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Beatrice Nicolini Ph.D., University Full Professor: Africa, Islam, Indian Ocean, Asia, Terrorism and Security Issues
Profile Summary
Subject Matter Expertise
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December 2017 - Present
Prof. Ph.D.
Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Facolta di Scienze Politiche e Sociali
November 2001 - Present
Academic Consultant
Barker Langham, London, UK
September 2016 - September 2016
Full Professor (Political Science)
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Facoltà di Scienze politiche e sociali
- Present
International Relations & Comparative Government (Arts and Sciences and Education)
Harvard Graduate School of Education
- Present
Full Professor
Catholic University, Milan, Italy
November 2001 - Present
Ph.D. in History of Africa (Political Sciences)
Università degli Studi di Siena
November 1992 - November 1995
- Certification details not provided.
Beatrice Nicolini(2022). Sudan, la guerra civile dietro l'angolo . 1--2
Beatrice Nicolini(2021). Il Bollettino, rivista dell'Unione Europea, Il Ponte Mediterraneo. SOS Africa: due terzi del Continente tagliati fuori dalla digital economy . 1--4
Beatrice Nicolini(2018). A. Bunting, B.N. Lawrance, R.L. Roberts (Eds.), Marriage by Force? Contestation over Consent and Coercion in Africa, Ohio University Press, Athens, 2016, ISBN 139780821422007, pp. 343 . RICERCHE DI STORIA POLITICA. 2018. p. 222--223. Il Mulino
Beatrice Nicolini(2018). Emily S. Burrill, States of Marriage. Gender, Justice, and Rights in Colonial Mali, Ohio University Press, Athens, 2015, ISBN-13 9780821421451, pp. 239 . RICERCHE DI STORIA POLITICA. 2018. p. 223--224. Il Mulino
Beatrice Nicolini(2018). F.A. Bishara, A Sea of Debt: Law and Economic Life in the Western Indian Ocean 1780-1950, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2017, pp. 279, Isbn: 9781316609378 . INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MARITIME HISTORY. 2018. p. 367--368.
Beatrice Nicolini(2017). 2017, S. Cariolato, Le Navi dei Tesori. Storia della flotta che poteva conquistare il mondo e che sparì nel nulla, Edizioni Ebook, 2017, 574 pp . QUADERNI ASIATICI. p. 105--107.
Beatrice Nicolini, B. Nicolini, M. Sacchi(2017). La Pirateria nel Corno d'Africa, Prefazione al volume di M. Sacchi . 13--15Educatt Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Beatrice Nicolini(2016). The Arabs and the Scramble for Africa.
By John C. Wilkinson.
Sheffield: Equinox Publishing, 2015. Pp. ix + 497. No price given (ISBN-13 978-1-78179-068-7) . JOURNAL OF AFRICAN HISTORY. 2016. p. 46--48. Cambridge University Press
Beatrice Nicolini(2015). European Slave Trading in the Indian Ocean, 1500-1800 . CANADIAN JOURNAL OF AFRICAN STUDIES. 2015. p. 1--2. Roger Riendeau
Beatrice Nicolini(2009). Shihan De Silva Jayasuriya, The Portuguese in the East. A Cultural History of a Maritime Trading Empire, Tauris Academic Studies, London New York, 2008 . Cambridge University Press
Beatrice Nicolini(2008). A. Villiers, Sons of Sindbad, Arabian Publishing, London, 2006 . 222--223
Beatrice Nicolini(2006). S. Bono, Lumi e corsari. Europa e Maghreb nel Settecento, Morlacchi Editore, Perugia, 2005 . Middle East Studies Association Bullettin. p. 222--223.
Beatrice Nicolini(2001). U. Freitag & W.G. Clarence-Smith (Eds.), Hadrami Traders, Scholars and Statesmen in the Indian Ocean . "MESA Bulletin". 2001. p. 89--90. https://www.jstor.org/journal/middeaststudasbu
Beatrice Nicolini(2022). Schiavitù e schiavismo in Africa: ferite aperte . VITA E PENSIERO. 2022. p. 39--44.
Beatrice Nicolini(2022). Schiavitù: orizzonti e prospettive storiche . DIZIONARIO DI DOTTRINA SOCIALE DELLA CHIESA. p. 1--8.
Beatrice Nicolini(2021). AFGHANISTAN
Beatrice Nicolini(2020). Le Classi Dirigenti. Punto debole dell'Africa . MISSIONE OGGI. 2020. p. 36--38.
