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Profile Details
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USD 45 /hr
Hire Dr. Rosa G.
USD 45 /hr

Freelance Medical/Science Communicator with +10 years of experience and science background

Profile Summary
Subject Matter Expertise
Writing Clinical Trial Documentation, Technical Writing, Newswriting
Research Fact Checking, Gray Literature Search, Systematic Literature Review, Secondary Data Collection
Work Experience

Science Communication Expert

European Union

February 2020 - Present

Reviewer for e-learning platform

we sapiens.org

October 2019 - Present

Book Author

Paidós Publishing House

February 2019 - Present

science writer & collaborator

mappingignorance.org; culturacientifica.com; naukas.com; sciencefriday.com; labcritics.com

January 2009 - Present

Founder and main contributor of online science outreach platform in spanish/english


May 2008 - Present

Data analyst and communication strategist

Awakens Inc. (Freelance Work)

July 2019 - November 2019

Medical Education Manager

Sciarc GmbH

February 2016 - December 2018

Assistant in Quality Control Assessment on Clinical Trials

Institut Dr. Schauerte

May 2017 - June 2017

Contributor of outreach articles on aging for digital media

Geoscience GmbH

November 2015 - April 2017

Journalist at the European Health Forum Gastein.


September 2015 - September 2015


Max-Planck-Institut for Neurobiology

September 2010 - May 2015

Technical Research Assistant

Center for Genomic Regulation

May 2008 - July 2010

Intern Researcher

Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas

May 2006 - September 2007

Exchange researcher

LUMC Leiden University Medical Center

March 2005 - August 2005


Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)

alfatraining Bildungszentrum

October 2019 - November 2019

Online Course on Corporate Communication; Public Relations; Marketing

Taylor Academy

July 2017 - October 2017

Master in Project Management

Füruniversität in Hagen

August 2015 - September 2015

PhD in Neurobiology


September 2010 - July 2015

usiness Strategy Design & Implementation; Professional Presentation; Scientific Writing; Illustrator & Scientific Image Processing; Team Work & Leadership; Time management

IMPRS Graduate School

September 2010 - May 2015

International Master on Neuroscience and Behavioral Science

Universidad Pablo de Olavide

September 2008 - September 2009

Diploma de Estudios Avanzados

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

September 2005 - September 2007

Master in Biochemistry

Universidad de Oviedo

September 2000 - August 2005

  • Certification details not provided.
Schnell O, Klausmann G, Gutschek B, Garcia-Verdugo RM, Hummel M(2017). Impact on Diabetes Self-Management and Glycemic Control of a New Color-Based SMBG Meter . Journal of diabetes science and technology.
Garcia-Verdugo R, Erbach M, Schnell O(2017). A New Optimized Percutaneous Access System for CIPII . Journal of diabetes science and technology.
Garcia-Verdugo R, Erbach M, Schnell O(2016). Need for Outcome Scenario Analysis of Clinical Trials in Diabetes . Journal of diabetes science and technology.
Dios-Esponera A, Isern de Val S, Sevilla-Movilla S, García-Verdugo R, García-Bernal D, Arellano-Sánchez N, Cabañas C, Teixidó J(2015). Positive and negative regulation by SLP-76/ADAP and Pyk2 of chemokine-stimulated T-lymphocyte adhesion mediated by integrin α4β1 . Molecular biology of the cell.
Jelier R, Semple JI, Garcia-Verdugo R, Lehner B(2011). Predicting phenotypic variation in yeast from individual genome sequences . Nature genetics.
García-Bernal D, Dios-Esponera A, Sotillo-Mallo E, García-Verdugo R, Arellano-Sánchez N, Teixidó J(2011). RGS10 restricts upregulation by chemokines of T cell adhesion mediated by α4β1 and αLβ2 integrins . Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950).
Semple JI, Garcia-Verdugo R, Lehner B(2010). Rapid selection of transgenic C. elegans using antibiotic resistance . Nature methods.
Parmo-Cabañas M, García-Bernal D, García-Verdugo R, Kremer L, Márquez G, Teixidó J(2007). Intracellular signaling required for CCL25-stimulated T cell adhesion mediated by the integrin alpha4beta1 . Journal of leukocyte biology.