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United Kingdom
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Freelance scientist and expert science communicator
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Subject Matter Expertise
Work Experience
Associate Lecturer
University of Plymouth
July 2010 - Present
External Consultant
Danish Meteorological Institute
June 2021 - October 2021
Senior Research Fellow
University of Lapland
June 2016 - May 2021
Associate Lecturer
University of Plymouth
August 2009 - August 2018
Schools Outreach
Royal Institution of Great Britain
June 2015 - June 2017
Senior Researcher
University of Reading
April 2014 - April 2016
Research Fellow
University of Plymouth
July 2005 - June 2015
Ph.D. (Centre for Neural and Adaptive Systems)
University of Plymouth
August 2001 - June 2005
M.Sc. (Distinction) (Centre for Neural and Adaptive Systems)
Plymouth University
August 2000 - July 2001
B.Sc. Hons (Chemistry)
University of Essex
August 1979 - June 1982
- Certification details not provided.
Martin Coath and Ilona Mettiäinen and Roxana Contreras and Jusu Toivonen and John Moore(2021). Enabling transdisciplinary research: Suggestions for avoiding `road-blocks' based on a case study . Open Research Europe. 1. p. 147. F1000 Research Ltd
Martin Coath, Ilona Mettiäinen, Roxana Contreras, Jusu Toivonen, John Moore (2021). Enabling transdisciplinary research: Suggestions for avoiding `road-blocks' based on a case study . Open Research Europe.
Mettiäinen, Ilona and Contreras, Roxana and Coath, Martin(2018). Model Information Utilization Report, Blue-Action Case Study Nr. 1 (D5.2) . Zenodo. Zenodo
Lesser, Pamela and Toivonen, Jusu and Coath, Martin and Contreras, Roxana(2017). End Users Needs Report: Weather And Climate Data For Northern Finnish Winter Tourism Centers (D5.1) . Zenodo. Zenodo
Coath, Martin(2017). How Scientific Is That? A Practical Guide to Discuss the Power and Limitations of Science in Secondary Schools. School Science Review. 99. (367). p. 34--37. ERIC
Martin Coath, Susan Denham(2015). The role of form in modeling auditory scene analysis . The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 137. (4). p. 2249--2249. Acoustical Society of America ({ASA})
Coath, M., Sheik, S., Chicca, E., Indiveri, G., Denham, S.L., Wennekers, T.(2014). A robust sound perception model suitable for neuromorphic implementation . Frontiers in Neuroscience. (8 JAN).
Denham, S., Bendixen, A., Mill, R., Tóth, D., Wennekers, T., Coath, M., Bohm, T., Szalardy, O., Winkler, I.(2012). Characterising switching behaviour in perceptual multi-stability . Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 210. (1). p. 79-92.
Sheik, S., Coath, M., Indiveri, G., Denham, S.L., Wennekers, T., Chicca, E.(2012). Emergent auditory feature tuning in a real-time neuromorphicVLSI system . Frontiers in Neuroscience. (FEB).
Mill, R., Coath, M., Wennekers, T., Denham, S.L.(2012). Characterising stimulus-specific adaptation using a multi-layer field model . Brain Research. 1434. p. 178-188.
Mill R, Coath M, Wennekers T, Denham SL, Neural computation, 2011, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 435-476, 2011 .
Mill, R., Coath, M., Wennekers, T., Denham, S.L.(2011). Abstract stimulus-specific adaptation models . Neural Computation. 23. (2). p. 435-476.
Mill, R., Coath, M., Wennekers, T., Denham, S.L.(2011). A neurocomputational model of stimulus-specific adaptation to oddball and markov sequences . PLoS Computational Biology. 7. (8).
Balaguer-Ballester, E., Clark, N.R., Coath, M., Krumbholz, K., Denham, S.L.(2009). Understanding pitch perception as a hierarchical process with top-down modulation . PLoS Computational Biology. 5. (3).
Coath, M., Denham, S.L., Smith, L.M., Honing, H., Hazan, A., Holonowicz, P., Purwins, H.(2009). Model cortical responses for the detection of perceptual onsets and beat tracking in singing . Connection Science. 21. (2-3). p. 193-205.
Coath, M., Balaguer-Ballester, E., Denham, S.L., Denham, M.(2008). The linearity of emergent spectro-temporal receptive fields in a model of auditory cortex . BioSystems. 94. (1-2). p. 60-67.
Balaguer-Ballester, E., Coath, M., Denham, S.L.(2007). A model of perceptual segregation based on clustering the time series of the simulated auditory nerve firing probability . Biological Cybernetics. 97. (5-6). p. 479-491.
Coath, M., Denham, S.L.(2007). The role of transients in auditory processing . BioSystems. 89. (1-3). p. 182-189.
Coath, M., Denham, S.L.(2005). Robust sound classification through the representation of similarity using response fields derived from stimuli during early experience . Biological Cybernetics. 93. (1). p. 22-30.
Coath, M., Brader, J.M., Fusi, S., Denham, S.L.(2005). Multiple views of the response of an ensemble of spectro-temporal features support concurrent classification of utterance, prosody, sex and speaker identity . Network: Computation in Neural Systems. 16. (2-3). p. 285-300.
Billingsley, Berry and Abedin, Manzoorul and Chappell, Keith(2018). A Teacher�s Guide to Science and Religion in the Classroom. Routledge
Denham, S.L., Coath, M., Háden, G.P., Murray, F., Winkler, I.(2016). Relative pitch perception and the detection of deviant tone patterns . Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 894. p. 409-417.
Coath, M., Mill, R., Denham, S.L., Wennekers, T.(2011). Emergent feature sensitivity in a model of the auditory thalamocortical system . Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 718. p. 7-17.
Coath, Martin(2016). The SKV Algorithm as a Tool in Image Processing . Plymouth University
Kovacs, A., Kiss, G., Vicsi, K., Winkler, I., Coath, M.(2016). Comparison of skewness-based salient event detector algorithms in speech . 6th IEEE Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications, CogInfoCom 2015 - Proceedings. p. 285-290.
Martin Coath, Susan L Denham, Salvador Dura-Bernal, Emili Balaguer-Ballester(2010). 6. Neurocomputational models of perceptual organization . Unconscious Memory Representations in Perception. p. 147--177. John Benjamins Publishing Company
Martin Coath, Emili Balaguer-Ballester, Nicholas R. Clark, Katrin Krumbholz, Susan L. Denham(2010). Understanding Pitch Perception as a Hierarchical Process with Top-Down Modulation . The Neurophysiological Bases of Auditory Perception. p. 201--209. Springer New York