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Subject Matter Expertise
Work Experience
Assistant Professor
Boston University
February 2019 - Present
PhD (Health Policy and Management)
Boston University School of Public Health
September 2012 - January 2017
MS (Department of Agricultural Economics and Economics)
Montana State University Bozeman
September 2010 - January 2012
- Certification details not provided.
Jake R. Morgan, Jianing Wang, Joshua A. Barocas, Jenifer L. Jaeger, Natalie N. Durham, Hermik Babakhanlou-Chase, Monica Bharel, Alexander Y. Walley, Benjamin P. Linas(2020). Opioid overdose and inpatient care for substance use disorder care in Massachusetts . Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. 112. p. 42--48. Elsevier {BV}
Kathleen Carey, Jake R. Morgan, Meng-Yun Lin, Michael S. Kain, William R. Creevy(2020). Patient Outcomes Following Total Joint Replacement Surgery: A~Comparison of Hospitals and Ambulatory Surgery Centers . The Journal of Arthroplasty. 35. (1). p. 7--11. Elsevier {BV}
Kathleen Carey, Jake R. Morgan(2020). Payments for outpatient joint replacement surgery: A comparison of hospital outpatient departments and ambulatory surgery centers . Health Services Research. Wiley
Sean M. Murphy, Jake R. Morgan, Philip J. Jeng, Bruce R. Schackman(2019). Will converting naloxone to over-the-counter status increase pharmacy sales? . Health Services Research. 54. (4). p. 764--772. Wiley
Jake R. Morgan, Bruce R. Schackman, Zoe M. Weinstein, Alexander Y. Walley, Benjamin P. Linas(2019). Overdose following initiation of naltrexone and buprenorphine medication treatment for opioid use disorder in a United States commercially insured cohort . Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 200. p. 34--39. Elsevier {BV}
Jake R. Morgan, Kathleen M. Carey, Tamar F. Barlam, Cindy L. Christiansen, Mari-Lynn Drainoni(2019). Inappropriate Antibiotic Prescribing for Acute Bronchitis in Children and Impact on Subsequent Episodes of Care and Treatment . The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal. 38. (3). p. 271--274. Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health)
Jake R Morgan, Tamar F Barlam, Mari-Lynn Drainoni(2018). A Qualitative Study of the Real-world Experiences of Infectious Diseases Fellows Regarding Antibiotic Stewardship . Open Forum Infectious Diseases. 5. (9). Oxford University Press ({OUP})
Bruce R. Schackman, Sarah Gutkind, Jake R. Morgan, Jared A. Leff, Czarina N. Behrends, Kevin L. Delucchi, Courtney McKnight, David C. Perlman, Carmen L. Masson, Benjamin P. Linas(2018). Cost-effectiveness of hepatitis C screening and treatment linkage intervention in {US} methadone maintenance treatment programs . Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 185. p. 411--420. Elsevier {BV}
Sean M. Murphy, Jared A. Leff, Benjamin P. Linas, Jake R. Morgan, Kathryn McCollister, Bruce R. Schackman(2018). Implementation of a nationwide health economic consultation service to assist substance use researchers: Lessons learned . Substance Abuse. 39. (2). p. 185--189. Informa {UK} Limited
Kristyn Brandi, Jake R. Morgan, Michael K. Paasche-Orlow, Rebecca B. Perkins, Katharine OʼConnell White(2018). Obstetric Outcomes After Failed Hysteroscopic and Laparoscopic Sterilization Procedures . Obstetrics {\&} Gynecology. 131. (2). p. 253--261. Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health)
Joshua A. Barocas, Laura F. White, Jianing Wang, Alexander Y. Walley, Marc R. LaRochelle, Dana Bernson, Thomas Land, Jake R. Morgan, Jeffrey H. Samet, Benjamin P. Linas(2018). Estimated Prevalence of Opioid Use Disorder in Massachusetts, 2011{\textendash}2015: A Capture{\textendash}Recapture Analysis . American Journal of Public Health. 108. (12). p. 1675--1681. American Public Health Association
(2017). Economic evaluation of HCV testing approaches in low and middle income countries . BMC infectious diseases.
