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USD 50 /hr
Hire Dr. Elco L.
USD 50 /hr

Geologist and hydrologist, expert in Python, Fortran, geospatial data, modelling & machine learning

Profile Summary
Subject Matter Expertise
Writing Technical Writing
Research Fact Checking, Gray Literature Search, Systematic Literature Review, Secondary Data Collection
Data & AI Statistical Analysis, Algorithm Design-Non ML, Data Visualization
Work Experience

Junior Lecturer

Universität Göttingen Geowissenschaftliches Zentrum

March 2014 - Present

Postdoctoral scholar

McGill University

October 2011 - December 2013

Hydrogeology consultant

International Centre for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)

June 2004 - July 2006


Dr. (Isotope geochemistry)

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

September 2006 - October 2011

  • Certification details not provided.
Elco Luijendijk, Tom Gleeson, Nils Moosdorf (2020). Fresh groundwater discharge insignificant for the world’s oceans but important for coastal ecosystems . Nature Communications.
Elco Luijendijk, Johanna F. Bauer, Michael Krumbholz, David C. Tanner(2019). A numerical sensitivity study of how permeability, porosity, geological structure, and hydraulic gradient control the lifetime of a geothermal reservoir . Solid Earth. 10. (6). p. 2115--2135. Copernicus {GmbH}
Elco Luijendijk(2019). Beo v1.0: numerical model of heat flow and low-temperature thermochronology in hydrothermal systems . Geoscientific Model Development. 12. (9). p. 4061--4073. Copernicus {GmbH}
Elco Luijendijk, Grant Ferguson, Jennifer C. McIntosh, Stephen E. Grasby, M. Jim Hendry, Scott Jasechko, Matthew B. J. Lindsay(2018). The Persistence of Brines in Sedimentary Basins . Geophysical Research Letters. 45. (10). p. 4851--4858. American Geophysical Union ({AGU})
Ferguson, G., McIntosh, J.C., Grasby, S.E., Hendry, M.J., Jasechko, S., Lindsay, M.B.J., Luijendijk, E.(2018). The Persistence of Brines in Sedimentary Basins . Geophysical Research Letters. 45. (10). p. 4851-4858.
Elco Luijendijk, Scott Jasechko, Debra Perrone, Kevin M. Befus, M. Bayani Cardenas, Grant Ferguson, Tom Gleeson, Jeffrey J. McDonnell, Richard G. Taylor, Yoshihide Wada, et al.(2017). Global aquifers dominated by fossil groundwaters but wells vulnerable to modern contamination . Nature Geoscience. 10. (6). p. 425--429. Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}
Elco Luijendijk, Kevin M. Befus, Scott Jasechko, Tom Gleeson, M. Bayani Cardenas(2017). The rapid yet uneven turnover of Earth{\textquotesingle}s groundwater . Geophysical Research Letters. 44. (11). p. 5511--5520. American Geophysical Union ({AGU})
Jasechko, S., Perrone, D., Befus, K.M., Bayani Cardenas, M., Ferguson, G., Gleeson, T., Luijendijk, E., McDonnell, J.J., Taylor, R.G., Wada, Y., et al.(2017). Global aquifers dominated by fossil groundwaters but wells vulnerable to modern contamination . Nature Geoscience. 10. (6). p. 425-429.
Befus, K.M., Jasechko, S., Luijendijk, E., Gleeson, T., Bayani Cardenas, M.(2017). The rapid yet uneven turnover of Earth's groundwater . Geophysical Research Letters. 44. (11). p. 5511-5520.
Gleeson, T., Befus, K.M., Jasechko, S., Luijendijk, E., Cardenas, M.B.(2016). The global volume and distribution of modern groundwater . Nature Geoscience. 9. (2). p. 161-164.
Gleeson, T., Befus, K.M., Jasechko, S., Luijendijk, E., Cardenas, M.B.(2016). Correction: The global volume and distribution of modern groundwater (Nature Geoscience DOI: 10.1038/ngeo2590) . Nature Geoscience. 11. (7). p. 542.
