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non Tenure Track Research Faculty
Columbia University
July 2009 - January 2015
Visiting Professor
University of Catania
May 2011 - June 2011
PostDoctoral Research Scientist
Columbia University
July 2004 - June 2009
Junior Investigator
Neuroscience sc.arl
September 1998 - September 2000
Junior Researcher
University of Cagliari
April 1996 - April 1998
PhD Neuroscience
Universita' di Cagliari
October 2000 - February 2004
M.Sc (Biological Sciences)
Universita di Cagliari
October 1988 - July 1993
- Certification details not provided.
Daniela Puzzo, Elentina K. Argyrousi, Agnieszka Staniszewski, Hong Zhang, Elisa Calcagno, Elisa Zuccarello, Erica Acquarone, Mauro Fà, Domenica Donatella Li Puma, Claudio Grassi, et al.(2020). Tau is not necessary for amyloid-beta-induced synaptic and memory impairments . Journal of Clinical Investigation. American Society for Clinical Investigation
(2019). Synaptic and memory dysfunction induced by tau oligomers is rescued by up-regulation of the nitric oxide cascade . Molecular Neurodegeneration.
(2018). Role of Amyloid-β and Tau Proteins in Alzheimer's Disease: Confuting the Amyloid Cascade . Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD.
(2017). LTP and memory impairment caused by extracellular Aβ and Tau oligomers is APP-dependent . eLife.
(2016). Time-dependent reversal of synaptic plasticity induced by physiological concentrations of oligomeric Aβ42: an early index of Alzheimer’s disease . Scientific Reports.
Fá, M., Puzzo, D., Piacentini, R., Staniszewski, A., Zhang, H., Baltrons, M. A., Li Puma, D. D., Chatterjee, I., Li, J., Saeed, F., et al.(2016). Extracellular Tau Oligomers Produce An Immediate Impairment of LTP and Memory . Sci Rep. 6. p. 19393.
(2015). Re-engineering a neuroprotective, clinical drug as a procognitive agent with high in vivo potency and with GABAA potentiating activity for use in dementia . BMC Neuroscience.
(2015). Stereotaxic Infusion of Oligomeric Amyloid-beta into the Mouse Hippocampus . Journal of Visualized Experiments.
Fà, M., Zhang, H., Staniszewski, A., Saeed, F., Shen, L. W., Schiefer, I. T., Siklos, M. I., Tapadar, S., Litosh, V. A., Libien, J., et al.(2015). Novel Selective Calpain 1 Inhibitors as Potential Therapeutics in Alzheimer's Disease . J Alzheimers Dis. 49. (3). p. 707-21.
Jean, Y. Y., Baleriola, J., Fà, M., Hengst, U., Troy, C. M.(2015). Stereotaxic Infusion of Oligomeric Amyloid-beta into the Mouse Hippocampus . J Vis Exp. (100). p. e52805.
Teich, AndrewF, Nicholls, RussellE, Puzzo, Daniela, Fiorito, Jole, Purgatorio, Rosa, Fa’, Mauro, Arancio, Ottavio(2015). Synaptic Therapy in Alzheimer’s Disease: A CREB-centric Approach . Neurotherapeutics. 12. (1). p. 29-41.
Izzo, N. J., Staniszewski, A., To, L., Fa, M., Teich, A. F., Saeed, F., Wostein, H., Walko, T., Vaswani, A., Wardius, M., et al.(2014). Alzheimer's therapeutics targeting amyloid beta 1-42 oligomers I: Abeta 42 oligomer binding to specific neuronal receptors is displaced by drug candidates that improve cognitive deficits . PLoS One. 9. p. e111898.
Izzo, N.J., Staniszewski, A., To, L., Fa, M., Teich, A.F., Saeed, F., Wostein, H., Walko, T., Vaswani, A., Wardius, M., et al.(2014). Alzheimer's therapeutics targeting amyloid beta 1-42 oligomers I: Abeta 42 oligomer binding to specific neuronal receptors is displaced by drug candidates that improve cognitive deficits . PLoS ONE. 9. (11).
Fa, M., Staniszewski, A., Saeed, F., Francis, Y.I., Arancio, O.(2014). Dynamin 1 is required for memory formation . PLoS ONE. 9. (3).
