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Systematic Literature Review,
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Work Experience
Research Psychologist
County of Ventura
January 2022 - Present
Associate Research Director & Associate Professor
Southern California University of Health Sciences
February 2018 - December 2021
Research manager
Child Care Resource Center
November 2016 - January 2018
Freelance editor
Forte Science Communications
August 2011 - November 2016
Applied Research Psychologist (Independent Contractor)
Battelle Memorial Institute (U.S. Air Force)
August 2012 - July 2016
Washington University School of Medicine
July 2008 - July 2011
Ph.D. (Psychology)
University of Southern California
August 2002 - August 2008
- Certification details not provided.
Schneider, K.G., Bezdjian, S., Burchett, D., Isler, W.C., Dickey, D., Garb, H.N.(2016). The impact of the united states air force deployment transition center on postdeployment mental health outcomes . Military Psychology. 28. (2). p. 89-103.
Bezdjian, S., Schneider, K.G., Burchett, D., Baker, M.T., Garb, H.N.(2016). Resilience in the United States Air Force: Psychometric Properties of the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) . Psychological Assessment.
Burchett, D., Schneider, K.G., Bezdjian, S., Baker, M.T.(2016). Mental health monitoring during basic military training: Psychometric properties of the outcome questionnaire-30.2 . Military Psychology. 28. (1). p. 1-13.
Tuvblad, C., Wang, P., Bezdjian, S., Raine, A., Baker, L.A.(2015). Psychopathic personality development from ages 9 to 18: Genes and environment . Development and Psychopathology. 28. (1). p. 27-44.
Bezdjian, S., Burchett, D., Schneider, K.G., Baker, M.T., Garb, H.N.(2015). Multidimensional suicide inventory-28 (MSI-28) within a sample of military basic trainees: An examination of psychometric properties . Military Psychology. 27. (6). p. 325-334.
Bezdjian, S., Tuvblad, C., Wang, P., Raine, A., Baker, L.A.(2014). Motor impulsivity during childhood and adolescence: A longitudinal biometric analysis of the Go/No-Go task in 9-to 18-year-old twins . Developmental Psychology. 50. (11). p. 2549-2557.
Tuvblad, C., Bezdjian, S., Raine, A., Baker, L.A.(2014). The heritability of psychopathic personality in 14- to 15-year-old twins: A multirater, multimeasure approach . Psychological Assessment.
Tuvblad, C., Bezdjian, S., Raine, A., Baker, L.A.(2013). Psychopathic personality and negative parent-to-child affect: A longitudinal cross-lag twin study . Journal of Criminal Justice. 41. (5). p. 331-341.
Baker, L.A., Tuvblad, C., Wang, P., Gomez, K., Bezdjian, S., Niv, S., Raine, A.(2013). The southern california twin register at the university of southern california: III . Twin Research and Human Genetics. 16. (1). p. 336-343.
Bezdjian, S., Raine, A., Baker, L.A., Lynam, D.R.(2011). Psychopathic personality in children: Genetic and environmental contributions . Psychological Medicine. 41. (3). p. 589-600.
Bezdjian, S., Baker, L.A., Tuvblad, C.(2011). Genetic and environmental influences on impulsivity: A meta-analysis of twin, family and adoption studies . Clinical Psychology Review. 31. (7). p. 1209-1223.
Bezdjian, S., Tuvblad, C., Raine, A., Baker, L.A.(2011). The genetic and environmental covariation among psychopathic personality traits, and reactive and proactive aggression in childhood . Child Development. 82. (4). p. 1267-1281.
Bezdjian, S., Krueger, R.F., Derringer, J., Malone, S., McGue, M., Iacono, W.G.(2011). The structure of DSM-IV ADHD, ODD, and CD criteria in adolescent boys: A hierarchical approach . Psychiatry Research. 188. (3). p. 411-421.
Isen, J., Raine, A., Baker, L., Dawson, M., Bezdjian, S., Lozano, D.I.(2010). Sex-Specific Association Between Psychopathic Traits and Electrodermal Reactivity in Children . Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 119. (1). p. 216-225.
Bezdjian, S.(2009). Pathological gamblers may just be less attentive, not necessarily more impulsive . Psychiatry Research. 168. (3).
Bezdjian, S., Baker, L.A., Lozano, D.I., Raine, A.(2009). Assessing inattention and impulsivity in children during the Go/NoGo task . British Journal of Developmental Psychology. 27. (2). p. 365-383.
Krueger, R.F., Bezdjian, S.(2009). Enhancing research and treatment of mental disorders with dimensional concepts: Toward DSM-V and ICD-11 . World Psychiatry. 8. (1). p. 3-6.
Gao, Y., Baker, L.A., Raine, A., Wu, H., Bezdjian, S.(2009). Brief Report: Interaction between social class and risky decision-making in children with psychopathic tendencies . Journal of Adolescence. 32. (2). p. 409-414.
Isen, J.D., Baker, L.A., Raine, A., Bezdjian, S.(2009). Genetic and environmental influences on the junior temperament and character inventory in a preadolescent twin sample . Behavior Genetics. 39. (1). p. 36-47.
Baker, L.A., Jacobson, K.C., Raine, A., Lozano, D.I., Bezdjian, S.(2007). Genetic and environmental bases of childhood antisocial behavior: A multi-informant twin study . Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 116. (2). p. 219-235.
Baker, L.A., Bezdjian, S., Raine, A.(2006). Behavioral genetics: The science of antisocial behavior . Law and Contemporary Problems. 69. (1-2). p. 7-46.
Baker, L.A., Bezdjian, S., Raine, A.(2009). Behavioral Genetics: The Science of Antisocial Behavior . The Impact of Behavioral Sciences on Criminal Law.