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Hire Dr. Leonardo C.
Data Scientist | Artificial Intelligence Specialist
Profile Summary
Subject Matter Expertise
Data & AI
Predictive Modeling,
Statistical Analysis,
Algorithm Design-Non ML,
Algorithm Design-ML,
Data Visualization,
Text Mining & Analytics,
Data Mining,
Data Cleaning,
Data Processing,
Data Insights
Work Experience
Engineering Manager
June 2023 - Present
Invited Professor
São Paulo State University (UNESP)
January 2018 - Present
Data Science Lead
Will Bank
June 2022 - April 2023
Data Product Manager
October 2021 - June 2022
AI Specialist
July 2020 - October 2021
Associate Professor
University Centre Eurípides of Marília (UNIVEM)
2009 - April 2020
Postdoctoral Fellow (Institute of Mathematical and Computer Sciences)
University of São Paulo (USP)
January 2017 - August 2018
PhD (Computer Department)
Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar)
2011 - 2016
MSc (Computer Department)
Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar)
2006 - 2008
- Certification details not provided.
Allan M. de Souza, Torsten Braun, Leonardo C. Botega, Leandro A. Villas, Antonio A. F. Loureiro(2020). Safe and Sound: Driver Safety-Aware Vehicle Re-Routing Based on Spatiotemporal Information . {IEEE} Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 21. (9). p. 3973--3989. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ({IEEE})
Leonardo Castro Botega, Fábio Mosso Moreira, Pedro Henrique Santos Bisi, José Eduardo Santarem Segundo, Ricardo César Gonçalves Sant'Ana(2020). A qualidade na recupera{\c{c}}{\~{a}}o de dados governamentais: um estudo sobre dados de pol{\'{\i}}ticas p{\'{u}}blicas na internet . Perspectivas em Ci{\^{e}}ncia da Informa{\c{c}}{\~{a}}o. 25. (2). p. 103--132. {FapUNIFESP} ({SciELO})
Leonardo Castro Botega, Emanuelle Torino, Gustavo Lunardelli Trevisan, Caio Saraiva Coneglian, José Eduardo Santarem Segundo, Silvana Aparecida Borsetti Gregorio Vidotti (2020). Enriquecimento semântico para a disponibilização de dados abertos: teoria e prática . Encontros Bibli: revista eletrônica de biblioteconomia e ciência da informação.
Allan M. de Souza, Torsten Braun, Leonardo C. Botega, Leandro A. Villas, Antonio A. F. Loureiro(2020). Safe and Sound: Driver Safety-Aware Vehicle Re-Routing Based on Spatiotemporal Information . {IEEE} Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. p. 1--17. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ({IEEE})
Allan M. de Souza, Torsten Braun, Leonardo C. Botega, Raquel Cabral, Islene C. Garcia, Leandro A. Villas(2019). Better safe than sorry: a vehicular traffic re-routing based on traffic conditions and public safety issues . Journal of Internet Services and Applications. 10. (1). Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}
Allan C.M. Oliveira, Leonardo C. Botega, Jordan F. Saran, Jordana N. Silva, Jéssica O.S.F. Melo, Maria F.D. Tavares, Vania P.A. Neris(2019). Crowdsourcing, data and information fusion and situation awareness for emergency Management of forest fires: The project {DF}100Fogo ({FDWithoutFire}) . Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. 77. p. 101172. Elsevier {BV}
Leonardo Castro Botega, Maria de Fátima Duarte Tavares, Bruno Nakagomi, Vânia Soares, Vânia Paula De Almeida Neris(2019). Protected landscapes and forest fires in Bras{\'{\i}}lia: voluntary production of geographic information and warning system . Territorium: Revista Portuguesa de riscos, preven{\c{c}}{\~{a}}o e seguran{\c{c}}a. (26 (I)). p. 63--86. Coimbra University Press
de Souza, A.M., Braun, T., Botega, L.C., Cabral, R., Garcia, I.C., Villas, L.A.(2019). Better safe than sorry: a vehicular traffic re-routing based on traffic conditions and public safety issues . Journal of Internet Services and Applications. 10. (1).
