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St.ex.: 2y. Exp.Ph. 5y. Th.-Math.Ph.(CHARL.UNI.) RNDR.(-"-) PhD.(Th.Sol.St. Ph., Inst.Ph.-ASCR) DR.SC. (-"-) Prof.Assoc.

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Writing Technical Writing, Newswriting
Research Systematic Literature Review
Data & AI Statistical Analysis
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https://www.researchgate.net/profile-Ondrej(DOWN -)Hudak2


January 1977 - Present


Assoc.Prof. RNDr. DrSc. Leading scientist Ia.( SAS Bratislava 1985) Leading scientist A ( AS CR Prague 1991) Top-level scientist (UPJS FNS Kosice 1995)

Assoc.Prof.(Physics) RNDr.(Physics) DrSc. (Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences) Leading scientist Ia.( SAS Bratislava 1985) Leading scientist A ( AS CR Prague 1991) Top-level scientist (UPJS FNS Kosice 1995)

January 1977 - Present

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Hudak, O., Hudak, M.(2014). Power spectrum density in a paraelectric particle in zero-frequency limit . Modern Physics Letters B. 28. (21).
Hudak, M., Hudak, O.(2013). Dynamic susceptibility in a paraelectric phase in a small particle, boundary effects . International Journal of Modern Physics B. 27. (9).
Hudak, O., Hudak, M.(2010). Magnetic nanoparticles with core shell: Macroscopic model and coercive field . Advances in Materials Science and Engineering. 2010.
Hudak, O., Hudak, M.(2010). Static susceptibility in a paraelectric particle . Phase Transitions. 83. (10-11). p. 974-979.
Hudak, O.(2008). Paraelectric-ferroelectric phase transitions in small spherical particles . Ferroelectrics. 375. (1 PART 1). p. 92-106.
Hudak, O.(2008). Monoclinic phase in PZT: Order parameter and phase transition from Tetragonal Phase . Phase Transitions. 81. (11-12). p. 1073-1079.
Hudák, O.(2001). On sine-Gordon vortex states in high-temperature superconductors, quantum antiferromagnets and some other two-dimensional systems . Philosophical Magazine B: Physics of Condensed Matter; Statistical Mechanics, Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Properties. 81. (10). p. 1533-1546.
Rychetský, I., Hudák, O., Petzelt, J.(1999). Dielectric properties of microcomposite ferroelectrics . Phase Transitions. 67. (4). p. 725-739.
Rychetský, I., Hudák, O.(1997). The ferroelectric phase transition in small spherical particles . Journal of Physics Condensed Matter. 9. (23). p. 4955-4965.
Hud&#225;k, O., Gavilano, J.L., Ott, H.R.(1996). Thermodynamics of CeAl<inf>2</inf> at low temperatures: Specific heat and spin-relaxation rate . Acta Physica Slovaca. 46. (2). p. 91-94.
Hud&#225;k, O.(1996). The theory of the multirelaxational response of incommensurable modulated phases in order-disorder systems . Journal of Physics Condensed Matter. 8. (3). p. 257-272.
Hudak, O., Holakovsky, J., Dvorak, V., Petzelt, J.(1995). Multirelaxation response of modulated phases in structural order-disorder systems . Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. 7. (26). p. 4999-5011.
Hud&#225;k, O., Gavilano, J.L., Ott, H.R.(1995). Thermodynamics of CeAl<inf>2</inf> at low temperatures: specific heat and spin-lattice relaxation rate . Zeitschrift für Physik B Condensed Matter. 99. (4). p. 587-591.
Hud&#225;k, O., Gavilano, J.L., Ott, H.R.(1995). Thermodynamics of CeAl2 at low temperatures: specific heat and spin-lattice relaxation rate . Zeitschrift für Physik B: Condensed Matter. 99. (1). p. 587-591.
Hud&#225;k, O.(1994). Diamagnetism of a gas of 2D-fermions in strong non-homogeneous magnetic fields and anyons . Czechoslovak Journal of Physics. 44. (1). p. 41-55.
Hud&#225;k, O., Dvor&#225;k, V., Holakovsk&#253;, J., Peztelt, J.(1994). Dielectric properties of incommensurate phases in order-disorder systems . Physica Scripta. 1994. (T55). p. 77-80.
Gavilano, J.L., Hunziker, J., Hudak, O., Sleator, T., Hulliger, F., Ott, H.R.(1993). Al nuclear-quadrupole-resonance studies of CeAl2 . Physical Review B. 47. (6). p. 3438-3441.
Macko, D., Hud&#227;k, O.(1993). On the electrical resistivity of the quasicrystalline decagonal Al-Mn system . Phase Transitions. 44. (1-3). p. 207-210.
Hud&#225;k, O.(1992). Dynamics of a quantum particle in a static modulated magnetic field B=(0,0, B/cosh ((x-x<inf>0</inf>)/δ)) - An exact treatment . Zeitschrift für Physik B Condensed Matter. 88. (2). p. 239-246.
Billy, J., Makroczy, P., Karel, V., Macko, D., Hajko, V., Hudak, O.(1990). Electron microscopic analysis of Al-Mn quasicrystalline alloys . Kovove Materialy. 28. (1). p. 63-68.
