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USD 90 /hr
Hire Dr. Vera Bin San C.
USD 90 /hr

Regulatory Medical Writer with 10+ year of Scientific Publication Experience | Eye on Biostatistics Details | Rapid QC service

Profile Summary
Subject Matter Expertise
Writing Clinical Trial Documentation, Technical Writing, Newswriting
Research Fact Checking, Gray Literature Search, Systematic Literature Review, Secondary Data Collection
Work Experience

Postdoctoral Researcher

Ifremer Centre de Bretagne

November 2018 - April 2020

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Clemson University

February 2015 - October 2018

Postdoctoral Fellow

University of Hong Kong

January 2014 - September 2014


PhD (Biological Sciences)

University of Hong Kong

September 2009 - October 2013

Bachelor of Sciences (First Class Hon)

University of Hong Kong

September 2006 - June 2009

  • Good Clinical Practice (GCP) Training

    The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)

    January 2021 - Present

  • Principles of Clinical Pharmacology

    The National Institutes of Health (NIH)

    August 2020 - Present

  • Introduction to the Principles and Practice of Clinical Research

    The National Institutes of Health (NIH)

    August 2020 - Present

Chan, Vera BS and Toyofuku, Takashi and Wetzel, George and Saraf, Laxmikant and Thiyagarajan, Vengatesen and Mount, Andrew S(2017). Characterization of Calcification Events Using Live Optical and Electron Microscopy Techniques in a Marine Tubeworm. JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments). (120). p. e55164--e55164.
Li, Chaoyi and Meng, Yuan and He, Chong and Chan, Vera BS and Yao, Haimin and Thiyagarajan, V(2016). Mechanical robustness of the calcareous tubeworm Hydroides elegans: warming mitigates the adverse effects of ocean acidification. Biofouling. 32. (2). p. 191--204. Taylor \& Francis
Chan, Vera Bin San and Vinn, Olev and Li, Chaoyi and Lu, Xingwen and Kudryavtsev, Anatoliy B and Schopf, J William and Shih, Kaimin and Zhang, Tong and Thiyagarajan, Vengatesen(2015). Evidence of compositional and ultrastructural shifts during the development of calcareous tubes in the biofouling tubeworm, Hydroides elegans. Journal of structural biology. 189. (3). p. 230--237. Elsevier
Chan, Vera and Toyofuku, Takashi and Wetzel, George and Saraf, Laxmikant and Thiyagarajan, Vengatesen and Mount, Andrew S(2015). Direct deposition of crystalline aragonite in the controlled biomineralization of the calcareous tubeworm. Frontiers in Marine Science. 2. p. 97. Frontiers
Ko, Ginger WK and Dineshram, R and Campanati, Camilla and Chan, Vera BS and Havenhand, Jon and Thiyagarajan, Vengatesen(2014). Interactive effects of ocean acidification, elevated temperature, and reduced salinity on early-life stages of the pacific oyster. Environmental science & technology. 48. (17). p. 10079--10088. ACS Publications
Milazzo, Marco and Rodolfo-Metalpa, Riccardo and San Chan, Vera Bin and Fine, Maoz and Alessi, Cinzia and Thiyagarajan, Vengatesen and Hall-Spencer, Jason M and Chemello, Renato(2014). Ocean acidification impairs vermetid reef recruitment. Scientific Reports. 4. Nature Publishing Group
Li, Chaoyi and Chan, Vera BS and He, Chong and Meng, Yuan and Yao, Haimin and Shih, Kaimin and Thiyagarajan, Vengatesen(2014). Weakening mechanisms of the serpulid tube in a high-CO2 world. Environmental science & technology. 48. (24). p. 14158--14167. ACS Publications
Lane, Ackley C and Mukherjee, Joy and Chan, Vera BS and Thiyagarajan, Vengatesen(2013). Decreased pH does not alter metamorphosis but compromises juvenile calcification of the tube worm Hydroides elegans. Marine biology. 160. (8). p. 1983--1993. Springer
Chan, Vera BS and Thiyagarajan, Vengatesen and Lu, Xing Wen and Zhang, Tong and Shih, Kaimin(2013). Temperature dependent effects of elevated CO2 on shell composition and mechanical properties of Hydroides elegans: insights from a multiple stressor experiment. PloS one. 8. (11). p. e78945. Public Library of Science
Ginger, Ko WK and Vera, Chan BS and Dineshram, R and Dennis, Choi KS and Adela, Li J and Yu, Ziniu and Thiyagarajan, Vengatesen(2013). Larval and post-larval stages of Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) are resistant to elevated CO2. PLoS One. 8. (5). p. e64147. Public Library of Science
San Chan, Vera Bin and Li, Chaoyi and Lane, Ackley Charles and Wang, Yanchun and Lu, Xingwen and Shih, Kaimin and Zhang, Tong and Thiyagarajan, Vengatesen(2012). CO2-driven ocean acidification alters and weakens integrity of the calcareous tubes produced by the serpulid tubeworm, Hydroides elegans. PLoS One. 7. (8). p. e42718. Public Library of Science