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Subject Matter Expertise
Work Experience
Assistant Scientist
University of Wisconsin–Madison
October 2019 - Present
Postdoctoral Fellow
University of Wisconsin Madison
May 2017 - October 2019
Post doctoral Fellow
University of California Irvine
June 2014 - April 2017
PhD (Nanoscopy)
University of Genoa/ Istituto Italiano di Technologia
January 2011 - April 2014
Integrated 5yr Masters in Photonics (International School of Photonics, Center for Excellence in Lasers and Optoelectronics Sciences)
Cochin University of Science and Technology International School of Photonics
August 2004 - April 2009
- Certification details not provided.
Dasong Gao, Kristen C. Maitland, Paul R. Barber, Jenu V. Chacko, Md. Abdul Kader Sagar, Curtis T. Rueden, Aivar R. Grislis, Mark C. Hiner, Kevin W. Eliceiri (2020). FLIMJ: An open-source ImageJ toolkit for fluorescence lifetime image data analysis . PLOS ONE.
Sagar, M.A.K., Dai, B., Chacko, J.V., Weber, J.J., Velten, A., Sanders, S.T., White, J.G., Eliceiri, K.W.(2020). Optical fiber-based dispersion for spectral discrimination in fluorescence lifetime imaging systems . Journal of Biomedical Optics. 25. (1).
Perinbam, K., Chacko, J.V., Kannan, A., Digman, M.A., Siryaporn, A.(2020). A shift in central metabolism accompanies virulence activation in pseudomonas aeruginosa . mBio. 11. (2).
Jenu V Chacko, Kevin W Eliceiri(2019). NAD(P)H fluorescence lifetime measurements in fixed biological tissues . Methods and Applications in Fluorescence. {IOP} Publishing
(2019). Coding Scheme Optimization for Fast Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging . ACM Transactions on Graphics.
(2019). Interfacial and Nanoconfinement Effects Decrease the Excited-State Acidity of Polymer-Bound Photoacids . Chem.
Jenu V. Chacko, Kevin W. Eliceiri(2019). Autofluorescence lifetime imaging of cellular metabolism: Sensitivity toward cell density, pH, intracellular, and intercellular heterogeneity . Cytometry Part A. 95. (1). p. 56--69. Wiley
Chacko, J.V., Eliceiri, K.W.(2019). Autofluorescence lifetime imaging of cellular metabolism: Sensitivity toward cell density, pH, intracellular, and intercellular heterogeneity . Cytometry Part A. 95. (1). p. 56-69.
Wang, S., Chacko, J.V., Sagar, A.K., Eliceiri, K.W., Yuan, M.(2019). Nonparametric empirical Bayesian framework for fluorescence-lifetime imaging microscopy . Biomedical Optics Express. 10. (11). p. 5497-5517.
Dones, J.M., Tanrikulu, I.C., Chacko, J.V., Schroeder, A.B., Hoang, T.T., Gibson, A.L.F., Eliceiri, K.W., Raines, R.T.(2019). Optimization of interstrand interactions enables burn detection with a collagen-mimetic peptide . Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry. 17. (46). p. 9906-9912.
Sanborn, C.D., Chacko, J.V., Digman, M., Ardo, S.(2019). Interfacial and Nanoconfinement Effects Decrease the Excited-State Acidity of Polymer-Bound Photoacids . Chem. 5. (6). p. 1648-1670.
Lee, J., Chacko, J.V., Dai, B., Reza, S.A., Sagar, A.K., Eliceiri, K.W., Velten, A., Gupta, M.(2019). Coding scheme optimization for fast fluorescence lifetime imaging . ACM Transactions on Graphics. 38. (3).
Chacko, J.V., Eliceiri, K.W.(2019). NAD(P)H fluorescence lifetime measurements in fixed biological tissues . Methods and applications in fluorescence. 7. (4). p. 044005.
Jesús M. Dones, I. Caglar Tanrikulu, Jenu V. Chacko, Alexandra B. Schroeder, Trish T. Hoang, Angela L. F. Gibson, Kevin W. Eliceiri, Ronald T. Raines(2019). Optimization of interstrand interactions enables burn detection with a collagen-mimetic peptide . Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry. Royal Society of Chemistry ({RSC})
Andrea Anzalone, Jenu V. Chacko, Rebecca A. Nishi, Courtney Dumont, Dominique Smith, Lonnie D. Shea, Michelle A. Digman(2018). Feasibility study on mouse live imaging after spinal cord injury and poly(lactide-co-glycolide) bridge implantation . Journal of Biomedical Optics. 23. (06). p. 1. {SPIE}-Intl Soc Optical Eng
Elina Mäntylä, Jenu V. Chacko, Vesa Aho, Colin R. Parrish, Victor Shahin, Michael Kann, Michelle A. Digman, Enrico Gratton, Maija Vihinen-Ranta(2018). Viral highway to nucleus exposed by image correlation analyses . Scientific Reports. 8. (1). Springer Nature
Anzalone, A., Chacko, J.V., Nishi, R.A., Dumont, C., Smith, D., Shea, L.D., Digman, M.A., Cummings, B.J., Anderson, A.J.(2018). Feasibility study on mouse live imaging after spinal cord injury and poly(lactide-co-glycolide) bridge implantation . Journal of Biomedical Optics. 23. (6).
