

Eighty nine years ago, an Indian scientist discovered a phenomenon that would change the way the world understood the scattering of light. For this discovery, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 物理学 in 1930, being the first Asian and non-white to have received this laurel.

C.V. Raman had one dedicated student and collaborator who helped his リサーチ realize success.  By his side was K. S. Krishnan, who contributed enormously to Raman’s studies and experiments. Krishnan, who was working in Madras Christian College, moved to Calcutta in 1920 to work with Raman. During the years 1925 to 1928, Krishnan authored singly or jointly 16 papers, under Raman’s tutelage. He was the one who first gave Raman a demonstration of the scattering. Between Feb 19th and 26th, 1928, Krishnan performed many experiments that proved the inelastic scattering of light. The discovery of the Raman effect was made jointly by Raman and Krishnan on February 28th, which is now celebrated as National Science Day.
1930年にラマンがノーベル賞を受賞した後、クリシュナンの貢献が十分に評価されていないのではないかという論争が起きていた。しかし。 クリシュナンは次のように語っている。:


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