Schiefer, I.T., Tapadar, S., Litosh, V., Siklos, M., Scism, R., Wijewickrama, G.T., Chandrasena, E.P., Sinha, V., Tavassoli, E., Brunsteiner, M., et al.(2013). Design, synthesis, and optimization of novel epoxide incorporating peptidomimetics as selective calpain inhibitors . Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 56. (15). p. 6054-6068.
Qin, Z., Luo, J., Vandevrede, L., Tavassoli, E., Fa, M., Teich, A.F., Arancio, O., Thatcher, G.R.J.(2012). Design and synthesis of neuroprotective methylthiazoles and modification as NO-chimeras for neurodegenerative therapy . Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 55. (15). p. 6784-6801.
Schiefer, I.T., Vandevrede, L., Fa', M., Arancio, O., Thatcher, G.R.J.(2012). Furoxans (1,2,5-Oxadiazole- N -oxides) as novel no mimetic neuroprotective and procognitive agents . Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 55. (7). p. 3076-3087.
Puzzo, D., Privitera, L., Fa', M., Staniszewski, A., Hashimoto, G., Aziz, F., Sakurai, M., Ribe, E.M., Troy, C.M., Mercken, M., et al.(2011). Endogenous amyloid-β is necessary for hippocampal synaptic plasticity and memory . Annals of Neurology. 69. (5). p. 819-830.
Fa, M., Orozco, I.J., Francis, Y.I., Saeed, F., Gong, Y., Arancio, O.(2010). Preparation of oligomeric β-amyloid1-42 and induction of synaptic plasticity impairment on hippocampal slices . Journal of Visualized Experiments. (41).
Tamayev, R., Matsuda, S., Fà, M., Arancio, O., D'Adamio, L.(2010). Danish dementia mice suggest that loss of function and not the amyloid cascade causes synaptic plasticity and memory deficits . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 107. (48). p. 20822-20827.
Fa, M., Orozco, I.J., Francis, Y.I., Saeed, F., Gong, Y., Arancio, O.(2010). Preparation of oligomeric beta-amyloid 1-42 and induction of synaptic plasticity impairment on hippocampal slices . Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE. (41).
Bortolato, M., Frau, R., Orrù, M., Fà, M., Dessì, C., Puligheddu, M., Barberini, L., Pillolla, G., Polizzi, L., Santoni, F., et al.(2010). GABAB receptor activation exacerbates spontaneous spike-and-wave discharges in DBA/2J mice . Seizure. 19. (4). p. 226-231.
Francis, Y.I., Fà, M., Ashraf, H., Zhang, H., Staniszewski, A., Latchman, D.S., Arancio, O.(2009). Dysregulation of histone acetylation in the APP/PS1 mouse model of Alzheimer's disease . Journal of Alzheimer's Disease. 18. (1). p. 131-139.
Puzzo, D., Privitera, L., Leznik, E., Fà, M., Staniszewski, A., Palmeri, A., Arancio, O.(2008). Picomolar amyloid-β positively modulates synaptic plasticity and memory in hippocampus . Journal of Neuroscience. 28. (53). p. 14537-14545.
Trinchese, F., Fa', M., Liu, S., Zhang, H., Hidalgo, A., Schmidt, S.D., Yamaguchi, H., Yoshii, N., Mathews, P.M., Nixon, R.A., et al.(2008). Inhibition of calpains improves memory and synaptic transmission in a mouse model of Alzheimer disease . Journal of Clinical Investigation. 118. (8). p. 2796-2807.
Frau, R., Orrù, M., Fà, M., Casti, A., Manunta, M., Fais, N., Mereu, G., Gessa, G., Bortolato, M.(2007). Effects of topiramate on the prepulse inhibition of the acoustic startle in rats . Neuropsychopharmacology. 32. (2). p. 320-331.
Marrosu, F., Bortolato, M., Frau, R., Orrù, M., Puligheddu, M., Fà, M., Muroni, A., Tuveri, A., Mereu, G.(2007). Levetiracetam attenuates spontaneous spike-and-wave discharges in DBA/2J mice . Epilepsy Research. 75. (2-3). p. 224-227.