Mäntylä, E., Chacko, J.V., Aho, V., Parrish, C.R., Shahin, V., Kann, M., Digman, M.A., Gratton, E., Vihinen-Ranta, M.(2018). Viral highway to nucleus exposed by image correlation analyses . Scientific Reports. 8. (1).
Jenu V. Chacko, Michelle Digman(2017). NADH Auto Fluorescence Reveals New Metabolic Signatures in Yeast and Mammalian Cells . Biophysical Journal. 112. (3). p. 282a. Elsevier {BV}
Liu, L., Zhang, S.X., Liao, W., Farhoodi, H.P., Wong, C.W., Chen, C.C., Ségaliny, A.I., Chacko, J.V., Nguyen, L.P., Lu, M., et al.(2017). Mechanoresponsive stem cells to target cancer metastases through biophysical cues . Science Translational Medicine. 9. (400).
Jenu Varghese Chacko, Yinghua Qiu, Chih-Yuan Lin, Preston Hinkle, Timothy S. Plett, Crystal Yang, Michelle A. Digman, Li-Hsien Yeh, Jyh-Ping Hsu, Zuzanna S. Siwy(2016). Highly Charged Particles Cause a Larger Current Blockage in Micropores Compared to Neutral Particles . ACS Nano. American Chemical Society ({ACS})
Claire C. Chen, Linan Liu, Fengxia Ma, Chi W. Wong, Xuning E. Guo, Jenu V. Chacko, Henry P. Farhoodi, Shirley X. Zhang, Jan Zimak, Aude Ségaliny, et al.(2016). Elucidation of Exosome Migration Across the Blood–Brain Barrier Model In Vitro . Cel. Mol. Bioeng. Springer Nature
Jenu V. Chacko, Sailesh Gopalakrishna-Pillai, Michelle A. Digman(2016). Metabolic Profiling in Metastatic Cancer Cells using Frequency Domain Fluorescence Lifetime Microscopy . Biophysical Journal. 110. (3). p. 167a. Elsevier {BV}
Chen, C.C., Liu, L., Ma, F., Wong, C.W., Guo, X.E., Chacko, J.V., Farhoodi, H.P., Zhang, S.X., Zimak, J., Ségaliny, A., et al.(2016). Elucidation of Exosome Migration Across the Blood–Brain Barrier Model In Vitro . Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering. 9. (4). p. 509-529.
Qiu, Y., Lin, C.-Y., Hinkle, P., Plett, T.S., Yang, C., Chacko, J.V., Digman, M.A., Yeh, L.-H., Hsu, J.-P., Siwy, Z.S.(2016). Highly Charged Particles Cause a Larger Current Blockage in Micropores Compared to Neutral Particles . ACS Nano. 10. (9). p. 8413-8422.
Jenu V. Chacko, Francesca C. Zanacchi, Benjamin Harke, Luca Lanzano, Claudio Canale, Alberto Diaspro(2014). Insight into Hybrid Nanoscopy Techniques: STED AFM & STORM AFM . Biophysical Journal. 106. (2). p. 396a. Elsevier {BV}
Chacko, J.V., Harke, B., Canale, C., Diaspro, A.(2014). Cellular level nanomanipulation using atomic force microscope aided with superresolution imaging . Journal of Biomedical Optics. 19. (10).
Jenu Varghese Chacko, Claudio Canale, Benjamin Harke, Alberto Diaspro, Giuseppe Chirico(2013). Sub-Diffraction Nano Manipulation Using STED AFM . PLoS ONE. 8. (6). p. e66608. Public Library of Science ({PLoS})
Jenu V. Chacko, Benjamin Harke, Claudio Canale, Alberto Diaspro(2013). The Art of Perceiving Your Sample with AFM-STED-FCS . Biophysical Journal. 104. (2). p. 514a. Elsevier {BV}
Chacko, J.V., Zanacchi, F.C., Diaspro, A.(2013). Probing cytoskeletal structures by coupling optical superresolution and AFM techniques for a correlative approach . Cytoskeleton. 70. (11). p. 729-740.
Chacko, Jenu Varghese and Zanacchi, Francesca Cella and Diaspro, Alberto(2013). Probing cytoskeletal structures by coupling optical superresolution and AFM techniques for a correlative approach. Cytoskeleton. 70. (11). p. 729--740.
