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Profile Details
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USD 20 /hr
Hire Dr. Isabel C.
USD 20 /hr

Urban planning research and global environmental crises

Profile Summary
Subject Matter Expertise
Writing Technical Writing
Research Gray Literature Search, Systematic Literature Review, Secondary Data Collection
Work Experience

PhD Candidate

The University of Queensland

July 2015 - Present


PhD candidate (Urban Planning) (School of Earth and Environmental Sciences)

The University of Queensland

July 2015 - Present

Master of Regional Development (School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management)

The University of Queensland

2010 - 2011

  • Certification details not provided.
Isabel Ceron Castano(2016). Informed cities, making research work for local sustainability . Australian Planner. 53. (4). p. 323--324. Informa {UK} Limited
Isabel Ceron Castano, David Wadley(2012). Conceptualization and System Design in the Monitoring of Urban Form . Planning Practice and Research. 27. (5). p. 495--511. Informa {UK} Limited
Germán Perlaza Rúa, Isabel Cristina Cerón(2011). El Periodismo sin palabras . Revista Nexus Comunicaci{\'{o}}n. (4). Universidad del Valle