Liu, S., Fa, M., Ninan, I., Trinchese, F., Dauer, W., Arancio, O.(2007). α-Synuclein involvement in hippocampal synaptic plasticity: Role of NO, cGMP, cGK and CaMKII . European Journal of Neuroscience. 25. (12). p. 3583-3596.
Bortolato, M., Frau, R., Orrù, M., Piras, A.P., Fà, M., Tuveri, A., Puligheddu, M., Gessa, G.L., Castelli, M.P., Mereu, G., et al.(2007). Activation of GABAB receptors reverses spontaneous gating deficits in juvenile DBA/2J mice . Psychopharmacology. 194. (3). p. 361-369.
Bortolato, M., Frau, R., Orrù, M., Casti, A., Aru, G.N., Fà, M., Manunta, M., Usai, A., Mereu, G., Gessa, G.L.(2006). Prenatal exposure to a cannabinoid receptor agonist does not affect sensorimotor gating in rats . European Journal of Pharmacology. 531. (1-3). p. 166-170.
Marrosu, F., Santoni, F., Fà, M., Puligheddu, M., Barberini, L., Genugu, F., Frau, R., Manunta, M., Mereu, G.(2006). Beta and gamma range EEG power-spectrum correlation with spiking discharges in DBA/2J mice absence model: Role of GABAB receptors . Epilepsia. 47. (3). p. 489-494.
Fa, M., Diana, A., Carta, G., Cordeddu, L., Melis, M.P., Murru, E., Sogos, V., Banni, S.(2005). Incorporation and metabolism of c9,t11 and t10,c12 conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) isomers in rat brain . Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids. 1736. (1). p. 61-66.
Devoto, P., Flore, G., Saba, P., Fà, M., Gessa, G.L.(2005). Stimulation of the locus coeruleus elicits noradrenaline and dopamine release in the medial prefrontal and parietal cortex . Journal of Neurochemistry. 92. (2). p. 368-374.
Zhang, H., Gong, B., Liu, S., Fa', M., Ninan, I., Staniszewski, A., Arancio, O.(2005). Synaptic fatigue is more pronounced in the APP/PS1 transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer's disease . Current Alzheimer Research. 2. (2). p. 137-140.
Bortolato, M., Aru, G.N., Fà, M., Frau, R., Orrù, M., Salis, P., Casti, A., Luckey, G.C., Mereu, G., Gessa, G.L.(2005). Activation of D1, but not D2 receptors potentiates dizocilpine-mediated disruption of prepulse inhibition of the startle . Neuropsychopharmacology. 30. (3). p. 561-574.
Devoto, P., Flore, G., Saba, P., Fà, M., Gessa, G.L.(2005). Co-release of noradrenaline and dopamine in the cerebral cortex elicited by single train and repeated train stimulation of the locus coeruleus . BMC Neuroscience. 6.
Bortolato, M., Aru, G.N., Frau, R., Orrù, M., Fà, M., Manunta, M., Puddu, M., Mereu, G., Gessa, G.L.(2005). Kappa opioid receptor activation disrupts prepulse inhibition of the acoustic startle in rats . Biological Psychiatry. 57. (12). p. 1550-1558.
Fà, M., Dessì, C., Carta, G., Salis, P., Barberini, L., Marrosu, F., Bourov, Y., Gessa, G.L., Mereu, G.(2003). DBA/2J mice as experimental model for petit mal epilepsy: Role of GABAb - GHB neurotrasmission | I topi DBA/2J come modello sperimentale di epilessia di tipo piccolo male: Ruolo della transmissione GABAb - GHB . Bollettino - Lega Italiana contro l'Epilessia. (121-122). p. 85-87.
Santoni, F., Mereu, G.P., Fà, M., Carta, G., Meloni, A., Ghiglieri, V., Genugu, F., Puligheddu, M., Barberini, L., Marrosu, F.(2003). EEG variations following GABAB agonist and antagonist treatment in DBA/2J mice | Modificazione del segnale EEG nei topi DBA/2J dopo trattamento agonistico e antagonistico dei recettori GABAB . Bollettino - Lega Italiana contro l'Epilessia. (121-122). p. 317-319.
