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Subject Matter Expertise
Work Experience
Visiting Scientist
ETH Zurich
January 2017 - Present
Principal Investigator
IBET - Instituto de Biologia Experimental e Tecnológica
January 2015 - Present
Lecturer in Master and PhD courses
NOVA - New University of Lisbon
January 2010 - June 2016
Senior Associate Researcher
ITQB - Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
March 2009 - December 2014
Postdoc Fellow
IBET - Instituto de Biologia Experimental e Tecnológica
July 2008 - February 2009
PhD in Biochemical Engineering (Faculty of Sciences and Technology)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa
October 2003 - June 2008
- Certification details not provided.
(2017). Distinct carbon sources affect structural and functional maturation of cardiomyocytes derived from human pluripotent stem cells . Scientific Reports. 7. (1).
(2017). Combining stable insect cell lines with baculovirus-mediated expression for multi-HA influenza VLP production . Vaccine.
(2017). Quantification of Metabolic Rearrangements During Neural Stem Cells Differentiation into Astrocytes by Metabolic Flux Analysis . Neurochemical Research. 42. (1). p. 244-253.
(2017). Synthetic biology-inspired therapies for metabolic diseases . Current Opinion in Biotechnology. 47. p. 59-66.
(2016). Functional metabolic interactions of human neuron-astrocyte 3D in vitro networks . Scientific Reports. 6.
(2014). Towards real-time monitoring of therapeutic protein quality in mammalian cell processes . Current Opinion in Biotechnology. 30. p. 161-167.
(2014). Insect cell line development using FLP-mediated cassette exchange technology . Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.). 1104. p. 15-27.
(2014). Metabolic responses of CHO cells to limitation of key amino acids . Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 111. (10). p. 2095-2106.
(2013). A cell sorting protocol for selecting high-producing sub-populations of Sf9 and High Five™ cells . Journal of Biotechnology.
(2013). Metabolic signatures of GS-CHO cell clones associated with butyrate treatment and culture phase transition . Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 110. (12). p. 3244-3257.
(2013). Insect cells as a production platform of complex virus-like particles . Expert Review of Vaccines. 12. (2). p. 225-236.
(2012). Systems biotechnology of animal cells: The road to prediction . Trends in Biotechnology. 30. (7). p. 377-385.
Carrondo, M.J.T., Alves, P.M., Carrondo, M.J.T., Alves, P.M., Carinhas, N., Glassey, J., Hesse, F., Merten, O.-W., Micheletti, M., Noll, T., et al.(2012). How can measurement, monitoring, modeling and control advance cell culture in industrial biotechnology? . Biotechnology Journal. 7. (12). p. 1522-1529.
(2011). Cell functional enviromics: Unravelling the function of environmental factors . BMC Systems Biology. 5.
(2011). A comprehensive metabolic profile of cultured astrocytes using isotopic transient metabolic flux analysis and 13C-labeled glucose . Frontiers in Neuroenergetics. (SEP).
(2011). Synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy as a novel tool to enable PAT applications in bioprocesses . Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 108. (8). p. 1852-1861.
(2011). Hybrid metabolic flux analysis: Combining stoichiometric and statistical constraints to model the formation of complex recombinant products . BMC Systems Biology. 5.
(2011). High-throughput analysis of animal cell cultures using two-dimensional fluorometry . Journal of Biotechnology. 151. (3). p. 255-260.
(2010). Metabolic alterations induced by ischemia in primary cultures of astrocytes: Merging 13C NMR spectroscopy and metabolic flux analysis . Journal of Neurochemistry. 113. (3). p. 735-748.
(2009). Advances in on-line monitoring and control of mammalian cell cultures: Supporting the PAT initiative . Biotechnology Advances. 27. (6). p. 726-732.
(2006). Hybrid metabolic flux analysis/data-driven modelling of bioprocesses . Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. 21. (C). p. 1667-1672.
(2005). Modelling and optimization of a recombinant BHK-21 cultivation process using hybrid grey-box systems . Journal of Biotechnology. 118. (3). p. 290-303.
(2005). Hybrid metabolic flux analysis/artificial neural network modeling of bioprocesses . Proceedings - HIS 2005: Fifth International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems. 2005. p. 411-416.
(2014). Metabolic flux analysis tools to investigate brain metabolism in vitro . Neuromethods. 90. p. 107-144.
(2014). H-NMR protocol for exometabolome analysis of cultured mammalian cells . Methods in Molecular Biology. 1104. p. 237-247.
(2014). Insect cell line development using flp-mediated cassette exchange technology . Methods in Molecular Biology. 1104. p. 15-27.
(2011). Online Control Strategies . Comprehensive Biotechnology, Second Edition. 2. p. 875-882.