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Hire Dr. Gonzalo A. G.

Expert in Data and Signal Processing | PhD. in Biomedical Engineering from Osaka University. M.Sc. in Computer Science.

Profile Summary
Subject Matter Expertise
Writing Technical Writing, Newswriting
Research Fact Checking, Gray Literature Search, Systematic Literature Review, Secondary Data Collection
Data & AI Statistical Analysis, Algorithm Design-Non ML, Data Visualization
Work Experience

Scientific responsible of the Department of Research at Fundacion Ayesa

Ayesa, Spain

April 2021 - October 2021

Senior Researcher


June 2018 - September 2020

Senior Researcher

Freelance Researcher

March 2013 - June 2018

Senior Researcher ad Project Manager

Tecnalia Corporación Tecnológica

January 2008 - December 2012

Marie Curie Post-doctoral fellow

Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna

April 2006 - April 2008

Research Assistant

Osaka University

April 2001 - April 2005

Doctoral Scholar, granted by Monbusho (Ministry of Education of Japan)

Osaka University

October 2000 - April 2005

Junior Assistant Professor

Universidad de Granada

January 1999 - April 1999


Bachelor Degree in Psychology

Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

2014 - 2017

Master Degree in Electronic Engineering

Universidad de Granada

2009 - 2014

PhD in Biomedical Engineering

Osaka University

2001 - 2005

Master Degree in Computer Science

Universidad de Granada

1996 - 1998

Bachelor Degree in Computer Science

Universidad de Granada

1992 - 1996

  • Certification details not provided.
Garc{\'\i}a, Gonzalo A and Okuno, Ryuhei and Akazawa, Kenzo(2013). Simulator of a myoelectrically controlled prosthetic hand with graphical display of upper limb and hand posture . Electrodiagnosis in New Frontiers of Clinical Research. InTech
Gavilanes-Miranda, Bego{\~n}a and De Gandarias, Juan J Goiriena and Garcia, Gonzalo A(2012). Comparison by EMG of running barefoot and running shod . Computational Intelligence in Electromyography Analysis-A Perspective on Current Applications and Future Challenges. InTech
Gavilanes-Miranda, Bego{\~n}a and De Gandarias, Juan J Goiriena and Garcia, Gonzalo A(2011). Walking and jogging: quantification of muscle activity of the lower extremities . Advances in Applied Electromyography. InTech
Garc{\'\i}a, Gonzalo A and Okuno, Ryuhei and Akazawa, Kenzo(2006). Independent Component Analysis of Surface EMG for Detection of Single Motoneurons Firing in Voluntary Isometric Contraction . Handbook of Neural Engineering. p. 519--533. John Wiley \& Sons, Inc.
Garc{\'\i}a, Gonzalo and Maekawa, Kazuya and Akazawa, Kenzo(2004). Decomposition of synthetic multi-channel surface-electromyogram using independent component analysis . Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Independent Component Analysis and Blind Signal Separation. p. 985--992. Springer Berlin/Heidelberg
Miljkovic, Nadica and Zabaleta, Haritz and Rodriguez-de-Pablo, Cristina and Keller, Thierry and Garcia, Gonzalo A(2013). EMG Topography of Low Back Muscles as a Tool for Posture Evaluation and for the Assessment of Lumbalgia Treatments Progress . Converging Clinical and Engineering Research on Neurorehabilitation. p. 495--499. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
Zabaleta, Haritz and Rodriguez-de-Pablo, Cristina and Miljkovic, Nadica and Keller, Thierry and Garcia, Gonzalo A(2012). sEMG-based detection of poor posture: a feasibility study . International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC). p. 1210--1213.
Miljkovi{\'c}, Nadica and Bijeli{\'c}, Goran and Garcia, Gonzalo A and Popovi{\'c}, Mirjana B(2011). Independent Component Analysis of EMG for posture detection: sensitivity to variation of posture properties. Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR). p. 47--50.
Garcia, Gonzalo A and Keller, Thierry(2008). Advanced signal processing techniques applied to cross-talk reduction in forearm S-EMG . MyoElectric Controls/Powered Prosthetics (MEC) Conference.
Garcia, Gonzalo A and Zaccone, Franco and Ruff, Roman and Micera, Silvestro and Hoffmann, Klaus-Peter and Dario, Paolo(2007). Characterization of a new type of dry electrodes for long-term recordings of surface-electromyogram . IEEE 10th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR). p. 849--853.
Wu, Yunfeng and Tao, Ningning and Tang, Luxian and Ma, Xu and Garcia, Gonzalo A and Mitsui, Mie(2004). Maxi program at IEEE EMBS student club of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications . 26th International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (IEMBS). 2. p. 5192--5195.
Garc{\'\i}a, Gonzalo A and Nishitani, Ryouichi and Okuno, Ryuhei and Akazawa, Kenzo(2003). Independent component analysis as preprocessing tool for decomposition of surface electrode-array electromyogram . 4th International Symposium on Independent Component Analysis and Blind Signal Separation (ICA2003). p. 191--196.
Garcia, Gonzalo A and Akazawa, Kenzo and Okuno, Ryuhei(2003). Decomposition of surface electrode-array electromyogram of biceps brachii muscle in voluntary isometric contraction . 25th International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. 3. p. 2483--2486.
Okuno, Ryuhei and Nishitani, Ryoichi and Garcia, Gonzalo A and Akazawa, Kenzo(2003). Interactive decomposition of MU with multi-channel template-matching of surface EMG . IEEE EMBS Asian-Pacific Conference on Biomedical Engineering. p. 226--227.
Garcia, Gonzalo A and Okuno, Ryuhei and Akazawa, Kenzo(2003). Surface electrode-array electromyogram decomposition . First International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering. p. 388--391.
Garcia, Gonzalo A and Rainieri, Sandra(2012). System to detect the level of stress/discomfort of aquatic animals . European Patent. Google Patents
Theis, Fabian J and Garc{\'\i}a, Gonzalo A(2006). On the use of sparse signal decomposition in the analysis of multi-channel surface electromyograms . Signal Processing. 86. (3). p. 603--623. Elsevier
Garcia, Gonzalo A and Okuno, Ryuhei and Azakawa, K(2005). A decomposition algorithm for surface electrode-array electromyogram . IEEE engineering in medicine and biology magazine. 24. (4). p. 63--72. IEEE