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USD 125 /hr
Hire Dr. Fabian K.
United States
USD 125 /hr

Freelance Data Scientist and Neuroscientist | Expert in Neural Signal Analysis and Visualization

Profile Summary
Subject Matter Expertise
Writing Technical Writing, General Proofreading & Editing
Research Scientific and Technical Research
Consulting Digital Strategy Consulting, Scientific and Technical Consulting
Data & AI Statistical Analysis, Data Visualization, Data Processing, Data Insights
Work Experience

Associate Professor

KU Leuven

October 2020 - Present

principal investigator


October 2011 - Present

assistant professor

KU Leuven

October 2012 - September 2020


PhD (Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences)

University of Amsterdam

1998 - 2003


University of Amsterdam

1994 - 1998

  • Certification details not provided.
Fabian Kloosterman, Katarzyna Bzymek(2024). The properties of spatial coding in relation to theta dynamics across the dorsal-ventral axis of lateral septum.
Fabian Kloosterman, Hanna den Bakker(2023). Hippocampal-prefrontal interactions underlying cognitive flexibility in spatial navigation.
Rik van Daal, Michael Kraft(2023). Ultra-Flexible High-Density Electrode Arrays for Chronic Deep Brain Neural Interfacing.
José Esquivelzeta Rabell, Sebastian Haesler(2022). Identifying a direct olfactory pathway for rapid orienting.
Jasper Wouters, Alexander Bertrand(2020). Design and Validation of Low-complexity Methods for Resolving Spike Overlap in Neuronal Spike Sorting.
Fabian Kloosterman, Frédéric Michon(2019). Hippocampal replay of neuronal activity patterns promotes the retention of salient experiences.
Fabian Kloosterman, D Ciliberti(2018). Real-time detection of hippocampal replay patterns for closed-loop experiments.
B Raducanu, Chris Van Hoof(2018). Massive Parallel Readout Circuits for In-Vivo Signal Acquisition.
Fabian Kloosterman, Lies Deceuninck(2024). Disruption of awake sharp-wave ripples does not affect memorization of locations in repeated-acquisition spatial memory tasks . Elife. 13. (ARTN e84004). eLIFE SCIENCES PUBL LTD
Fabian Kloosterman, Hanna den Bakker, Marie Van Dijck, Jyh-Jang Sun(2023). Sharp-wave-ripple-associated activity in the medial prefrontal cortex supports spatial rule switching . Cell Reports. 42. (8). CELL PRESS
Fabian Kloosterman, Hanna den Bakker, Marie Van Dijck, Jyh-Jang Sun (2023). Sharp-wave-ripple-associated activity in the medial prefrontal cortex supports spatial rule switching . Cell Reports.
Fabian Kloosterman, Chae Young Kim, Sang Jeong Kim(2022). Simultaneous Cellular Imaging, Electrical Recording and Stimulation of Hippocampal Activity in Freely Behaving Mice . Experimental Neurobiology. 31. (3). p. 208--220. KOREAN SOC BRAIN \& NEURAL SCIENCE, KOREAN SOC NEURODEGENERATIVE DISEASE
Fabian Kloosterman, Frederic Michon, Esther Krul, Jyh-Jang Sun(2021). Single-trial dynamics of hippocampal spatial representations are modulated by reward value . Current Biology. 31. (20). p. 4423--+. CELL PRESS
Fabian Kloosterman, Jasper Wouters, Alexander Bertrand(2021). A data-driven spike sorting feature map for resolving spike overlap in the feature space . Journal Of Neural Engineering. 18. (4). p. 1--16. IOP Publishing
Fabian Kloosterman, Rik J. J. van Daal, Çağatay Aydin, Frédéric Michon, Arno A. A. Aarts, Michael Kraft, Sebastian Haesler(2021). Implantation of Neuropixels probes for chronic recording of neuronal activity in freely behaving mice and rats . Nature Protocols. Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}
