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USD 20 /hr
Hire Dr. Lucia Z.
USD 20 /hr

Microbiologist with 10 years of practice in NGS wet lab methods and data processing. Experienced in microbial ecology.

Profile Summary
Subject Matter Expertise
Writing Clinical Trial Documentation, Technical Writing
Research Fact Checking, Gray Literature Search, Systematic Literature Review, Secondary Data Collection
Data & AI Statistical Analysis, Data Visualization
Work Experience


Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology School Corp and Graduate University

June 2017 - Present

PhD student

Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

January 2009 - May 2017


PhD (Microbiology)

Charles University

March 2017 - Present

  • Certification details not provided.
Větrovský, T., Kohout, P., Kopecký, M., Machac, A., Man, M., Bahnmann, B.D., Brabcová, V., Choi, J., Meszárošová, L., Human, Z.R., et al.(2019). A meta-analysis of global fungal distribution reveals climate-driven patterns . Nature Communications. 10. (1).
Murat, C., Payen, T., Noel, B., Kuo, A., Morin, E., Chen, J., Kohler, A., Krizsán, K., Balestrini, R., Da Silva, C., et al.(2018). Pezizomycetes genomes reveal the molecular basis of ectomycorrhizal truffle lifestyle . Nature Ecology and Evolution. 2. (12). p. 1956-1965.
Lucia Žifčáková, Tomáš Větrovský, Vincent Lombard, Bernard Henrissat, Adina Howe, Petr Baldrian(2017). Feed in summer . Microbiome. 5. (1). Springer Nature
Pathan, S.I., Žifčáková, L., Ceccherini, M.T., Pantani, O.L., Větrovský, T., Baldrian, P.(2017). Seasonal variation and distribution of total and active microbial community of β-glucosidase encoding genes in coniferous forest soil . Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 105. p. 71-80.
Žifčáková, L., Větrovský, T., Lombard, V., Henrissat, B., Howe, A., Baldrian, P.(2017). Feed in summer, rest in winter: microbial carbon utilization in forest topsoil . Microbiome. 5. (1). p. 122.
Žifčáková, L., Větrovský, T., Howe, A., Baldrian, P.(2016). Microbial activity in forest soil reflects the changes in ecosystem properties between summer and winter . Environmental Microbiology. 18. (1). p. 288-301.
Větrovský, T., Kolařík, M., Žifčáková, L., Zelenka, T., Baldrian, P.(2016). The rpb2 gene represents a viable alternative molecular marker for the analysis of environmental fungal communities . Molecular Ecology Resources. 16. (2). p. 388-401.
Lladó, S., Žifčáková, L., Větrovský, T., Eichlerová, I., Baldrian, P.(2016). Functional screening of abundant bacteria from acidic forest soil indicates the metabolic potential of Acidobacteria subdivision 1 for polysaccharide decomposition . Biology and Fertility of Soils. 52. (2). p. 251-260.
Eichlerová, I., Homolka, L., Žifčáková, L., Lisá, L., Dobiášová, P., Baldrian, P.(2015). Enzymatic systems involved in decomposition reflects the ecology and taxonomy of saprotrophic fungi . Fungal Ecology. 13. p. 10-22.
Štursová, M., Žifčáková, L., Leigh, M.B., Burgess, R., Baldrian, P.(2012). Cellulose utilization in forest litter and soil: Identification of bacterial and fungal decomposers . FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 80. (3). p. 735-746.
Žifčáková, L., Baldrian, P.(2012). Fungal polysaccharide monooxygenases: New players in the decomposition of cellulose . Fungal Ecology. 5. (5). p. 481-489.
Baldrian, P., Kolaiřík, M., Štursová, M., Kopecký, J., Valášková, V., Větrovský, T., Žifčáková, L., Šnajdr, J., Rídl, J., Vlček, Č., et al.(2012). Active and total microbial communities in forest soil are largely different and highly stratified during decomposition . ISME Journal. 6. (2). p. 248-258.
Žifčáková, L., Dobiášová, P., Kolářová, Z., Koukol, O., Baldrian, P.(2011). Enzyme activities of fungi associated with Picea abies needles . Fungal Ecology. 4. (6). p. 427-436.