Hud&#225;k, O.(1989). Reentrant Paramagnetic‐AFM Paramagnetic Phase Transitions in La<inf>2</inf>CuO<inf>4</inf> Theory . physica status solidi (b). 155. (1). p. 257-262.
Macko, D., Hud&#225;k, O., Hajko Jr., V.(1989). Electrical resistivity of the decagonal Al<inf>79</inf>Mn<inf>21</inf> alloy . Physics Letters A. 136. (6). p. 327-331.
Hud&#225;k, O.(1989). Thermodynamics of Localized Magnetic Singlets and 1/2‐Spins in the Plane . physica status solidi (b). 154. (2). p. 743-746.
Reiffers, M., Samuely, P., Kupka, M., Hudak, O., Diko, P., Csach, K., Miskuf, J., Kavecansky, V., Ponomarenko, N.M.(1988). Point contact properties of YBaCuO and SmBaCuO . Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications. 153-55. (2). p. 1387-1388.
Hajko Jr., V., Hudak, O., Molokac, S., Seman, M., Timko, M., Zentko, A.(1988). HIGH-TEMPERATURE ANOMALIES IN Sm-Ba-Cu-O SUPERCONDUCTOR . Fiz Nizk Temp. 14. (2). p. 215-217.
Macko, D., Hajko Jr., V., Billy, J., Makroczy, P., Kavečansk&#253;, V., Hud&#225;k, O.(1988). Structural and electrical properties of quasicrystalline Al-14 at% Mn alloy . Czechoslovak Journal of Physics. 38. (12). p. 1383-1386.
Verkin, B.I., Eremenko, V.V., Beznosov, A.B., Bondarenko. S.I., Gaiko Jr., V., Galuza, A.I., Hudak, O., Gurevich, A.M., Eropkin, V.N., Zentko, A., et al.(1988). Physical properties of thermally oxide-coated copper ribbons doped with Sm(Y) and Ba: Search for room-temperature superconductivity . Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur (Kiev). 14. (7). p. 675-691.
Macko, D., Hud&#225;k, O., Diko, P., Hajko Jr., V., Billy, J., Makroczy, P.(1988). Morphology of the icosahedral phase in Al-Mn alloys . Physics Letters A. 127. (6-7). p. 360-362.
Diko, P., Reiffers, M., Batko, I., Csach, K., Hud&#225;k, O., Kavečansk&#253;, V., Miškuf, J., Timko, M., Zentko, A.(1987). High T<inf>c</inf> superconductivity in Sm-Ba-Cu-O system . Czechoslovak Journal of Physics. 37. (9). p. 1085-1088.
Ocel&#237;k, V., Bengus, V.Z., Diko, P., Hud&#225;k, O.(1987). Statistical investigations of fracture demonstrations on Ni-Si-B metallic glass ribbons failed in tension at 4.2 to 300K . Journal of Materials Science Letters. 6. (11). p. 1333-1335.
Hud&#225;k, O.(1987). Magnetic-field-induced superconductivity in the heavy fermion system CePb<inf>3</inf> . Czechoslovak Journal of Physics. 37. (5). p. 645-647.
Hud&#225;k, O.(1986). Theory of a magnetic-field-induced superconductive state in heavy fermion systems . Physics Letters A. 119. (2). p. 89-91.
Volkov, A.A., Kozlov, G.V., Petzelt, J., Hudak, O.(1986). Field dependence of the phason absorption in k 2Se0 4: A negative result . Ferroelectrics. 66. (1). p. 313-315.
Hud&#225;k, O.(1985). On magnetic impurities doped into polyacetylene . Czechoslovak Journal of Physics. 35. (11). p. 1303-1308.
Hud&#225;k, O.(1985). Polyacetylene: Coulomb interactions and localized collective excitations of solitons . Physics Letters A. 109. (9). p. 461-464.
Hudak, O., Trlifaj, L.(1985). Exact bound-state wavefunctions for potentials varying from the double well to the single well . Journal of Physics A: General Physics. 18. (3). p. 445-453.
Hud&#225;K, O.(1984). The Sm-C Structure Disclinations In An Applied Electric Field . Ferroelectrics. 58. (1). p. 135-138.
Hud&#225;k, O.(1984). A note of induced magnetic anisotropy in amorphous ribbons with negative magnetoelastic constant . Czechoslovak Journal of Physics B. 34. (3). p. 265-266.
Hudak, O.(1983). MODULATED SMECTIC C*-UNIFORM SMECTIC C* OVER BAR PHASE TRANSITION IN AN ELECTRIC FIELD . Journal de physique Paris. 44. (1). p. 57-66.
Hudak, O.(1983). On the internal fields in vector spin glasses with random uniaxial local anisotropy . Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics. 16. (26). p. 5203-5209.
Dvorak, V., Hudak, O.(1983). The shear stiffness in the incommensurate phase of a2bx4-type crystals . Ferroelectrics. 46. (1). p. 19-24.
Hud&#225;k, O.(1982). Critical Properties of CsH<inf>2</inf>PO<inf>4</inf> and CsD<inf>2</inf>PO<inf>4</inf> . physica status solidi (b). 110. (1). p. K85-K88.
Hud&#225;k, O.(1981). Theory of Multidomain States in the Ordered Phase of Crystals . physica status solidi (b). 108. (2). p. 567-574.
Hud&#225;k, O.(1981). The double sine-Gordon equation: On the nature of internal oscillations of the 2π-kink . Physics Letters A. 86. (4). p. 208-212.
Hudak, O., Rychetsky, I., Petzelt, J.(1998). Dielectric response of microcomposite ferroelectrics . Ferroelectrics. 208. (209/1 /4,1/2). p. 429-447.
Rychetsk&#253;, I., Hud&#225;k, O.(1997). Static and dynamic properties of domain walls in KDP-type crystals . Ferroelectrics. 191. (1-4). p. 79-84.