Fabian Kloosterman, Rik van Daal, Cagatay Aydin, Frederic Michon, Arno Aarts, Michael Kraft, Sebastian Haesler(2021). Implantation of Neuropixels probes for chronic recording of neuronal activity in freely behaving mice and rats . Nature Protocols. 16. (7). p. 3322--3347. Nature Research
Fabian Kloosterman, Nicholas A Steinmetz, Cagatay Aydin, Anna Lebedeva, Michael Okun, Marius Pachitariu, Marius Bauza, Maxime Beau, Jai Bhagat, Claudia Böhm, et al.(2021). Neuropixels 2.0: A miniaturized high-density probe for stable, long-term brain recordings . Science. 372. (6539). American Association for the Advancement of Science
Fabian Kloosterman, Jasper Wouters, Panagiotis Patrinos, Alexander Bertrand(2020). Multi-pattern recognition through maximization of signal-to-peak-interference ratio with application to neural spike sorting . Ieee Transactions On Signal Processing. 68. p. 6240--6254. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Fabian Kloosterman, Jasper Wouters, Alexander Bertrand(2020). SHYBRID: A graphical tool for generating hybrid ground-truth spiking data for evaluating spike sorting performance . Neuroinformatics. 19. (1). p. 141--158. Springer (part of Springer Nature)
Fabian Kloosterman, Frédéric Michon, Jyh-Jang Sun, Chae Young Kim(2020). A Dual Reward-Place Association Task to Study the Preferential Retention of Relevant Memories in Rats . Frontiers In Behavioral Neuroscience. 14. (ARTN 69). FRONTIERS MEDIA SA
Fabian Kloosterman, Rik J J van Daal, Jyh-Jang Sun, Frederik Ceyssens, Frédéric Michon, Michael Kraft, Robert Puers(2020). System for recording from multiple flexible polyimide neural probes in freely behaving animals . Journal of Neural Engineering. 17. (1). p. 016046. {IOP} Publishing
Fabian Kloosterman, Rik van Daal, Jyh-Jang Sun, Frederik Ceyssens, Frédéric Michon, Michael Kraft, Robert Puers(2020). System for recording from multiple flexible polyimide neural probes in freely behaving animals . Journal Of Neural Engineering. 17. (1). IOP Publishing
Fabian Kloosterman, Frédéric Michon, Jyh-Jang Sun, Chae Young Kim, Davide Ciliberti(2019). Post-learning Hippocampal Replay Selectively Reinforces Spatial Memory for Highly Rewarded Locations . Current Biology. 29. (9). p. 1436--+. CELL PRESS
Fabian Kloosterman, Frédéric Michon, Jyh-Jang Sun, Chae Young Kim, Davide Ciliberti(2019). Post-learning Hippocampal Replay Selectively Reinforces Spatial Memory for Highly Rewarded Locations . Current Biology. 29. (9). p. 1436--1444.e5. Elsevier {BV}
Fabian Kloosterman, Sile Hu, Davide Ciliberti, Andres Grosmark, Frédéric Michon, Daoyun Ji, Hector Penagos, György Buzsáki, Matthew Wilson, Zhe Chen(2018). Real-Time Readout of Large-Scale Unsorted Neural Ensemble Place Codes . Cell Reports. 25. (10). p. 2635--2642. Elsevier
Fabian Kloosterman, Davide Ciliberti, Frédéric Michon(2018). Real-time classification of experience-related ensemble spiking patterns for closed-loop applications . eLife. 7. {eLife} Sciences Publications, Ltd
Fabian Kloosterman, Davide Ciliberti, Frédéric Michon(2018). Real-time classification of experience-related ensemble spiking patterns for closed-loop applications . Elife. 7. (ARTN e36275). ELIFE SCIENCES PUBLICATIONS LTD
Fabian Kloosterman, J Wouters, Alexander Bertrand(2018). Towards online spike sorting for high-density neural probes using discriminative template matching with suppression of interfering spikes . Journal Of Neural Engineering. (ARTN 056005). IOP Publishing
Fabian Kloosterman, Yahya H Yassin, Francky Catthoor, Jyh-Jang Sun, João Couto, Per Gunnar Kjeldsberg, Nick Van Helleputte(2018). Algorithm/Architecture Co-optimisation Technique for Automatic Data Reduction of Wireless Read-Out in High-Density Electrode Arrays . Acm Transactions On Embedded Computing Systems. 17. (3). ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY
