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USD 40 /hr
Hire Dr. John B.
United States
USD 40 /hr
Profile Summary
Subject Matter Expertise
Work Experience

Postdoc, Research Scientist

University of Georgia

February 1999 - October 2016



University of California, Davis

July 1993 - June 1998


University of California, Davis

July 1989 - June 1993


California Institute of Technology

August 1985 - June 1989

  • Certification details not provided.
Li, Jingping, Tang, Haibao, Bowers, John E., Ming, Ray, Paterson, Andrew H., Paterson, AH(2014). Insights into the Common Ancestor of Eudicots . Genomes of Herbaceous Land Plants. 69. p. 137-174.
(2014). Genetic analysis of safflower domestication . Bmc Plant Biology. 14.
(2010). Angiosperm genome comparisons reveal early polyploidy in the monocot lineage . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 107. (1). p. 472-477.
(2009). Comparative Genomics of Grasses Promises a Bountiful Harvest . PLANT PHYSIOLOGY. 149. (1). p. 125-131.
(2009). The Sorghum bicolor genome and the diversification of grasses . NATURE. 457. (7229). p. 551-556.
(2008). Perspective - Synteny and collinearity in plant genomes . SCIENCE. 320. (5875). p. 486-488.
(2006). Evolutionary history of the angiosperms and its relevance to Brassica . Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of the Fourteenth Crucifer Genetics Workshop and Fourth Ishs Symposium on Brassicas. (706). p. 49-53.
(2006). Buffering of crucial functions by paleologous duplicated genes may contribute cyclicality to angiosperm genome duplication . PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 103. (8). p. 2730-2735.
(2005). Ancient duplication of cereal genomes . NEW PHYTOLOGIST. 165. (3). p. 658-661.
(2005). Diversity and selection in sorghum: simultaneous analyses using simple sequence repeats . THEORETICAL AND APPLIED GENETICS. 111. (1). p. 23-30.
(2005). Comparative physical mapping links conservation of microsynteny to chromosome structure and recombination in grasses . PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 102. (37). p. 13206-13211.
(2001). Distinguishing Carmenere from similar cultivars by DNA typing . AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ENOLOGY AND VITICULTURE. 52. (4). p. 396-399.
(2000). Comparative genomics of plant chromosomes . PLANT CELL. 12. (9). p. 1523-1539.
(1999). Development and characterization of additional microsatellite DNA markers for grape . AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ENOLOGY AND VITICULTURE. 50. (3). p. 243-246.
MEREDITH, CP, MEREDITH, CP, BOWERS, JE, RIAZ, S, et al.(1999). The identity and parentage of the variety known in California as Petite Sirah . AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ENOLOGY AND VITICULTURE. 50. (3). p. 236-242.
Bowers, J. E., Meredith, C. P.(1997). The origin of Cabernet Sauvignon . American Journal of Enology and Viticulture. 48. (3). p. 375.
(1997). The parentage of a classic wine grape, Cabernet Sauvignon . NATURE GENETICS. 16. (1). p. 84-87.
BOWERS, JE, DANGL, GS, VIGNANI, R, et al.(1996). Isolation and characterization of new polymorphic simple sequence repeat loci in grape (Vitis vinifera L) . GENOME. 39. (4). p. 628-633.
(1995). Microsatellite DNA typing for international cooperation in the identification of grape varieties . American Journal of Enology and Viticulture. 46. (3). p. 403-404.
(1992). DNA FINGERPRINTING OF SOME CALIFORNIA WINE GRAPE CULTIVARS . American Journal of Enology and Viticulture. 43. (3). p. 300-301.
(2004). A comparative phylogenetic approach for dating whole genome duplication events . Annual Plant and Animal Genome Conference (PAG). 20. (2). p. 180-185.
(2004). Ancient polyploidization predating divergence of the cereals, and its consequences for comparative genomics . International Congress in the Wake of the Double Helix. 101. (26). p. 9903-9908.