Beatrice Nicolini(2020). Un punto debole: le classi dirigenti africane . MISSIONE OGGI. 2020. p. 36--38.
Beatrice Nicolini(2019). MIGRATING COMMUNITIES AND WEAPONS Asian Presence in Africa during the XIXth Century . AFRICANA. 2019. p. 109--124.
Beatrice Nicolini(2016). Eritrea. Passato coloniale e dinamiche politico-istituzionali . MUNERA. 2016. p. 19--31. Assisi (PG): Cittadella Editrice
Beatrice Nicolini(2015). Yemen: alle radici della violenza settaria . ISPI FAXLETTER. 2015. p. 1--3.
(2014). Notes on Asian presence along the Swahili Coast during the nineteenth century. "Quaderni Asiatici", vol. 7.
Beatrice Nicolini(2014). Per non dimenticare, Ruanda vent'anni dopo . MUNERA. 2014. p. 77--81.
(2014). Power, slavery, and spirit possession in East Africa: a few reflections. DADA.
Beatrice Nicolini(2014). Power, slavery, and spirit possession in East Africa: a few reflections . DADA. 2014. p. 105--126. Antonio Palmisano
Beatrice Nicolini(2014). Terrae Nullius. Viaggi per terra quanto per mare non pubblicati fin ora in italiano . QUADERNI ASIATICI. 2014. p. 99--160.
(2013). Maritime Indian Ocean Routes: the port of Gwadar/Gwātar. "Quaderni Asiatici", vol. 102.
Beatrice Nicolini(2013). L'Africa, terra dimenticata? . MUNERA. 2013. p. 69--78.
Beatrice Nicolini(2013). Il Kenya, un paese con il fuoco nelle vene . Oasis Newsletter. 2013. p. 1--6. Fondazione Internazionale Oasis
Beatrice Nicolini(2013). Maritime Indian Ocean Routes: the port of Gwadar/Gwātar . QUADERNI ASIATICI. p. 69--80.
(2012). Possedere Zanzibar. Riflessioni sulle politiche di ‘controllo’ nell’Oceano Indiano occidentale durante il XIX secolo. Palaver.
(2011). I ‘confini’ delle città africane. “Quaderni Asiatici”, n. 93, 57-93.
Beatrice Nicolini(2011). Etiopia, Eritrea e Gibuti. Incontri e scontri millenari . MISSIONE OGGI. 6. p. 6--8. RIvista dei Gesuiti
Beatrice Nicolini(2011). I Copti egiziani . "Popoli" Rivista dei Gesuiti. 2011. p. 21--22.
Beatrice Nicolini(2009). The Myth of the Sultans in the Western Indian Ocean during the 19th century: A New Hypothesis . AFRICAN AND ASIAN STUDIES. 8. p. 239--287. Brill
Nicolini, B.(2009). The myth of the Sultans in the Western Indian Ocean during the nineteenth century: A new hypothesis . African and Asian Studies. 8. (3). p. 239-267.
Beatrice Nicolini(2008). L impatto e le implicazioni della lingua e della cultura inglese ai confini dell Impero britannico in India durante il XIX secolo . FUTURIBILI. 2-3. p. 205--227. F. Angeli
Beatrice Nicolini(2008). The Tupak of the Jemadar, Notes on the Baluch presence along the Swahili Coast during the nineteenth century . UTAFITI. p. 104--116.
Beatrice Nicolini(2007). Kenya . MERIDIONE. SUD E NORD NEL MONDO. 2008. p. 155--167. Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane - Napoli
Beatrice Nicolini(2007). La fine del colonialismo moderno . NUOVA SECONDARIA. p. 53--56. Editrice La Scuola
Beatrice Nicolini(2007). Società schiavistiche in Africa sub-sahariana: i Chikunda e l appropriazione del territorio . Storia Urbana. 117. p. 117--129. F. Angeli
Beatrice Nicolini(2007). Tanzania . Meridione. Sud e Nord del Mondo . A new scramble for Africa nel terzo millennio? Cina e Stati Uniti nel continente nero: case studies. p. 67--72. Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane
Beatrice Nicolini(2007). The Baluch Role in the Popular Culture of the Gulf during the 19th and the 20th Centuries . COMPARATIVE STUDIES OF SOUTH ASIA, AFRICA, AND THE MIDDLE EAST. p. 384--396.
