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Hire Dr. Rhorom P.
Profile Summary
Subject Matter Expertise
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Writing Newswriting
Research Secondary Data Collection
Data & AI Statistical Analysis
Work Experience


National Institute of Aeronautics and Space

February 2014 - Present


PhD (Astronomy)

Institut Teknologi Bandung

August 2014 - June 2017

Master (Astronomy)

Institut Teknologi Bandung

January 2012 - January 2014

  • Certification details not provided.
Rhorom Priyatikanto, Lidia Mayangsari, Rudi A. Prihandoko, Agustinus G. Admiranto (2020). Classification of Continuous Sky Brightness Data Using Random Forest . Advances in Astronomy.
Rhorom Priyatikanto, Mochamad Ikbal Arifyanto, Rendy Darma, Aprilia, Muhamad Irfan Hakim (2018). Formation History of Binary Clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud . Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union.
Rhorom Priyatikanto(2018). {USIA} {DAN} {KEGANDAAN} {OGLE}-{LMC} 316/317 ({THE} {AGE} {AND} {BINARITY} {OF} {OGLE}-{LMC} 316/317) . Jurnal Sains Dirgantara. 15. (1). p. 1. Indonesian National Institute of Aeronautics and Space ({LAPAN})
Rhorom Priyatikanto, Tiar Dani, Slamet Supriadi, Abdul Rachman, Amrullah A. Qadir(2018). {PENGARUH} {AKTIVITAS} {MATAHARI} {TERHADAP} {KERAPATAN} {ATMOSFER} {ATAS} {BERDASARKAN} {DATA} {POSISI} {GPS} {SATELIT} {LAPAN}-A2 ({SOLAR} {ACTVITY} {INFLUENCE} {ON} {THE} {UPPER} {ATMOSPHERIC} {DENSITY} {DERIVED} {FROM} {GPS} {DATA} {ON} {LAPAN}-A2 {SATELLITE}) . Jurnal Sains Dirgantara. 14. (2). p. 127. Indonesian National Institute of Aeronautics and Space ({LAPAN})
Rhorom Priyatikanto, Farahhati Mumtahana, Mumen Tarigan(2018). {DAMPAK} {HUJAN} {METEOR} {PADA} {KEMUNCULAN} {LAPISAN} E-{SPORADIS} {DI} {ATAS} {SUMEDANG} ({THE} {IMPACT} {OF} {METEOR} {SHOWERS} {ON} {THE} {OCCURRENCE} {OF} E-{SPORADIC} {LAYER} {OVER} {SUMEDANG}) . Jurnal Sains Dirgantara. 14. (2). p. 71. Indonesian National Institute of Aeronautics and Space ({LAPAN})
Rhorom Priyatikanto, Farahhati Mumtahana, Mumen Tarigan(2016). {VARIASI} {DIURNAL} {DAN} {MUSIMAN} {KEMUNCULAN} {LAPISAN} E-{SPORADIS} {DI} {ATAS} {SUMEDANG} {TAHUN} 2015 . Jurnal Sains Dirgantara. 13. (2). p. 111. Indonesian National Institute of Aeronautics and Space ({LAPAN})
Priyatikanto, R., Kouwenhoven, M.B.N., Arifyanto, M.I., Wulandari, H.R.T., Siregar, S.(2016). The dynamical fate of binary star clusters in the Galactic tidal field . Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 457. (2). p. 1339-1351.
Mumtahana, F., Sartika, Admiranto, A.G., Sungging, E., Nurzaman, M.Z., Priyatikanto, R., Dani, T.(2016). Tutulemma of near equator Partial Solar Eclipse 2016 . Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 771. (1).
Admiranto, A.G., Priyatikanto, R.(2016). Multi-wavelength observations of two explosive events and their effects on the solar atmosphere . Journal of Astronomy and Space Science. 33. (3). p. 197-205.
Priyatikanto, R.(2016). Shape parameters of the solar corona from 1991 to 2016 . Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics. 16. (12).
Dani, T., Priyatikanto, R., Rachman, A.(2016). Ludendorff coronal flattening index of the total solar eclipse on March 9, 2016 . Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 771. (1).
Priyatikanto, R., Arifyanto, M.I.(2014). The implementation of binned Kernel density estimation to determine open clusters’ proper motions: validation of the method . Astrophysics and Space Science. 355. (1). p. 161-169.
Admiranto, A.G., Priyatikanto, R., Yus'An, U., Puspitaningrum, E., Admiranto, A.G., Priyatikanto, R., Yus'An, U., Puspitaningrum, E.(2015). Moreton waves and EIT waves related to the flare events of June 3, 2012 and July 6, 2012 . AIP Conference Proceedings. 1677.
Dani, T., Rachman, A., Priyatikanto, R., Dani, T., Rachman, A., Priyatikanto, R., Religia, B.(2015). Instrumentation development for space debris optical observation system in Indonesia: Preliminary results . AIP Conference Proceedings. 1677.
Priyatikanto, R., Religia, B., Rachman, A., Dani, T.(2015). Towards photometry pipeline of the Indonesian space surveillance system . AIP Conference Proceedings. 1677.
Mayangsari, L., Priyatikanto, R., Putra, M.(2014). On the period determination of ASAS eclipsing binaries . AIP Conference Proceedings. 1589. p. 37-41.
Priyatikanto, R., Arifyanto, M.I., Wulandari, H.R.T.(2014). Open cluster evolutions in binary system: How they dissolved . AIP Conference Proceedings. 1589. p. 45-48.