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Hire Dr. Sandeep K.
United States
Profile Summary
Subject Matter Expertise
Work Experience

Staff Scientist

Sanford •Burnham •Prebys Medical Discovery Institute

January 2014 - Present

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute

December 2007 - December 2013


Ph.D. Neuroscience (Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience)

National Brain Research Centre

2002 - 2007

  • Certification details not provided.
Cunningham, Thomas J and Kumar, Sandeep and Yamaguchi, Terry P and Duester, Gregg(2015). Wnt8a and Wnt3a cooperate in the axial stem cell niche to promote mammalian body axis extension. Developmental Dynamics. 244. (6). p. 797--807. Wiley Online Library
Kumar, Sandeep and Cunningham, Thomas J and Duester, Gregg(2013). Resolving molecular events in the regulation of meiosis in male and female germ cells. Science signaling. 6. (288). p. pe25. NIH Public Access
Kumar, Sandeep and Sandell, Lisa L and Trainor, Paul A and Koentgen, Frank and Duester, Gregg(2012). Alcohol and aldehyde dehydrogenases: retinoid metabolic effects in mouse knockout models. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids. 1821. (1). p. 198--205. Elsevier
Kumar, Sandeep and Duester, Gregg(2011). SnapShot: retinoic acid signaling. Cell. 147. (6). p. 1422. NIH Public Access
Kumar, Sandeep and Chatzi, Christina and Brade, Thomas and Cunningham, Thomas and Zhao, Xianling and Duester, Gregg(2011). Cyp26b1 regulates sex-specific timing of meiotic initiation independent of retinoic acid. Developmental Biology. 356. (1). p. 193. Academic Press
Kumar, Sandeep and Chatzi, Christina and Brade, Thomas and Cunningham, Thomas J and Zhao, Xianling and Duester, Gregg(2011). Sex-specific timing of meiotic initiation is regulated by Cyp26b1 independent of retinoic acid signalling. Nature communications. 2. p. 151. Nature Publishing Group
Brade, Thomas and Kumar, Sandeep and Cunningham, Thomas J and Chatzi, Christina and Zhao, Xianling and Cavallero, Susana and Li, Peng and Sucov, Henry M and Ruiz-Lozano, Pilar and Duester, Gregg(2011). Retinoic acid stimulates myocardial expansion by induction of hepatic erythropoietin which activates epicardial Igf2. Development. 138. (1). p. 139--148. Oxford University Press for The Company of Biologists Limited
Kumar, Sandeep and Duester, Gregg(2010). Retinoic acid signaling in perioptic mesenchyme represses Wnt signaling via induction of Pitx2 and Dkk2. Developmental biology. 340. (1). p. 67--74. Academic Press
Zhao, Xianling and Sirbu, Ioan Ovidiu and Mic, Felix A and Molotkova, Natalia and Molotkov, Andrei and Kumar, Sandeep and Duester, Gregg(2009). Retinoic acid promotes limb induction through effects on body axis extension but is unnecessary for limb patterning. Current Biology. 19. (12). p. 1050--1057. Elsevier
Swain, Prabodha and Kumar, Sandeep and Patel, Dharmesh and Richong, Sushmita and Oberoi, Pranav and Ghosh, Madhumita and Swaroop, Anand(2007). Mutations associated with retinopathies alter mitogen-activated protein kinase-induced phosphorylation of neural retina leucine-zipper. Mol Vis. 13. p. 1114--1120.