Nicolini, B.(2007). The Baluch role in the Persian Gulf during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries . Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East. 27. (2). p. 384-396.
Beatrice Nicolini(2006). Ancora in Catene. La schiavitù contemporanea in Africa . QUADERNI ASIATICI. p. 99--112.
Beatrice Nicolini(2006). The Makran-Baluch-African Network in Zanzibar and East Africa during the XIX century . AFRICAN AND ASIAN STUDIES. 5. p. 347--370. Brill Academic Publishers
Nicolini, B.(2006). The Makran-Baluch-African network in Zanzibar and East Africa during the XIXth century . African and Asian Studies. 5. (3-4). p. 347-370.
Beatrice Nicolini(2005). L'Angola: il paese delle guerre, del "galo negro" e dei suoi fantasmi . QUADERNI ASIATICI. p. 119--126.
Beatrice Nicolini(2005). Note e memorie sull'oceano Indiano (XVIII-XIX secolo) prima parte . Centro di Cultura Italia-Asia "G. Scalise
Beatrice Nicolini(2005). Note e memorie sull'oceano Indiano (XVIII-XIX secolo) seconda parte . Centro di Cultura Italia-Asia "G. Scalise
Beatrice Nicolini(2004). Relazioni interculturali e interreligiose nell'Africa Subsahariana: verso quale tipo di globalizzazione? . QUADERNI ASIATICI. p. 141--149. G. Scalise, Milano
Beatrice Nicolini(2003). The western Indian Ocean as a Cultural Corridor. Makran, Oman and Zanzibar through British Nineteenth century's Accounts and Reports . MIDDLE EAST STUDIES ASSOCIATION BULLETIN. p. 20--50. Cambridge University Press
Beatrice Nicolini(2002). Le isole di Zanzibar e Pemba . AFRICANA. p. 101--119. Aracne editrice
Beatrice Nicolini(2002). Sentieri invisibili . "Segno nel Mondo". 2002. p. 22--25.
Beatrice Nicolini(2002). Zanzibar and East Africa. Interreligious and Intercultural Relations throughout History . Metodo. 2002. p. 1--6.
Beatrice Nicolini(2002). Zanzibar nella prima metà del XIX secolo: terra, gruppi di potere e classi sociali . STORIA URBANA. 98/99. p. 97--159. Franco Angeli
Beatrice Nicolini(2000). Saiyid Sa'id bin Sultan Al Bu Sa'id of Oman (1806-1856) and his Relationships with Europe . ARAM PERIODICAL. p. 169--178. Peeters Publishers
Beatrice Nicolini(1998). Mu'afi e Jagir in Baluchistan. Il caso del porto makranita di Gwadar . Storia Urbana. 1998. p. 173--199. Franco Angeli
Beatrice Nicolini(1996). The source of spice: Europe, Oman and Zanzibar during the 19th century . "ARAM Periodical. Peeters Publishers
Beatrice Nicolini(2022). 印度洋地區阿曼
和俾 支斯坦 係史
(traduzione cinese di: The Historical Relations
Between Oman and Balochistan
in the Indian Ocean) . 20221--122????-????? (People for Peace Publishing House)
Beatrice Nicolini(2020). Maritime Empire of Oman: A History of Blossom and Blessing . 20191--150Ministry of Heritage and Culture, Oman - The Archaeological Heritage of Oman
Nicolini, Beatrice(2018). Makran, Oman and Zanzibar . 1--185Jadawel Publishing House
Beatrice Nicolini(2018). The Historical Relations between Oman and Balochistan in the Indian Ocean . 20181--82Educatt Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
(2017). Land and Maritime Empires in the Indian Ocean, Educatt, Milan, 2017, ISBN: 9788893351867, pp. 288. Educatt.
Beatrice Nicolini(2017). L'oceano Indiano Occidentale. Scorci di Storia, Educatt, Milano, 2017 . 1--241Educatt Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Beatrice Nicolini, de Silva Jayasuriya, Shihan(2017). Land and Maritime Empires in the Indian Ocean . 11--288Educatt Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
(2014). Terrae Nullius. Viaggi tanto per terra quanto per mare.
