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Hire Dr. Muhammed Kürşad Ö.

Assoc. Prof. of Operations and Information Management

Profile Summary
Subject Matter Expertise
Work Experience

Assoc. Prof.

Global Humanistic University

July 2018 - Present

Associate Professor

Global Humanistic University

July 2018 - Present

Affiliate Professor

Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru CENTRUM Católica

September 2016 - December 2017

Assist. Prof. Dr.

Pamukkale Üniversitesi

January 2014 - December 2016

Assist Professor

International Burch University

August 2012 - January 2014


International Burch University

September 2009 - August 2012


PhD (Management)

International Burch University

September 2009 - July 2012

  • Certification details not provided.
Kursad Ozlen, Meliha Handzic (2018). A Contingency Perspective for Knowledge Management Solutions in Different Decision-Making Contexts . Effective Knowledge Management Systems in Modern Society.
(2016). A Contingency Approach to Knowledge Management . International Journal of Knowledge Management.
Handzic, M., Handzic, M., Ozlen, K., Durmic, N.(2016). A contingency approach to knowledge management: Finding the best fit . International Journal of Knowledge Management. 12. (1). p. 31-44.
Ozlen, K., Handzic, M.(2014). An empirical test of a contingency model of KMS effectiveness . Knowledge Management Research and Practice. 12. (1). p. 1-11.
Handzic, M., Ozlen, K., Durmic, N.(2014). Improving customer relationship management through business intelligence . Journal of Information and Knowledge Management. 13. (2).
Handzic, M., Ozlen, K.(2013). Knowledge management success in clinical service environments . Journal of Information and Knowledge Management. 12. (2).
Handzic, M., Ozlen, K.(2012). A descriptive analysis of KMS success in Turkish healthcare organisations . Proceedings of the European Conference on Knowledge Management, ECKM. 1. p. 441-449.
Handzic, M., Handzic, M., Ozlen, K.(2011). Intellectual capital in universities: Faculty and student perceptions . Proceedings of the European Conference on Knowledge Management, ECKM. p. 408-415.
Handzic, M., Ozlen, K.(2012). The impact of KMS sophistication on decision support in varying contexts . Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. 238. p. 349-357.