(2017). Disproportionate Exposure to Antibiotics in Children at Risk for Invasive Pneumococcal Disease: Potential for Emerging Resistance and Opportunity for Antibiotic Stewardship . Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society.
(2017). Injectable naltrexone, oral naltrexone, and buprenorphine utilization and discontinuation among individuals treated for opioid use disorder in a United States commercially insured population . Journal of substance abuse treatment.
Jake R Morgan, Arthur Y Kim, Susanna Naggie, Benjamin P Linas(2017). The Effect of Shorter Treatment Regimens for Hepatitis C on Population Health and Under Fixed Budgets . Open Forum Infectious Diseases. 5. (1). Oxford University Press ({OUP})
et al.(2017). Cost Effectiveness and Cost Containment in the Era of Interferon-Free Therapies to Treat Hepatitis C Virus Genotype 1 . Open forum infectious diseases.
(2016). Gynecologic Outcomes After Hysteroscopic and Laparoscopic Sterilization Procedures . Obstetrics and gynecology.
Jake R. Morgan, Mari-Lynn Drainoni, Shwetha Sequeira, Meg Sullivan, Katherine K. Hsu(2016). Getting What You Pay For . Sexually Transmitted Diseases. 43. (1). p. 18--22. Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health)
Kinna Thakarar, Jake R. Morgan, Jessie M. Gaeta, Carole Hohl, Mari-Lynn Drainoni(2016). Homelessness, {HIV}, and Incomplete Viral Suppression . Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved. 27. (1). p. 145--156. Johns Hopkins University Press
Benjamin P. Linas, Devra M. Barter, Jake R. Morgan, Mai T. Pho, Jared A. Leff, Bruce R. Schackman, C. Robert Horsburgh, Sabrina A. Assoumou, Joshua A. Salomon, Milton C. Weinstein, et al.(2015). The Cost-Effectiveness of Sofosbuvir-Based Regimens for Treatment of Hepatitis C Virus Genotype 2 or 3 Infection . Annals of Internal Medicine. 162. (9). p. 619. American College of Physicians
Kinna Thakarar, Jake R. Morgan, Jessie M. Gaeta, Carole Hohl, Mari-Lynn Drainoni, Chin-Kuo Chang(2015). Predictors of Frequent Emergency Room Visits among a Homeless Population . {PLoS} {ONE}. 10. (4). p. e0124552. Public Library of Science ({PLoS})
Michal Horný, Jake R. Morgan, Vanessa L. Merker(2015). Using Medical Claims for Policy Effectiveness Surveillance: Reimbursement and Utilization of Abdomen/Pelvis Computed Tomography Scans . Health Services Research. p. n/a--n/a. Wiley-Blackwell
Shwetha Sequeira, Jake R. Morgan, Maura Fagan, Katherine K. Hsu, Mari-Lynn Drainoni(2015). Evaluating Quality of Care for Sexually Transmitted Infections in Different Clinical Settings . Sexually Transmitted Diseases. 42. (12). p. 717--724. Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health)
Elissa M. Schechter-Perkins, Elisa Koppelman, Patricia M. Mitchell, Jake R. Morgan, Randie Kutzen, Mari-Lynn Drainoni(2014). Characteristics of patients who accept and decline {ED} rapid {HIV} testing . The American Journal of Emergency Medicine. 32. (9). p. 1109--1112. Elsevier {BV}
Anton Bekkerman, Jake R. Morgan(2014). Coal power plant emission exposure and its effect on education access . J Public Health. Springer Science + Business Media
James F. Burgess, Eric A. Jones, Jake R. Morgan(2014). Capsule Commentary on Tannenbaum et al., Nudging Physician Prescription Decisions by Partitioning the Order Set: Results of a Vignette-Based Study . J {GEN} {INTERN} {MED}. 30. (3). p. 343--343. Springer Science $\mathplus$ Business Media
Tamar F. Barlam, Jake R. Morgan, Lee M. Wetzler, Cindy L. Christiansen, Mari-Lynn Drainoni(2014). Antibiotics for Respiratory Tract Infections: A Comparison of Prescribing in an Outpatient Setting . Infection Control {\&} Hospital Epidemiology. 36. (02). p. 153--159. Cambridge University Press ({CUP})