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Profile Details
Subject Matter Expertise
Work Experience
Senior Software Engineer
Harris Corp
September 2007 - Present
Ph.D. (School of Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Georgia Institute of Technology
August 2001 - August 2007
Bachelor's of Science in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering (EECS)
Tulane University
August 1997 - May 2001
- Certification details not provided.
Jeremy D. Jackson, Anthony J. Yezzi, Stefano Soatto(2007). Joint Priors for Variational Shape and Appearance Modeling . {IEEE}
J.D. Jackson, A.J. Yezzi, S. Soatto(2004). Tracking deformable moving objects under severe occlusions . {IEEE}
G. Sundaramoorthi, J.D. Jackson, A. Yezzi, A.C. Mennucci Tracking With Sobolev Active Contours . 2006 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition - Volume 1 (CVPR'06). {IEEE}
Jeremy D. Jackson, Anthony J. Yezzi, Stefano Soatto(2007). Dynamic Shape and Appearance Modeling via Moving and Deforming Layers . International Journal of Computer Vision. 79. (1). p. 71--84. Springer Nature
Jeremy D. Jackson, Anthony Yezzi, Stefano Soatto(2005). Dynamic Shape and Appearance Modeling Via Moving and Deforming Layers . 427--438Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Jeremy D. Jackson, Anthony Yezzi, Wes Wallace, Mark F. Bear(2003). Segmentation of Coarse and Fine Scale Features Using Multi-scale Diffusion and Mumford-Shah . 615--624Springer Berlin Heidelberg