Ranjram, M., Gleeson, T., Luijendijk, E.(2015). Is the permeability of crystalline rock in the shallow crust related to depth, lithology or tectonic setting? . Geofluids. 15. (1-2). p. 106-119.
Howald, T., Person, M., Campbell, A., Lueth, V., Hofstra, A., Sweetkind, D., Gable, C.W., Banerjee, A., Luijendijk, E., Crossey, L., et al.(2015). Evidence for long timescale (&gt;10<sup>3</sup>years) changes in hydrothermal activity induced by seismic events . Geofluids. 15. (1-2). p. 252-268.
Ter Voorde, M., Van Balen, R., Luijendijk, E., Kooi, H.(2014). Weichselian and Holocene climate history reflected in temperatures in the upper crust of the Netherlands . Geologie en Mijnbouw/Netherlands Journal of Geosciences. 93. (3). p. 107-117.
Gassiat, C., Gleeson, T., Luijendijk, E.(2013). The location of old groundwater in hydrogeologic basins and layered aquifer systems . Geophysical Research Letters. 40. (12). p. 3042-3047.
Luijendijk, E., Ter Voorde, M., Van Balen, R., Verweij, H., Simmelink, E.(2011). Thermal state of the Roer Valley Graben, part of the European Cenozoic Rift System . Basin Research. 23. (1). p. 65-82.
Luijendijk, E., Van Balen, R.T., Ter Voorde, M., Andriessen, P.A.M.(2011). Reconstructing the Late Cretaceous inversion of the Roer Valley Graben (southern Netherlands) using a new model that integrates burial and provenance history with fission track thermochronology . Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 116. (6).
Luijendijk, E., Bruggeman, A.(2008). Groundwater resources in the Jabal Al Hass region, northwest Syria: An assessment of past use and future potential . Hydrogeology Journal. 16. (3). p. 511-530.
Elco Luijendijk, Cameron Spooner, Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth, Mauro Cacace, Hans-J&#252;rgen G&#246;tze(2020). The 3D thermal field across the Alpine orogen and its forelands and the relation to seismicity . California Digital Library ({CDL})
Elco Luijendijk, Theis Winter, Saskia K&#246;hler, Grant Ferguson, Christoph von Hagke, Jacek Scibek(2020). Using thermal springs to quantify deep groundwater flow and its thermal footprint in the Alps and North American orogens . California Digital Library ({CDL})
Elco Luijendijk, Cameron Spooner, Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth, Mauro Cacace, Hans-J&#252;rgen G&#246;tze(2020). The thermal field across the Alpine orogen and its forelands and the relation to seismicity . Copernicus {GmbH}
Elco Luijendijk, Sarah Louis, Christoph von Hagke, Istv&#225;n Dunkl, Ralf Littke, Jonas Kley(2020). Low-temperature thermochronology and vitrinite reflectance data reveal longwavelength uplift in the Alpine foreland basin . Copernicus {GmbH}
Elco Luijendijk(2019). Reply to review by Peter van der Beek . Copernicus {GmbH}
Elco Luijendijk(2019). Reply to review by Manolis Veveakis . Copernicus {GmbH}
Elco Luijendijk, Tom Gleeson, Nils Moosdorf(2019). The flow of fresh groundwater and solutes to the world's oceans and coastal ecosystems . California Digital Library ({CDL})
Elco Luijendijk, Sarah Louis, Istvan Dunkl, Mark Person(2018). Episodic fluid flow in an active fault . California Digital Library ({CDL})
Ranjram, M., Gleeson, T., Luijendijk, E.(2016). Is the permeability of crystalline rock in the shallow crust related to depth, lithology, or tectonic setting? . Crustal Permeability. p. 123-136.
Howald, T., Person, M., Campbell, A., Lueth, V., Hofstra, A., Sweetkind, D., Gable, C.W., Banerjee, A., Luijendijk, E., Crossey, L., et al.(2016). Evidence for long-timescale (&gt;10<sup>3</sup>years) changes in hydrothermal activity induced by seismic events . Crustal Permeability. p. 260-274.