Fabian Kloosterman, H Tanila, S Ku, M A Wilson(2018). Characteristics of CA1 place fields in a complex maze with multiple choice points . Hippocampus. 28. (2). p. 81--96. Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Fabian Kloosterman, Bogan Cristian Raducanu, Refet F Yazicioglu, Carolina M Lopez, Marco Ballini, Jan Putzeys, Shiwei Wang, Alexandru Andrei, Veronique Rochus, Marleen Welkenhuysen, et al.(2017). Time Multiplexed Active Neural Probe with 1356 Parallel Recording Sites . Sensors. 17. (10). MDPI
Fabian Kloosterman, Adam R Neumann, Robrecht Raedt, Hendrik W Steenland, Mathieu Sprengers, Katarzyna Bzymek, Zaneta Navratilova, Lilia Mesina, Jeanne Xie, Valerie Lapointe, et al.(2017). Involvement of fast-spiking cells in ictal sequences during spontaneous seizures in rats with chronic temporal lobe epilepsy . Brain. 140. (9). p. 2355--2369. Macmillan
Fabian Kloosterman, Davide Ciliberti(2017). Falcon: a highly flexible open-source software for closed-loop neuroscience . Journal Of Neural Engineering. 14. (4). p. 1--17. Institute of Physics Pub.
Fabian Kloosterman, Frédéric Michon, Arno Aarts, Tobias Holzhammer, Patrick Ruther, Gustaaf Borghs, Bruce McNaughton(2016). Integration of silicon-based neural probes and micro-drive arrays for chronic recording of large populations of neurons in behaving animals . Journal Of Neural Engineering. 13. (4). p. 046018. Institute of Physics Pub.
Fabian Kloosterman, Rahul Agarwal, Zhe Chen, Matthew A Wilson, Sridevi V Sarma(2016). A Novel Nonparametric Approach for Neural Encoding and Decoding Models of Multimodal Receptive Fields . Neural Computation. 28. (7). p. 1356--87. MIT Press
Fabian Kloosterman, Danaipat Sodkomkham, Davide CILIBERTI, Matthew Wilson, Ken-ichi Fukui, Koichi Moriyama, Masayuki Numao(2016). Kernel density compression for real-time Bayesian encoding/decoding of unsorted hippocampal spikes . Knowledge-Based Systems. 94. p. 1--12. Butterworth Scientific Ltd.
Fabian Kloosterman, Jie Zhang, Srinjoy Mitra, Yuanming Suo, Andrew Cheng, Tao Xiong, Frédéric Michon, Marleen Welkenhuysen, Peter Chin, Steven Hsiao, et al.(2015). A closed-loop compressive sensing based neural recording system . Journal Of Neural Engineering. 12. p. 1--17. Institute of Physics Pub.
Fabian Kloosterman, Stephen N Gomperts, Matthew A Wilson(2015). VTA neurons coordinate with the hippocampal reactivation of spatial experience . Elife. 4. (ARTN e05360). p. 1--22. eLife Sciences
Fabian Kloosterman, Stuart P Layton, Zhe Chen, Matthew A Wilson(2014). Bayesian decoding using unsorted spikes in the rat hippocampus . Journal Of Neurophysiology. 111. (1). p. 217--27. The Society
Fabian Kloosterman, Zhe Chen, Emery N Brown, Matthew A Wilson(2012). Uncovering spatial topology represented by rat hippocampal population neuronal codes . Journal Of Computational Neuroscience. 33. (2). p. 227--55. Kluwer Academic Publishers
Fabian Kloosterman, Tommaso Fellin, Michael Halassa(2012). Analysis of Hippocampal Memory Replay Using Neural Population Decoding . Neuromethods. 67. p. 259--282. Springer
Fabian Kloosterman, Thomas J Davidson, Matthew A Wilson(2009). Hippocampal Replay of Extended Experience . Neuron. 63. (4). p. 497--507. CELL PRESS
Fabian Kloosterman, David P Nguyen, Stuart P Layton, Gregory Hale, Stephen N Gomperts, Thomas J Davidson, Matthew A Wilson(2009). Micro-drive array for chronic in vivo recording: tetrode assembly . Jove-Journal Of Visualized Experiments. (26).
Fabian Kloosterman, David P Nguyen, Riccardo Barbieri, Emery N Brown, Matthew A Wilson(2009). Characterizing the dynamic frequency structure of fast oscillations in the rodent hippocampus . Frontiers In Integrative Neuroscience. 3. (ARTN 11). p. 11.
