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Hire Dr. Ana J.
USD 50 /hr
Computer Science Researcher (18+ years) | Technical Writer & Reviewer | Socially Responsible Projects Enthusiast
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Subject Matter Expertise
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Postdoctoral Researcher
Barcelona Supercomputing Center
January 2016 - Present
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Lopez, Victor
and Jokanovic, Ana
and D'Amico, Marco
and Garcia, Marta
and Sirvent, Raul
and Corbalan, Julita(2018). DJSB: Dynamic Job Scheduling Benchmark. Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing. p. 174--188. Springer International Publishing
Jokanovic, A., Sancho, J.C., Rodriguez, G., Lucero, A., Minkenberg, C., Labarta, J.(2015). Quiet Neighborhoods: Key to Protect Job Performance Predictability . Proceedings - 2015 IEEE 29th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, IPDPS 2015. p. 449-459.
Jokanovic, A., Prisacari, B., Rodriguez, G., Minkenberg, C.(2013). Randomizing task placement does not randomize traffic (enough) . ACM International Conference Proceeding Series. p. 9-12.
Jokanovic, A., Minkenberg, C., Sancho, J.C., Beivide, R., Rodriguez, G., Labarta, J.(2012). Contention-aware node allocation policy for high-performance capacity systems . ACM International Conference Proceeding Series. p. 5-8.
Jokanovic, A., Sancho, J.C., Labarta, J., Rodriguez, G., Minkenberg, C.(2012). Effective quality-of-service policy for capacity high-performance computing systems . Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications, HPCC-2012 - 9th IEEE International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems, ICESS-2012. p. 598-607.
Jokanovic, A., Rodriguez, G., Sancho, J.C., Labarta, J.(2010). Impact of inter-application contention in current and future HPC systems . Proceedings - 18th IEEE Symposium on High Performance Interconnects, HOTI 2010. p. 15-24.
Prisacari, B., Rodriguez, G., Jokanovic, A., Minkenberg, C.(2014). Randomizing task placement and route selection do not randomize traffic (enough) . Design Automation for Embedded Systems. 18. (3-4). p. 171-182.
Jokanovic, A., Sancho, J.C., Rodriguez, G., Minkenberg, C., Beivide, R., Labarta, J.(2013). On the trade-off of mixing scientific applications on capacity high-performance computing systems . IET Computers and Digital Techniques. 7. (2). p. 81-92.
Sancho, J.C., Jokanovic, A., Labarta, J.(2012). Reducing the impact of soft errors on fabric-based collective communications . Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 7156 LNCS. (PART 2). p. 262-271.