

A ヘルス&ウェルネス・コピーライター is a copywriter who creates campaigns and develops content on ヘルスケア, fitness, nutrition and medicine. Typically, health and wellness copywriters have experience of working in the industry and/or subject matter expertise in medicine, バイオテクノロジー or related fields.





Getting your words right is more important in ヘルスケア and medicine than in any other industry because you are talking about products that have a direct impact on people’s quality of life. Whether you’re promoting a new 医療機器 or explaining how to administer a new drug, it is crucial to get the information right. A tiny slip-up or factual error can have serious consequences. Therefore it is essential that you work with a copywriter with a scientific or medical background.




Every organization is looking for ways to maximize profits, especially when it comes to small businesses. A lot of times, they turn to hiring a health and wellness copywriter to help them close sales. With the use of effective wordsmithing, these writers are able to provide their clients with the competitive advantage in the business world by attracting more customers buying the services they offer. As they have domain expertise, medical copywriters can understand the value of your product and how it addresses the pain point of your consumers. They can combine creative flair along with well-researched, accurate information to present a convincing case for your audience. They can also create sales and marketing collateral like ホワイトペーパー, ebooks, flyers, brochures, and more. Recently, a freelance メディカルライター on Kolabtree helped with the launch and positioning of a Chemo Mouthpiece, a revolutionary oral cryotherapy device for chemotherapy patients.





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Sourcing content on a regular basis is also a challenge for editors and content managers in businesses of all sizes. In an industry which is dominated by the the quality of content, it is important to keep your content updated, reviewed, fresh and most importantly… regular. Working with a team of specialist health and wellness copywriters across topics can help you fill in gaps in the editorial calendar. Biotech, medical device and life science companies, in particular, who may not have the in-house teams to produce content benefit from working with remote science writers. As their strength is in building teams that can innovate novel products and accelerate research, outsourcing their メディカルコピーライティング そして コンテンツライティング helps save precious time and resource.


ヘルス&ウェルネスのコピーライターは、あなたのブランドを表現する言葉をコントロールし、あなたのビジネスを最もよく反映し、潜在的な顧客を惹きつける新しいコピーを作るお手伝いをします。例えば、"ナチュラル "や "オーガニック "など、どのような言葉を使うべきかを考えます。また、自社のサービスを「ナチュラル」と表現するのか、「オーガニック」と表現するのかなど、どのような言葉を使えばよいのか、トレンドを調査して、自社の製品やサービスを市場でアピールするための「バズワード」を特定することもできます。

Health and wellness copywriters will be able to do the legwork so you don’t have to, which means that they’ll always fact check their work and conduct market research before they start a new project. They will ask questions during the initial phase of your project, including how customers describe your business and how you can improve your brand’s image. Health and wellness copywriters will also use the answers to these questions on their project.

医療や科学のバックグラウンドを持つヘルス&ウェルネスのコピーライターと仕事をすることが容易になりました。Kolabtreeのネットワークでは メディカルコピーライター は、ウェブサイト、ブログ、製品発表会、プレスリリースなどのコンテンツ開発をお手伝いします。 専門家はこちら>> 

Kolabtree helps businesses worldwide hire freelance scientists and industry experts on demand. Our freelancers have helped companies publish research papers, develop products, analyze data, and more. It only takes a minute to tell us what you need done and get quotes from experts for free.

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Ramya Sriramは、科学者のための世界最大のフリーランス・プラットフォームであるKolabtree (kolabtree.com)で、デジタルコンテンツとコミュニケーションを管理しています。出版、広告、デジタルコンテンツ制作の分野で10年以上の経験があります。