Fabian Kloosterman, Thomas J Davidson, Stephen N Gomperts, Stuart P Layton, Gregory Hale, David P Nguyen, Matthew A Wilson(2009). Micro-drive array for chronic in vivo recording: drive fabrication . Jove-Journal Of Visualized Experiments. (26).
Fabian Kloosterman, Nick Poon, Chiping Wu, L Stan Leung(2006). Presynaptic GABA(B) receptors on glutamatergic terminals of CA1 pyramidal cells decrease in efficacy after partial hippocampal kindling . Synapse. 59. (3). p. 125--34.
Fabian Kloosterman, Else A Tolner, Erwin A van Vliet, Menno P Witter, Fernando H Lopes da Silva, Jan A Gorter(2005). Presubiculum stimulation in vivo evokes distinct oscillations in superficial and deep entorhinal cortex layers in chronic epileptic rats . Journal Of Neuroscience. 25. (38). p. 8755--65. The Society for Neuroscience
Fabian Kloosterman, Else A Tolner, Stiliyan N Kalitzin, Fernando H Lopes da Silva, Jan A Gorter(2005). Physiological changes in chronic epileptic rats are prominent in superficial layers of the medial entorhinal area . Epilepsia. 46. p. 72--81.
Fabian Kloosterman, Theo van Haeften, Fernando H Lopes da Silva(2004). Two reentrant pathways in the hippocampal-entorhinal system . Hippocampus. 14. (8). p. 1026--39.
Fabian Kloosterman, Theo Van Haeften, Menno P Witter, Fernando H Lopes Da Silva(2003). Electrophysiological characterization of interlaminar entorhinal connections: an essential link for re-entrance in the hippocampal-entorhinal system . European Journal Of Neuroscience. 18. (11). p. 3037--52.
Fabian Kloosterman, Menno P Witter, Theo Van Haeften(2003). Topographical and laminar organization of subicular projections to the parahippocampal region of the rat . Journal Of Comparative Neurology. 455. (2). p. 156--71.
Fabian Kloosterman, George Townsend, Pascal Peloquin, Jamille F Hetke, L Stan Leung(2002). Recording and marking with silicon multichannel electrodes . Brain Research. 9. (2). p. 122--9.
Fabian Kloosterman, P Peloquin, L S Leung(2001). Apical and basal orthodromic population spikes in hippocampal CA1 in vivo show different origins and patterns of propagation . Journal Of Neurophysiology. 86. (5). p. 2435--44.
Fabian Kloosterman, K J Canning, K Wu, P Peloquin, L S Leung(2000). Physiology of the entorhinal and perirhinal projections to the hippocampus studied by current source density analysis . Annals Of The New York Academy Of Sciences. 911. p. 55--72.
Fabian Kloosterman, T Van Haeften, F H Lopes Silva(2000). Functional characterization of hippocampal output to the entorhinal cortex in the rat . Annals Of The New York Academy Of Sciences. 911. p. 459--61.
Fabian Kloosterman, Hanna den Bakker, Marie Van Dijck, Jyh-Jang Sun(2022). Sharp-wave ripple associated activity in the medial prefrontal cortex supports spatial rule switching .
Fabian Kloosterman, Lies Deceuninck(2022). Awake hippocampal replay is not required for short-term memory .
Fabian Kloosterman, Frédéric Michon, Esther Krul, Jyh-Jang Sun(2020). Single-trial dynamics of hippocampal spatial representations are modulated by reward value . Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Fabian Kloosterman, Frédéric Michon, Esther Krul, Jyh-Jang Sun(2020). Single-trial dynamics of hippocampal spatial representations are modulated by reward value . bioRxiv. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Fabian Kloosterman, Jasper Wouters, Alexander Bertrand(2019). SHYBRID: A graphical tool for generating hybrid ground-truth spiking data for evaluating spike sorting performance . bioRxiv. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Fabian Kloosterman, Rik van Daal, Jeroen Bolk, Arno Aarts, Michael Kraft(2022). Ultra-thin high-density flexible probes.