Beatrice Nicolini(2014). Terrae Nullius. Viaggi tanto per terra quanto per mare . 1--100Edizioni Accademiche Italiane
Nicolini, B.(2013). Re-reading the role of Oman within its international trade relations: From the sixteenth through to the nineteenth centuries . Regionalizing Oman: Political, Economic and Social Dynamics. p. 149-157.
Reviewed by L. Werner, “Saudi Aramco World”, March/April 2013, p. 40; Tony Waters, California State University, Chico, “African Studies Quarterly”, vol. 13, Issue 4, 2013, pp. 132-133. Erik Gilbert, “International Journal of African Historical Studies”; 2012, Vol. 45 Issue 2, p. 318, Issn 0361-7882.
Beatrice Nicolini(2012). The First Sultan of Zanzibar. Scrambling for Power and Trade in the Nineteenth Century Indian Ocean . 1--180M. Wiener
Reviewed by A. Martelli, Quaderni Asiatici, Milan, December 2009, Vol. 88, pp. 135-6; G. Scuderi, “La Gazzetta di Mantova”, January 2010; “Rinascita”, Roma, October 2010; M. Guglielmo, “Sesamo”, 2010.
Beatrice Nicolini(2009). L'Oceano Indiano Occidentale. Scorci di Storia . 1--236Polimetrica
Nicolini, B.(2008). The Makran-Baluch-African network in Zanzibar and east Africa during the XIXth century . Uncovering the History of Africans in Asia. p. 81-106.
Nicolini, B.(2008). The Makran-Baluch-African network in zanzibar and east Africa during the XIXTH century . Uncovering the History of Africans in Asia. p. 81-106.
Beatrice Nicolini(2004). Makran, Oman and Zanzibar. Three-Terminal Cultural Corridor in the western Indian Ocean (1799-1856) . Brill
Beatrice Nicolini(1998). Jazirat Zanjibar. Al-Tarikh wa-l-Istraijia fi al-Muhit al-Hindi 1799-1856 . "Dar An-Nahar
Beatrice Nicolini, AA.VV.(2021). Letter of Marque: the Gwadar Enclave of Ibadi Sultans of Oman and its interconnections with Asia . 2021107--121Olms-Weidmann
Beatrice Nicolini, AA.VV.(2020). 2020, The Copts in Italy: Migration and Generosity, in (Ed.) L. Zanfrini, Migrants and Religion: Paths, Issues, and Lenses. A Multisciplinary and Multi-Sited Study on the Role of Religious Belongings in Migratory and Integration Processes, Brill Academic Publishers, Isbn: 9789004429604, pp. 589-596 . 2020589--596Brill Academic Publishers
B. Nicolini, Possession, Power and Slavery in Eastern Africa, in E. Montgomery (Ed.), Shackled Sentiments: Slaves, Spirits, and Memories in the African Diaspora, Lexington Books, 2019.
Beatrice Nicolini, Ahmed Nawaz Hakro (Ed.)(2019). Peace and Security in Non-State Actors Regions between Oman, Pakistan and Iran . 1145--173Nova Science Publishers
Beatrice Nicolini, AA.VV., A. Sarathi(2018). Asian Military and Mercantile Movements in East Africa during the Nineteenth Century: A Few Notes . 2018139--150Archaeopress
(2017). Power and Tolerance within Ibadi of Oman and Zanzibar during the Nineteenth Century: a few reflections. in Reinhard Eisener (Ed.), Today's Perspectives on Ibadi History and the Historical Sources. In: Today's Perspectives on Ibadi History and the Historical Sources, Hildesheim: Gesternberg Verlag.
Beatrice Nicolini(2017). Hearing the sound of the Flute from Zanzibar: Migrating communities and slave trade routes in the Indian Ocean . 205--223Brill
(2016). The port of Gwādar and its relationships with ‘Omān, E. Staples & A. Al Salimi (Eds.), Maritime Oman, G. Olms Verlag, Hildesheim, Zurich, New York, 245-258.
(2016). The port of Gwādar and its relationships with ‘Omān, E. Staples & A. Al Salimi (Eds.), Maritime Oman, G. Olms Verlag, Hildesheim, Zurich, New York, 245-258.
Beatrice Nicolini, AA.VV.(2016). Oman's Maritime Activities in the Indian Ocean, 1650-1856 CE, in A. Al Salimi, E. Staples (Eds.),
Oman. A Maritime History, hardcover edition 2017 (STUDIES ON IBADISM AND OMAN vol 9),
ISBN: 9783487153902 . 9141--161Olms-Weidmann
Beatrice Nicolini, AA.vv.(2016). The port of Gwadar and its relationships with Oman, A. Al Salimi, E. Staples (Eds.)
