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Hire Dr. Fabrisio G.
An Engineering Science PhD Expert a Strong Background in Engineering Thermodynamics
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Subject Matter Expertise
Work Experience
Postdoctoral Researcher
Laboratoire Procédés, Matériaux et Energie Solaire - CNRS
February 2015 - December 2015
Predoctoral Researcher
Institute IMDEA Energy
November 2009 - November 2013
Research Assistant
Centro de Investigación en Energía
July 2008 - October 2009
Research Assistant
Centro de Investigación en Energía
September 2007 - June 2008
PhD in Engineering Sciences
Université de Perpignan Via Domitia
December 2011 - January 2015
M.Sc. in Engineering (Energy) (Centro de Investigación en Energía)
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
August 2005 - February 2008
B.Sc. in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
Universidad Iberoamericana
January 2000 - August 2005
- Certification details not provided.
Gomez-Garcia, F., Gauthier, D., Flamant, G.(2017). Design and performance of a multistage fluidised bed heat exchanger for particle-receiver solar power plants with storage . Applied Energy. 190. p. 510-523.
Gomez-Garcia, F., González-Aguilar, J., Olalde, G., Romero, M.(2016). Thermal and hydrodynamic behavior of ceramic volumetric absorbers for central receiver solar power plants: A review . Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 57. p. 648-658.
Gomez-Garcia, F., Gonzalez-Aguilar, J., Tamayo-Pacheco, S., Olalde, G., Romero, M.(2015). Numerical analysis of radiation propagation in a multi-layer volumetric solar absorber composed of a stack of square grids . Solar Energy. 121. p. 94-102.
Bellan, S., Alonso, E., Gomez-Garcia, F., Perez-Rabago, C., Gonzalez-Aguilar, J., Romero, M.(2013). Thermal performance of lab-scale solar reactor designed for kinetics analysis at high radiation fluxes . Chemical Engineering Science. 101. p. 81-89.
Huelsz, G., Gómez, F., Piñeirua, M., Rojas, J., De Alba, M., Guerra, V.(2011). Evaluation of refrigerator/freezer gaskets thermal loads . HVAC and R Research. 17. (2). p. 133-143.
(2008). Recent developments on heat to electricity thermoacoustic conversion . The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.
(2016). Heat exchanger modelling in central receiver solar power plant using dense particle suspension. Proceedings of the 22nd SolarPaces Conference, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
Gomez-Garcia, F., Santiago, S., Luque, S., Romero, M., Gonzalez-Aguilar, J.(2016). A new laboratory-scale experimental facility for detailed aerothermal characterizations of volumetric absorbers . AIP Conference Proceedings. 1734.
(2015). A new laboratory-scale experimental facility for detailed aerothermal characterizations of volumetric absorbers. Proceedings of the 21st SolarPaces Conference, Cape Town, South Africa.
Fabrisio, G.-G., Jose, G.-A., Sergio, T.-P., Gabriel, O., Manuel, R.(2014). Numerical analysis of radiation attenuation in volumetric solar receivers composed of a stack of thin monolith layers . Energy Procedia. 57. p. 457-466.
(2014). Thermal and hydrodynamic behavior of volumetric absorbers for solar tower plants. Proceedings of the XXXVIII Semana Nacional ANES y XI Congreso Iberoamericano, Queretaro, Mexico.
(2014). Venetian blinds volumetric absorbers - Numerical analysis of radiation propagation. Proceedings of the JNES Congress 2014, Perpignan, France.
(2013). Numerical analysis on radiation heat transfer in volumetric solar receivers composed of stacked of thin monoliths. Proceedings of the ISES Solar World Congress, Cancun, Mexico.
(2011). Experimental 3D heat flux distribution of a 7 kWe-solar simulator. Proceedings of the 17th SolarPaces Conference, Granada, Spain.
(2011). Experimental analysis of Mn3O4 / MnO reduction in a packed-bed type solar reactor: Oxygen partial pressure influence. Proceedings of the 17th SolarPaces Conference, Granada, Spain.
(2010). Design and numerical analysis of a laboratory-scale rotary reactor for hydrogen production by thermochemical cyles. Proceedings of the 16th SolarPACES Conference, Perpignan, France.
(2015). Thermal-hydraulic simulation of a multilayer volumetric absorber of grids. Journées Nationales sur l'Énergie Solaire, Perpignan, France.
(2014). Venetian blinds volumetric absorbers - Numerical analysis of radiation propagation. Journées Nationales sur l'Énergie Solaire, Perpignan, France.
(2011). Experimental analysis of Mn3O4 / MnO reduction in a packed-bed type solar reactor: Oxygen partial pressure influence. 17th SolarPaces Conference, Granada, Spain.
(2011). Experimental 3D heat flux distribution of a 7 kWe-solar simulator. 17th SolarPaces Conference, Granada, Spain.
(2008). Design, construction and characterization of a solar thermoacoustic engine. 61st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
(2008). Heat transfer in magnetic gaskets. Proceedings of the LI Congreso Nacional De Física y II Congreso Latinoamericano de Física, Zacatecas, Mexico.
(2007). Design, construction and characterization of a solar thermoacoustic engine. Proceedings of the L Congreso Nacional de Física, Boca del Rio, Mexico.