Advanced statistical consulting for life sciences. Published in high-impact peer-reviewed literature. Reliable. Trusted.
VMX International, LLC
November 2022 - Present
Advanced Data Analysis and Professional Scientific Consulting
J. Londer Laboratories
January 2019 - Present
PhD Student, Grad-Assistant, Research Assistant
University of Windsor
October 2013 - December 2018
MSc Student, Contracted Technician
US Geological Survey Great Lakes Science Center
October 2009 - April 2013
Lead laboratory analyst for treatment plant and basin wide water quality assessments
Eagle River Water and Sanitation District
September 2008 - October 2009
Hired Student Technician, Limnology studies
University of Colorado Boulder
April 2006 - June 2008
Ph.D. (Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Research)
University of Windsor
September 2013 - December 2018
M.Sc. (School of Natural Resources and Environment )
University of Michigan
September 2009 - December 2011
B.Sc. (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology )
University of Colorado Boulder
April 2004 - October 2008
B.Sc. (Environmental Studies, Aquatic Sciences)
University of Colorado Boulder
April 2004 - October 2008
- Certification details not provided.