). CFD analysis of spent fuel dry cask storage system for High burnup nuclear fuel . Progress in Nuclear Energy. 161.
Fulpagare, Y., Liu, Y.W., Lua, K.B., Wang, C.-C.(2023). Experimental and numerical investigation of natural convection for a fully closed cabinet subject to chimneys . International Journal of Thermal Sciences. 183.
Fulpagare, Y., Huang, K.-R., Liao, Y.-H., Wang, C.-C.(2022). Optimal energy management for air cooled server fans using Deep Reinforcement Learning control method . Energy and Buildings. 277.
Fulpagare, Y., Tsai, D.-Y., Wang, C.-C.(2022). Performance of two-phase loop thermosiphon with graphene nanofluid . Applied Thermal Engineering. 200.
Fulpagare, Y., Hsu, P.-H., Wang, C.-C.(2022). Experimental analysis of airflow uniformity and energy consumption in data centers . Applied Thermal Engineering. 209.
Fulpagare, Y., Wu, Y.-J., Chang, J.-Y., Wang, C.-C.(2022). Effect of Non-Condensable gas on condensing performance of HFE7100 With/Without hydrophobic coating . Applied Thermal Engineering. 213.
Saiyad, A., Fulpagare, Y., Bhargav, A.(2022). Comparison of detached eddy simulation and standard k—ε RANS model for rack-level airflow analysis inside a data center . Building Simulation. 15. (9). p. 1595-1610.
Xiong, X., Fulpagare, Y., Lee, P.S.(2021). A numerical investigation of fan wall cooling system for modular air-cooled data center . Building and Environment. 205.
Saiyad, A., Patel, A., Fulpagare, Y., Bhargav, A.(2021). Predictive modeling of thermal parameters inside the raised floor plenum data center using Artificial Neural Networks . Journal of Building Engineering. 42.
Fulpagare, Y., Bhargav, A., Joshi, Y.(2020). Predictive model development and validation for raised floor plenum data center . Journal of Electronic Packaging, Transactions of the ASME. 142. (2).
Fulpagare, Y., Bhargav, A., Joshi, Y.(2019). Dynamic thermal characterization of raised floor plenum data centers: Experiments and CFD . Journal of Building Engineering. 25.
Fulpagare, Y., Joshi, Y., Bhargav, A.(2018). Rack level transient CFD modeling of data center . International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow. 28. (2). p. 381-394.
Fulpagare, Y., Bhargav, A.(2015). Advances in data center thermal management . Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 43. p. 981-996.
Fulpagare, Y., Mahamuni, G., Bhargav, A.(2015). Effect of plenum chamber obstructions on data center performance . Applied Thermal Engineering. 80. p. 187-195.
Dixit, M., Fulpagare, Y., Shukla, J., Basarkar, P., Parikh, D., Jain, R., Bhargav, A.(2014). Design of fuel cell systems laboratory for hydrogen, carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon safety . International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 39. (31). p. 17929-17940.
Xiong, X., Fulpagare, Y., Lee, P.S.(2019). An experimental study of the vortex-enhanced hot aisle containment (VEHAC) using a scale model . 2019 IEEE 21st Electronics Packaging Technology Conference, EPTC 2019. p. 231-235.
Xiong, X., Fulpagare, Y., Sun, C., Lee, P.S.(2019). Numerical study of a new rack layout for better cold air distribution and reduced fan power . InterSociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems, ITHERM. 2019-May. p. 399-404.
Fulpagare, Y., Xiong, X., Lee, P.S.(2019). Thermal characterization of vortex flow layout for data center . 2019 IEEE 21st Electronics Packaging Technology Conference, EPTC 2019. p. 167-170.
Saiyad, A., Fulpagare, Y., Bhargav, A.(2018). Data center rack analysis using detached eddy simulations . International Conference on Computational Methods for Thermal Problems. 0. p. 172-176.
Fulpagare, Y., Joshi, Y., Bhargav, A.(2017). Rack level forecasting model of data center . Proceedings of the 16th InterSociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems, ITherm 2017. p. 824-829.
Fulpagare, Y., Shirbhate, P., Bhargav, A.(2016). Design and testing of prototype data center . Proceedings of the 15th InterSociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems, ITherm 2016. p. 1156-1161.
Fulpagare, Y., Joshi, Y., Bhargav, A.(2016). Rack level transient CFD modeling of data center . International Conference on Computational Methods for Thermal Problems. 0.
Fulpagare, Y., Joshi, Y., Bhargav, A.(2016). Transient characterization of data center racks . ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE). 8.