Oliveira, A.C.M., Botega, L.C., Saran, J.F., Silva, J.N., Melo, J.O.S.F., Tavares, M.F.D., Neris, V.P.A.(2019). Crowdsourcing, data and information fusion and situation awareness for emergency Management of forest fires: The project DF100Fogo (FDWithoutFire) . Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. 77.
Leonardo Castro Botega, Jessica Oliveira de Souza Ferreira Melo, José Eduardo Santarém Segundo(2018). Metodologia de Avalia{\c{c}}{\~{a}}o de Qualidade para Dados Conectados . Informa{\c{c}}{\~{a}}o {\&} Tecnologia. 4. (2). p. 80--101. Portal de Periodicos {UFPB}
Leonardo Castro Botega, Gustavo Marttos Caceres Pereira, Jordana Nogueira Silva, Valdir Amancio Pereira Junior, Allan Cesar Moreira de Oliveira(2018). Processo de An{\'{a}}lise Quantitativa de Eventos Criminais Utilizando Abordagem Sem{\^{a}}ntica . Informa{\c{c}}{\~{a}}o {\&} Tecnologia. 4. (1). p. 69--88. Portal de Periodicos {UFPB}
Leonardo Castro Botega, Jordana Nogueira Silva, Állan César Moreira De Oliveira, Lucas Zanco Ladeira, Maria de Fátima Tavares, Valdir Amâncio Pereira Junior, Gustavo Marttos Cáceres Pereira, Seiji Isotani(2018). Desenvolvimento de ontologia ciente de qualidade de informa{\c{c}}{\~{o}}es para o dom{\'{\i}}nio de gerenciamento de emerg{\^{e}}ncias . Encontros Bibli: revista eletr{\^{o}}nica de biblioteconomia e ci{\^{e}}ncia da informa{\c{c}}{\~{a}}o. 23. (53). p. 184--200. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina ({UFSC})
(2017). Desenvolvimento de Interface de Usuário para a Melhoria da Consciência Situacional em Gerenciamento de Emergências. Revista de Informática Teórica e Aplicada.
Botega, L.C., de Souza, J.O., Jorge, F.R., Coneglian, C.S., de Campos, M.R., de Almeida Neris, V.P., de Araújo, R.B.(2017). Methodology for Data and Information Quality Assessment in the Context of Emergency Situational Awareness . Universal Access in the Information Society. 16. (4). p. 889-902.
Leonardo Castro Botega, Jéssica Oliveira de Souza, Fábio Rodrigues Jorge, Caio Saraiva Coneglian, Márcio Roberto de Campos, Vânia Paula de Almeida Neris, Regina Borges de Araújo(2016). Methodology for Data and Information Quality Assessment in the Context of Emergency Situational Awareness . Universal Access in the Information Society. Springer Nature
Souza, J., Botega, L., Segundo, J.E.S., Berti, C.(2015). A Methodology for the Assessment of the Quality of Information from Robbery Events to Enrich Situational Awareness in Emergency Management Systems . Procedia Manufacturing. 3. p. 4407-4414.
Jessica Souza, Leonardo Botega, Jose Eduardo Santarem Segundo, Claudia Berti(2015). A Methodology for the Assessment of the Quality of Information from Robbery Events to Enrich Situational Awareness in Emergency Management Systems . Procedia Manufacturing. 3. p. 4407--4414. Elsevier {BV}
Ladeira, L.Z., Junior, V.A.P., Rodrigues, R.Z., Botega, L.C.(2020). Crime information improvement for situation awareness based on data mining . Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. 940. p. 803-812.
Sanches, M.F., Junior, V.A.P., Souza, J.O., Coneglian, C.S., Jorge, F.R., Oliveira, N.P., Botega, L.C.(2016). Objects assessment approach using natural language processing and data quality to support emergency situation assessment . Communications in Computer and Information Science. 617. p. 238-244.
Coneglian, C.S., Fusco, E., Segundo, J.E.S., Junior, V.A.P., de Castro Botega, L.(2016). Ontological semantic agent in the context of big data: A tool applied to information retrieval in scientific research . Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. 444. p. 307-316.