Diaspro, Alberto and Bianchini, Paolo and Cella Zanacchi, F and Vicidomini, Giuseppe and Harke, Benjamin and Galiani, Silvia and Chacko, Jenu and Coto, Ivan and Lavagnino, Zeno and d'Amora, Marta(2013). Taking Two-Photon Excitation (2PE) further: 2PE coupling to Far-field Optical Nanoscopy and Super Resolution Microscopy towards Three-dimensional (3D) Imaging of Thick Scattering Specimens. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 19. (S2). p. 166--167. Cambridge University Press
Chacko, J.V., Canale, C., Harke, B., Diaspro, A.(2013). Sub-Diffraction Nano Manipulation Using STED AFM . PLoS ONE. 8. (6).
Chacko, Jenu Varghese and Canale, Claudio and Harke, Benjamin and Diaspro, Alberto(2013). Sub-diffraction nano manipulation using STED AFM . PloS one. 8. (6). p. e66608. Public Library of Science
Jenu V. Chacko, Benjamin Harke, Claudio Canale, Paolo Bianchini, Alberto Diaspro(2012). STED - AFM: Tip Probing Enhanced by Super Resolved Targeting . Biophysical Journal. 102. (3). p. 224a. Elsevier {BV}
Jenu Varghese Chacko, Benjamin Harke, Heiko Haschke, Claudio Canale, Alberto Diaspro(2012). A novel nanoscopic tool by combining AFM with STED microscopy . Optical Nanoscopy. 1. (1). p. 3. Springer Nature
Diaspro, Alberto and Bianchini, Paolo and Zanacchi, Francesca Cella and Harke, Benjamin and Vicidomini, Giuseppe and Chacko, Jenu V and Galiani, Silvia and Lavagnino, Zeno(2012). “Nanoscopium Nominare Libuit”: Approaches Towards Optical Nanoscopy and Individual Molecule Localization Microscopy Improvements. Biophysical Journal. 102. (3). p. 4a. Cell Press
Harke, B., Chacko, J.V., Haschke, H., Canale, C., Diaspro, A.(2012). A novel nanoscopic tool by combining AFM with STED microscopy . Optical Nanoscopy. 1. (1). p. 1-6.
Diaspro, Alberto and Bianchini, Paolo and Cella-Zanacchi, Francesca and Harke, Benjamin and Perrone, Michela and Ronzitti, Emiliano and Galiani, Silvia and Chacko, Jenu and Lavagnino, Zeno(2011). Two-Photon Excitation for Optical Nanoscopy and Light-Sheet Illumination Microscopy. Microscopy and Analysis-UK. (147).
Singh, N.K., Chacko, J.V., Sreenivasan, V.K.A., Nag, S., Maiti, S.(2011). Ultracompact alignment-free single molecule fluorescence device with a foldable light path . Journal of Biomedical Optics. 16. (2).
Niraj Kumar Singh, Jenu V. Chacko, Varun K. A. Sreenivasan, Suman Nag, Sudipta Maiti(2011). Ultracompact alignment-free single molecule fluorescence device with a foldable light path . Journal of Biomedical Optics. 16. (2). p. 025004. {SPIE}-Intl Soc Optical Eng
Dasong Gao, Paul R Barber, Jenu V Chacko, Md Abdul Kader Sagar, Curtis T Rueden, Aivar R Grislis, Mark C Hiner, Kevin W Eliceiri(2020). FLIMJ: an open-source ImageJ toolkit for fluorescence lifetime image data analysis . Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Chacko, J., Zanacchi, F.C., Harke, B., Diaspro, A., Canale, C.(2016). Correlative nanoscopy: AFM super-resolution (STED/STORM) . Food as Medicine: Functional Food Plants of Africa. p. 149-171.
Diaspro, Alberto and Bianchini, Paolo and Zanacchi, Francesca Cella and Harke, Benjamin and Galiani, Silvia and Lavagnino, Zeno and Chacko, Jenu and Ronzitti, Emiliano(2011). Optical nanoscopy and individual molecule localization with focused light under linear and non linear regimes. EUROPEAN BIOPHYSICS JOURNAL WITH BIOPHYSICS LETTERS. 40. p. 124--124.
Ashok, P.C., James, J., Krisha, Y., Chacko, J.V., Nampoori, V.P.N.(2009). Development of Optics Kit for schools in developing countries: International School of Photonics model . Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 9666.
Ashok, P.C., James, J., Krisha, Y., Chacko, J.V., Nampoori, V.P.N.(2009). Development of optics kit for schools in developing countries-international school of photonics model . Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Jenu Varghese Chacko, Praveen Cheriyan Ashok, Jemy James, Yedhu krisha, V. P. N. Nampoori(2009). Development of Optics Kit for Schools in Developing Countries — International School of Photonics Model . Education and Training in Optics and Photonics. {OSA}