Visiting Fellow
Fenner School of Environment and Society, Australian National University, Canberra, ACT, Austral;ia
May 2016 - Present
Research Officer, Grade III (1992-1996); Research Officer, Grade IV (1996-1999); Senior Research Scientist (1999-2011); Principal Research Scientist (2011-2015);
New South Wales department of Primary Industries
August 1992 - April 2016
Adjunct associate professor
School of Rural Science, University of New England, Armidale, NSW, Australia
June 2009 - July 2014
Acting Director of Australian Cotton Research Institute, Narrabri, NSW (June-August 2006; August 2010, January 2011, July-August 2011, July 2012, February-March 2013, June-July 2013); Acting Manager of Australian Cotton Research Institute Narrabri, NSW (July 2010, and November 2010); Acting Research Leader for NSW Department of Primary Industries’ Soil research program (September 2008, April-May 2009; September 2010; December 2011-January 2012; June 2012, September 2012, November 2012)
NSW Department of Primary Industries,NSW, Australia
September 2008 - July 2013
Visiting Fellow (in the project entitled:"Integrated soil and crop management for rehabilitation of vegetable production in the Tsunami-affected areas of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) province, Indonesia"; based in Bandah Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia
World Vegetable Centre (previously Asian Vegetable Research and Development Centre), Tainan, Taiwan
June 2007 - September 2007
Visiting Fellow
World Vegetable Centre (previously Asian Vegetable Research and Development Centre
June 2007 - September 2007
Soil-water management agronomist in theUSAID/OAU Semi-Arid Food Grains Research & Development Project; based in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan, Nigeria
March 1985 - April 1998
Soil Physicist. Based in Nigeria (1988-1990) and Cameroon (1990-1991)
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan, Nigeria
October 1988 - October 1991
Consultant to National Cereals Research and Extension Project of USAID and Institute of Agronomic Research of Cameroon at Garoua, Cameroon, on procedures for evaluation of soil physical degradation in the field.
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan, Nigeria
August 1990 - August 1990
Junior Scientist (soil physics); based in Ibadan, Nigeria
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan, Nigeria
January 1983 - March 1985
Casual Demosntrator in plant diversity, Soil physcis, Crop physiology and plant physiology
LaTrobe University, Bundoora, Melbourne, Bic, Australia
March 1979 - October 1982
La Trobe University, Bundoora, Victoria, Australia
March 1979 - August 1984
B. Agr. Sci. (Hons)
La Trobe University, Bundoora, Victoria, Australia
March 1975 - December 1978
- Certification details not provided.