Pereira Junior, V.A., Sanches, M.F., Botega, L.C., Coneglian, C.S., Oliveira, N., Araújo, R.B.(2016). Using semantics to improve information fusion and increase situational awareness . Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. 491. p. 101-113.
Oliveira, N., Rodrigues, F., Souza, J., Júnior, V.P., Botega, L.(2016). Development of a user interface for the enrichment of situational awareness in emergency management systems . Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. 491. p. 173-184.
Junior, V.A.P., Sanches, M.F., Botega, L.C., Coneglian, C.S.(2016). Towards semantic fusion using information quality awareness to support emergency situation assessment . Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. 444. p. 145-155.
Oliveira, A., Caetano, N., Botega, L.C., de Araújo, R.B.(2015). A head-up display with augmented reality and Gamification for an E-maintenance system: Using interfaces and Gamification to motivate workers in procedural tasks . Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 9173. p. 499-510.
Souza, J., Botega, L., Segundo, J.E.S., Berti, C.(2015). User-driven methodology for data quality assessment in the context of robbery events . Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. 353. p. 161-170.
Botega, L.C., Ferreira, L.C., Oliveira, N.P., Oliveira, A., Berti, C.B., De Neris, V.P., De Araújo, R.B.(2015). SAW-oriented user interfaces for emergency dispatch systems . Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 9173. p. 537-548.
Pereira, V.A., Sanches, M.F., Botega, L.C., Souza, J., Coneglian, C.S., Fusco, E., De Campos, M.R.(2015). Multi-criteria fusion of heterogeneous information for improving situation awareness on emergency management systems . Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 9173. p. 3-14.
Oliveira, N.F., Botega, L.C., Ferreira, L.C., De Campos, M.R.(2015). Uncertainty visualization framework for improving situational awareness in emergency management systems . Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 9172. p. 86-96.
Souza, J., Botega, L.C., Segundo, J.E.S., Berti, C.B., de Campos, M.R., de Araújo, R.B.(2015). Conceptual framework to enrich situation awareness of emergency dispatchers . Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 9173. p. 33-44.
Botega, L., Berti, C., Araújo, R., De Almeida Neris, V.P.(2014). A model to promote interaction between humans and data fusion intelligence to enhance situational awareness . Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 8510 LNCS. (PART 1). p. 399-410.
Leonardo Castro Botega, Jordan Ferreira Saran(2019). Development of Criminal Ontologies to Enhance Situation Assessment . {IEEE}
Leonardo Castro Botega, Allan Cesar Moreira de Oliveira, Valdir Amancio Pereira Junior, Jordan Ferreira Saran, Lucas Zanco Ladeira, Gustavo Marttos Cáceres Pereira, Seiji Isotani(2019). Quantify: An Information Fusion Model Based on Syntactic and Semantic Analysis and Quality Assessments to Enhance Situation Awareness . 563--586Springer International Publishing
Leonardo Castro Botega, Valdir Amancio Pereira Junior, Gustavo Marttos Cáceres Pereira(2019). Towards a Process for Criminal Semantic Information Fusion to Obtain Situational Projections . 51--72Ergon Verlag
Allan M. de Souza, Lehilton L. C. Pedrosa, Leonardo C. Botega, Leandro Villas(2018). Itssafe: An Intelligent Transportation System for Improving Safety and Traffic Efficiency . {IEEE}
Allan M. de Souza, Leonardo C. Botega, Leandro A. Villas(2018). {FnS}: Enhancing Traffic Mobility and Public Safety based on a Hybrid Transportation System . {IEEE}
Leonardo C. Botega, A. P. Valdir, Allan C. M. Oliveira, Jordan F. Saran, Leandro A. Villas, Regina B. de Araujo(2017). Quality-aware human-driven information fusion model . {IEEE}
