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Hire Dr. Geof H.
USD 100 /hr
Curiculum Development and Research, Environmental Studies, Environmental Engineering, Public Health. 10+ years
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Subject Matter Expertise
Technical Writing
Market Research
Scientific and Technical Consulting
Work Experience
Spring Ridge Training Institute
September 2021 - Present
Professor (Adjunct)
Queen's University
September 2017 - Present
Adj. Professor
Queen's University
September 2017 - Present
Ph.D. (Civil Engineering)
Queen's University
- July 2008
Queen's University
September 2004 - May 2008
- Certification details not provided.
Lei Liu and Geof Hall and Pascale Champagne(2020). The role of algae in the removal and inactivation of pathogenic indicator organisms in wastewater stabilization pond systems . Algal Research. 46. p. 101777. Elsevier {BV}
Sophie Felleiter and Kevin McDermott and Geof Hall and Prameet Sheth and Anna Majury(2020). Exploring private water wells for fecal sources and evidence of pathogen presence in the context of current testing practices for potability in Ontario . Water Quality Research Journal. 55. (1). p. 93--105. {IWA} Publishing
Haley Sanderson and Rodrigo Ortega-Polo and Kevin McDermott and Geoffrey Hall and Rahat Zaheer and R. Stephen Brown and Anna Majury and Tim A. McAllister and Steven N. Liss(2019). Quantification and Multidrug Resistance Profiles of Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci Isolated from Two Wastewater Treatment Plants in the Same Municipality . Microorganisms. 7. (12). p. 626. {MDPI} {AG}
Lei Liu and Geof Hall and Pascale Champagne(2018). Disinfection processes and mechanisms in wastewater stabilization ponds: a review . Environmental Reviews. 26. (4). p. 417--429. Canadian Science Publishing
Christine Gan and Pascale Champagne and Geof Hall(2018). Pilot-scale evaluation of semi-passive treatment technologies for the treatment of septage under temperate climate conditions . Journal of Environmental Management. 216. p. 357--371. Elsevier {BV}
Lei Liu and Alan MacDougall and Geof Hall and Pascale Champagne(2017). Disinfection Performance in Wastewater Stabilization Ponds in Cold Climate Conditions: A Case Study in Nunavut, Canada . Environments. 4. (4). p. 93. {MDPI} {AG}
Meng Jin and Jacob Carlos and Rachel McConnell and Geof Hall and Pascale Champagne(2017). Peat as Substrate for Small-Scale Constructed Wetlands Polishing Secondary Effluents from Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant . Water. 9. (12). p. 928. {MDPI} {AG}
Nancy VanStone and Adam van Dijk and Timothy Chisamore and Brian Mosley and Geoffrey Hall and Paul Belanger and Kieran Michael Moore(2017). Characterizing the Effects of Extreme Cold Using Real-time Syndromic Surveillance, Ontario, Canada, 2010-2016 . Public Health Reports. 132. (1{\_}suppl). p. 48S--52S. {SAGE} Publications
Meng Jin and Pascale Champagne and Geoffrey Hall(2017). Effects of different substrates in the mitigation of algae-induced high pH wastewaters in a pilot-scale free water surface wetland system . Water Science and Technology. 75. (1). p. 1--10. {IWA} Publishing
Jack Wallace and Pascale Champagne and Geof Hall(2016). Multivariate statistical analysis of water chemistry conditions in three wastewater stabilization ponds with algae blooms and pH fluctuations . Water Research. 96. p. 155--165. Elsevier {BV}
J. Wallace and P. Champagne and G. Hall(2016). Time series relationships between chlorophyll-a, dissolved oxygen, and pH in three facultative wastewater stabilization ponds . Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology. 2. (6). p. 1032--1040. Royal Society of Chemistry ({RSC})
Lei Liu and Geof Hall and Pascale Champagne(2015). Effects of Environmental Factors on the Disinfection Performance of a Wastewater Stabilization Pond Operated in a Temperate Climate . Water. 8. (1). p. 5. {MDPI} {AG}
Jack Wallace and Pascale Champagne and Geof Hall and Zhaochu Yin and Xudong Liu(2015). Determination of Algae and Macrophyte Species Distribution in Three Wastewater Stabilization Ponds Using Metagenomics Analysis . Water. 7. (12). p. 3225--3242. {MDPI} {AG}
Julia Krolik and Gerald Evans and Paul Belanger and Allison Maier and Geoffrey Hall and Alan Joyce and Stephanie Guimont and Amanda Pelot and Anna Majury(2014). Microbial source tracking and spatial analysis of E. coli contaminated private well waters in southeastern Ontario . Journal of Water and Health. 12. (2). p. 348--357. {IWA} Publishing
Julia Krolik and Allison Maier and Gerald Evans and Paul Belanger and Geoffrey Hall and Alan Joyce and Anna Majury(2013). A spatial analysis of private well water Escherichia coli contamination in southern Ontario . Geospatial health. 8. (1). p. 65. {PAGEPress} Publications
Geoffrey G. Hall and Alexander G. Perry and Adam vanDijk and Kieran M. Moore(2013). Influenza assessment centres: a case study of pandemic preparedness to alleviate excess emergency department volume . CJEM. 15. (04). p. 198--205. Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}
Alexander G. Perry and Michael J. Korenberg and Geoffrey G. Hall and Kieran M. Moore(2011). Modeling and Syndromic Surveillance for Estimating Weather-Induced Heat-Related Illness . Journal of Environmental and Public Health. 2011. p. 1--10. Hindawi Limited
Michael J. Schull and Muhammad M. Mamdani and Jiming Fang(2004). Community influenza outbreaks and emergency department ambulance diversion . Annals of Emergency Medicine. 44. (1). p. 61--67. Elsevier {BV}