Mereu, G., Fà, M., Ferraro, L., Cagiano, R., Antonelli, T., Tattoli, M., Ghiglieri, V., Tanganelli, S., Gessa, G.L., Cuomo, V.(2003). Prenatal exposure to a cannabinoid agonist produces memory deficits linked to dysfunction in hippocampal long-term potentiation and glutamate release . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 100. (8). p. 4915-4920.
Dessì, C., Fà, M., Carta, G., Salis, P., Puligheddu, M., Genugu, F., Marrosu, F., Bourov, Y., Gessa, G.L., Mereu, G.(2003). DBA/2J mice as experimental model for petit mal epilepsy: Experimental evidences | Itopi DBA/2J come modello sperimentale di epilessia di tipo piccolo male: Evidenze sperimentali . Bollettino - Lega Italiana contro l'Epilessia. (121-122). p. 309-311.
Fà, M., Dessì, C., Carta, G., Salis, P., Puligheddu, M., Genugu, F., Marrosu, F., Bourov, Y., Gessa, G.L., Mereu, G.(2003). DBA/2J mice as experimental model for petit mal epilepsy: Pharmacological validation | Itopi DBA/2J come modello sperimentale di epilessia di tipo piccolo male: Validazione farmacologica . Bollettino - Lega Italiana contro l'Epilessia. (121-122). p. 313-315.
Fà, M., Mereu, G., Ghiglieri, V., Meloni, A., Salis, P., Gessa, G.L.(2003). Electrophysiological and pharmacological characteristics of nigral dopaminergic neurons in the conscious, head-restrained rat . Synapse. 48. (1). p. 1-9.
Vaccari, A., Ruiu, S., Saba, P., Fà, M., Cagiano, R., Coluccia, A., Mereu, G., Steardo, L., Tattoli, M., Trabace, L., et al.(2001). Prenatal low-level exposure to CO alters postnatal development of hippocampal nitric oxide synthase and haem-oxygenase activities in rats . International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology. 4. (3). p. 219-222.
Mereu, G., Cammalleri, M., Fa, M., Francesconi, W., Saba, P., Tattoli, M., Trabace, L., Vaccari, A., Cuomo, V.(2000). Prenatal exposure to a low concentration of carbon monoxide disrupts hippocampal long-term potentiation in rat offspring . Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. 294. (2). p. 728-734.
Fà, M., Carcangiu, G., Passino, N., Ghiglieri, V., Gessa, G.L., Mereu, G.(2000). Cigarette smoke inhalation stimulates dopaminergic neurons in rats . NeuroReport. 11. (16). p. 3637-3639.
Colombo, G., Agabio, R., Diaz, G., Fà, M., Lobina, C., Reali, R., Gessa, G.L.(1998). γ-hydroxybutyric acid intake in ethanol-preferring sP and - nonpreferring sNP rats . Physiology and Behavior. 64. (2). p. 197-202.
Colombo, G., Agabio, R., Fà, M., Guano, L., Lobina, C., Loche, A., Reali, R., Gessa, G.L.(1998). Reduction of voluntary ethanol intake in ethanol-preferring sP rats by the cannabinoid antagonist SR-141716 . Alcohol and Alcoholism. 33. (2). p. 126-130.
Lobina, C., Agabio, R., Diaz, G., Fa, M., Fadda, F., Gessa, G.L., Reali, R., Colombo, G.(1997). Constant absolute ethanol intake by Sardinian alcohol preferring rats independent of ethanol concentrations . Alcohol and Alcoholism. 32. (1). p. 19-22.
Colombo, G., Agabio, R., Diaz, G., Fà, M., Lobina, C., Reali, R., Gessa, G.L.(1997). Sardinian alcohol-preferring rats prefer chocolate and sucrose over ethanol . Alcohol. 14. (6). p. 611-615.
Marrosu, F., Portas, C., Mascia, M.S., Casu, M.A., Fà, M., Giagheddu, M., Imperato, A., Gessa, G.L.(1995). Microdialysis measurement of cortical and hippocampal acetylcholine release during sleep-wake cycle in freely moving cats . Brain Research. 671. (2). p. 329-332.