Natália Oliveira, Fábio Rodrigues Jorge, Jéssica Souza, Valdir Pereira Júnior, Leonardo Botega(2016). Development of a User Interface for the Enrichment of Situational Awareness in Emergency Management Systems . 173--184Springer Nature
Leonardo Castro Botega, Valdir Amancio Pereira Junior, Mathues Ferraroni Sanches, Caio Saraiva Coneglian(2016). Towards Semantic Fusion Using Information Quality Awareness to Support Emergency Situation Assessment . 145--155Springer Nature
Caio Saraiva Coneglian, Elvis Fusco, José Eduardo Santarém Segundo, Valdir Amancio Pereira Junior, Leonardo de Castro Botega(2016). Ontological Semantic Agent in the Context of Big Data: A Tool Applied to Information Retrieval in Scientific Research . 307--316Springer Nature
Matheus F. Sanches, Valdir A. P. Junior, Jessica O. Souza, Caio S. Coneglian, Fábio R. Jorge, Natália P. Oliveira, Leonardo C. Botega(2016). Objects Assessment Approach Using Natural Language Processing and Data Quality to Support Emergency Situation Assessment . 238--244Springer Nature
Valdir A. Pereira Junior, Matheus F. Sanches, Leonardo C. Botega, Caio S. Coneglian, Natália Oliveira, Regina B. Araújo(2016). Using Semantics to Improve Information Fusion and Increase Situational Awareness . 101--113Springer Nature
Leonardo Castro Botega, Natália Ferreira Oliveira, Lucas César Ferreira, Márcio Roberto de Campos(2015). Uncertainty Visualization Framework for Improving Situational Awareness in Emergency Management Systems . 86--96Springer Nature
Leonardo Castro Botega, Valdir Amancio Pereira, Matheus Ferraroni Sanches, Jessica Souza, Caio Saraiva Coneglian, Elvis Fusco, Márcio Roberto de Campos(2015). Multi-criteria Fusion of Heterogeneous Information for Improving Situation Awareness on Emergency Management Systems . 3--14Springer Nature
Jessica Souza, Leonardo Botega, José Eduardo Santarém Segundo, Claudia Berti(2015). User-Driven Methodology for Data Quality Assessment in the Context of Robbery Events . 161--170Springer Nature
Leonardo Castro Botega, Lucas César Ferreira, Natália Pereira de Oliveira, Allan Oliveira, Claudia Beatriz Berti, Vânia Paula de Neris, Regina Borges de Araújo(2015). {SAW}-Oriented User Interfaces for Emergency Dispatch Systems . 537--548Springer Nature
Leonardo Botega, Cláudia Berti, Regina Araújo, Vânia Paula de Almeida Neris(2014). A Model to Promote Interaction between Humans and Data Fusion Intelligence to Enhance Situational Awareness . 399--410Springer Nature
Botega, L.C., Pereira, G.M.C., Junior, V.A.P., De Oliveira, A.C.M.(2019). Assessing Situation Awareness on Fusion-Driven Emergency Management Systems . FUSION 2019 - 22nd International Conference on Information Fusion.
Ferreira Saran, J., Castro Botega, L.(2019). Development of criminal ontologies to enhance situation assessment . Proceedings - 2019 Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems, BRACIS 2019. p. 669-674.
De Souza, A.M., Botega, L.C., Villas, L.A.(2018). FnS: Enhancing traffic mobility and public safety based on a hybrid transportation system . Proceedings - 14th Annual International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems, DCOSS 2018. p. 77-84.
De Souza, A.M., Pedrosa, L.L.C., Botega, L.C., Villas, L.(2018). Its safe: An intelligent transportation system for improving safety and traffic efficiency . IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference. 2018-June. p. 1-7.
Botega, L.C., Valdir, A.P., Oliveira, A.C.M., Saran, J.F., Villas, L.A., De Araujo, R.B.(2017). Quality-aware human-driven information fusion model . 20th International Conference on Information Fusion, Fusion 2017 - Proceedings.
Valdir, A.P., Saran, J.F., Ladeira, L.Z., Martins, J.H., Pagotti, V., Souza, A.M., Villas, L.A., Botega, L.C.(2017). Beyond syntactic data fusion in the context of criminal data analysis,Além da Fusão Sintática de Dados no Contexto de Análise de Dados Criminais . Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI.
