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USD 15 /hr
Hire Dr. salman k.
United Kingdom
USD 15 /hr

Computer Vision Expert

Profile Summary
Subject Matter Expertise
Writing Technical Writing
Research Secondary Data Collection
Data & AI Statistical Analysis, Algorithm Design-Non ML
Work Experience

Research Assistant

Oxford Brookes University

February 2020 - Present

Research Assistant

Sejong University

March 2018 - February 2020


PhD Degree in Computer Vision (Deep Learning for Modelling Complex Video Activities) (SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING, COMPUTING AND MATHEMATICS)

Oxford Brookes University

February 2020 - Present

Master's (Software Convergence)

Sejong University

March 2018 - February 2020

BS Computer Science (Computer Science)

Islamia College University

June 2013 - August 2017

  • Certification details not provided.
Salman Khan, Khan Muhammad, Vasile Palade, Irfan Mehmood, Victor Hugo C. de Albuquerque(2020). Edge Intelligence-Assisted Smoke Detection in Foggy Surveillance Environments . {IEEE} Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 16. (2). p. 1067--1075. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ({IEEE})
Salman Khan, Khan Muhammad, Javier Del Ser, Victor Hugo C. de Albuquerque(2020). Deep Learning for Multigrade Brain Tumor Classification in Smart Healthcare Systems: A Prospective Survey . {IEEE} Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. p. 1--16. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ({IEEE})
Salman Khan, Khan Muhammad, Shahid Mumtaz, Sung Wook Baik, Victor Hugo C. de Albuquerque(2019). Energy-Efficient Deep {CNN} for Smoke Detection in Foggy {IoT} Environment . {IEEE} Internet of Things Journal. 6. (6). p. 9237--9245. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ({IEEE})
Salman Khan, Khan Muhammad, Mohamed Elhoseny, Syed Hassan Ahmed, Sung Wook Baik(2019). Efficient Fire Detection for Uncertain Surveillance Environment . {IEEE} Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 15. (5). p. 3113--3122. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ({IEEE})
Sajjad, M., Khan, S., Muhammad, K., Wu, W., Ullah, A., Baik, S.W.(2019). Multi-grade brain tumor classification using deep CNN with extensive data augmentation . Journal of Computational Science. 30. p. 174-182.
Muhammad Sajjad and Salman Khan and Tanveer Hussain and Khan Muhammad and Arun Kumar Sangaiah and Aniello Castiglione and Christian Esposito and Sung Wook Baik(2018). CNN-based anti-spoofing two-tier multi-factor authentication system . Pattern Recognition Letters.
Sajjad, M., Khan, S., Hussain, T., Muhammad, K., Sangaiah, A.K., Castiglione, A., Esposito, C., Baik, S.W.(2018). CNN-based anti-spoofing two-tier multi-factor authentication system . Pattern Recognition Letters.