The Ports of Oman.
ISBN 978348753919 . 241--255Olms-Weidmann
Nicolini, Beatrice Nicolini(2015). Introduction (The End of the Borders) . Centro di Cultura Italia-Asia "G. Scalise
Beatrice Nicolini, SACCHI, MARTINO, GEMELLI, VITTORIA, FURNO, MARCHESE, Nicolini, Beatrice(2015). The Baloch in the Persian/Arab Gulf Region . Centro di Cultura Italia-Asia "G. Scalise
Beatrice Nicolini, AA.VV.(2014). Muscat and Gwadar: connections between seaboard communities during the XIX century . 1--12Omani Center, Sultan Qaboos University, Sultanate of Oman
Beatrice Nicolini(2014). New working hypothesis on the control of Oman on East Africa: from the Ya'ariba to the Al Bu Sa'id Dynasty . 84--107Oman Studies Center, Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat
(2013). Re-reading the role of Oman with, in its International Trade Relations from 16th to the 19th centuries. in S. Wippel (Ed.), Regionalizing Oman, United Nations University Series on Regionalism, Vol. 6, Springer Science, Business Media Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 149-157.
Beatrice Nicolini, Wippel, S(2013). Re-reading the Role of Oman Within Its International Trade Relations: From the Sixteenth Through to the Nineteenth Centuries . 149--157Springer
Beatrice Nicolini, NICOLINI, BEATRICE(2011). "Nastri culturali" tra Africa orientale e Asia . 36--55Novalogos
Beatrice Nicolini, MAESTRI, ELENA(2010). The Indian Ocean: A Cultural Bow . 44--67EDUCatt
Beatrice Nicolini, Prasad, Kiran, Angenot, Jean-Pierre(2008). A Glimpse to Indian Merchant Communities in Zanzibar during 1800: the Topan Family through British Archive Sources . 579--592Jana Jagrati Prakashana
Beatrice Nicolini, Korn, Agnes, Titus, Paul, Jahani, Carina(2008). Slave Trade in the western Indian Ocean during the 19th century: the role of Baloch mercenaries . 327--344Reichert
Beatrice Nicolini(2008). The Makran-Baluch-African Network in Zanzibar and East Africa during the XIXTH Century . 81--106Brill
Beatrice Nicolini, NICOLINI, BEATRICE(2006). Notes on magical practices in Zanzibar and Pemba. The role of the Waganga during colonial times . 115--126Edwin Mellen Press
Beatrice Nicolini(2005). Some thoughts on the Magical Practices of the Zar along the Red Sea in the Sudan . 157--161Archaeopress
Beatrice Nicolini(2005). Some thoughts on the magical practice of the Zar along the Red Sea in the Sudan . 157--162"British Archaeological Reports" BAR
Beatrice Nicolini(2002). Historical and Political Links between Gwadar and Muscat through Nineteenth Century's Testimonies . 281--286Prepols
New working hypothesis on the control of Oman on East Africa: from the Ya’ariba to the Al Bu Sa’id Dynasty. Oman Studies Center, The Omani Role in East Africa Proceedings of International Conference. vol. 2.
“Hearing the sound of the flute from Zanzibar”. Slaving Zones. Cultural Identities, Ideologies, and Institutions in the Evolution of Global Slavery.
(2015). The End of the Borders. Centro di Cultura Italia-Asia G. Scalise.
(2011). In collaboration with I. TADDIA, Il Corno d'Africa.
Beatrice Nicolini, Taddia, Irma, NICOLINI, BEATRICE, TADDIA IRMA, BRUZZI SILVIA, COMOTTI NAIMA, GHEDINI GABRIELE, MALARA DIEGO, PILI ELIANA, SILVI LUCIA, et al.(2011). Il Corno d'Africa Tra medicina politica e storia . 1--271Novalogos
Beatrice Nicolini, NICOLINI, BEATRICE(2006). Studies in Magic, Witchcraft, War and Peace in Africa: 19th and 20th centuries . Edwin Mellen Press
Beatrice Nicolini(2007). Sharjah . 450--451Oxford University Press
Beatrice Nicolini(2004). Afghanistan
Baluchis/Balochis . 555--556Routledge