Saran, J.F., Mendes, V., Valdir, A.P., Santos, C.G., Nascimento, G., De Fatima Tavares, M., Oliveira, A.C.M., Botega, L.C.(2017). Data and information fusion in the context of emergency management: The DF100Fogo project,Fusão de Dados e Informações no Contexto de Gerenciamento de Emergências: O Projeto DF100Fogo . Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI.
Valdir A. Pereira, Matheus F. Sanches, Jordan F. Saran, Caio S. Coneglian, Leonardo C. Botega, Regina B. de Araujo(2016). Towards semantic fusion using information quality and the assessment of objects and situations to improve emergency situation awareness . Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ({IEEE})
Pereira, V.A., Sanches, M.F., Saran, J.F., Coneglian, C.S., Botega, L.C., De Araujo, R.B.(2016). Towards semantic fusion using information quality and the assessment of objects and situations to improve emergency situation awareness . 2016 11th International Conference on Digital Information Management, ICDIM 2016. p. 260-265.
Leonardo Castro Botega, Allan Mariano de Souza, Roberto Sadao Yokoyama, Rodolfo Ipolito Meneguette, Leandro Aparecido Villas(2015). Scorpion: A Solution Using Cooperative Rerouting to Prevent Congestion and Improve Traffic Condition . Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ({IEEE})
De Souza, A.M., Yokoyama, R.S., Botega, L.C., Meneguette, R.I., Villas, L.A.(2015). SCORPION: A solution using cooperative rerouting to prevent congestion and improve traffic condition . Proceedings - 15th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, CIT 2015, 14th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Communications, IUCC 2015, 13th IEEE International Conference on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, DASC 2015 and 13th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, PICom 2015. p. 497-503.
Antonio M.B. Dourado, Leonardo C. Botega, Regina B. Araujo(2014). {TTUI}-{SM}: A New Specification Model for Tabletop Tangible User Interfaces . Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ({IEEE})
Dourado, A.M.B., Botega, L.C., Araújo, R.B.(2014). TTUI-SM: A new specification model for tabletop tangible user interfaces . Proceedings - 2014 16th Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality, SVR 2014. p. 238-245.
Oliveira, J., Botega, L., Chiaramonte, R.(2014). An information architecture for augmented reality browsers,Uma Arquitetura de Informações para Navegadores de Realidade Aumentada . Proceedings - 2014 16th Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality, SVR 2014. p. 102-105.
F'bio Rodigues, Fernando Sato, Leonardo Botega, Allan Oliveira(2012). Integration Framework of Augmented Reality and Tangible Interfaces for Enhancing the User Interaction . Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ({IEEE})
Fábio Rodrigues, Fernando Sato, Leonardo Botega, Allan Oliveira(2012). Augmented reality and tangible user interfaces integration for enhancing the user experience . Association for Computing Machinery ({ACM})
Rodrigues, F., Sato, F., Botega, L., Oliveira, A.(2012). Augmented reality and tangible user interfaces integration for enhancing the user experience . Proceedings - VRCAI 2012: 11th ACM SIGGRAPH International Conference on Virtual-Reality Continuum and Its Applications in Industry. p. 67-70.
Rodigues, F., Sato, F., Botega, L., Oliveira, A.(2012). Integration framework of augmented reality and tangible interfaces for enhancing the user interaction,Framework de integração de realidade aumentada e interfaces tangíveis para ampliação da interação do usuário . Proceedings - 2012 14th Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality, SVR 2012. p. 100-107.
Laia, M.A.M., Levada, A.L.M., Botega, L.C., Pereira, M.F.L., Cruvinel, P.E., Macedo, Á.(2008). A novel model for combining projection and image filtering using Kalman and discrete wavelet transform in computerized tomography . Proceedings - 2008 IEEE 11th International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, CSE 2008. p. 219-226.
De Oliveira, A.C.M.T.G., Pavarini, L., Nunes, F.L.S., Botega, L.C., Rossatto, D.J., Bezerra, A.(2006). Virtual reality framework for medical training: Implementation of a deformation class using Java . Proceedings - VRCIA 2006: ACM International Conference on Virtual Reality Continuum and its Applications. p. 347-351.