Fabian Kloosterman, Rik van Daal, Jyh-Jang Sun, arno Aarts, Michael Kraft(2022). Wire insertion system for ultra-flexible high-density electrode arrays.
Fabian Kloosterman, Rik van Daal, jyh-jang sun, arno Aarts, Michael Kraft(2022). Ultra-thin high-density flexible probes with wire insertion technique.
Fabian Kloosterman, Rik van Daal, Frederique Michon, Cagatay Aydin, Hanna den Bakker, katarzyna Bzymek, Arno Aarts, Michael Kraft, Sebastian Haesler(2020). Use and reuse of Neuropixels probes for chronic implantation in freely behaving animals.
Fabian Kloosterman, Frédéric Michon, Rik van Daal, Cagatay Aydin, Hanna den Bakker, Jyh-Jang Sun, Michael Kraft, Sebastian Haesler(2019). 3D-printed implants that facilitate recordings and reuse of Neuropixels probes in freely behaving rodents.
Fabian Kloosterman, Rik van Daal, Frederik Ceyssens, Michael Kraft, Arno Aarts(2019). Flexible depth probes: towards higher channel counts and smart insertion strategies.
Fabian Kloosterman, Jyh-Jang Sun, James Coleman, Rik van Daal(2019). A lightweight hyperdrive for optogenetics in freely behaving rats.
Fabian Kloosterman, Jyh-Jang Sun, James Coleman, Rik van Daal(2019). A lightweight hyperdrive for optogenetics in freely behaving rats.
Fabian Kloosterman, Frederic Michon, Cagatay Aydin, Rik van Daal, Hanna den Bakker, Jyh-Jang Sun, Sebastian Haesler(2019). 3D-printed implants that facilitate chronic recordings and reuse of neuropixels probes in freely behaving rodents. 430.14 / CC72
Fabian Kloosterman, Jasper Wouters, Alexander Bertrand(2019). Optimal filter design for threshold-based spike sorting of high-density neural probe data.
Fabian Kloosterman, Rik van Daal, Jyh-Jang Sun, Frederik Ceyssens, Robert Puers, Michael Kraft(2019). Flexible high-density electrode arrays for chronic recordings of cellular activity in freely behaving rodents.
Fabian Kloosterman, Rik van Daal, Jyh-Jang Sun, Frederik Ceyssens, Robert Puers(2018). Next generation brain implant for distributed recordings of cellular activity in freely behaving rodents.
Fabian Kloosterman, Rik van Daal, Jyh-Jang Sun, Frederik Ceyssens, Robert Puers(2017). Next generation brain implant for high-density-distributed recordings in freely behaving rodents.
Fabian Kloosterman, T van Haeften, M P Witter, F H L da Silva(2000). Anatomical organisation and functional characterisation of subicular output to the entorhinal cortex of the rat. European Journal Of Neuroscience. 12. p. 79--79. BLACKWELL SCIENCE LTD
Fabian Kloosterman, Jasper Wouters, Alexander Bertrand(2020). A neural network-based spike sorting feature map that resolves spike overlap in the feature space . Proceedings of the ... IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing / sponsored by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Signal Processing Society. ICASSP (Conference). p. 1175--1179. IEEE
Fabian Kloosterman, J Wouters, Alexander Bertrand(2019). Signal-to-peak-interference ratio maximization with automatic interference weighting for threshold-based spike sorting of high-density neural probe data . International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering : [proceedings]. International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering. p. 247--250. IEEE
Fabian Kloosterman, Jasper Wouters, Alexander Bertrand(2019). A data-driven regularization approach for template matching in spike sorting with high-density neural probes . Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference. p. 4376--4379. IEEE
Fabian Kloosterman, J Wouters, Alexander Bertrand(2018). Data-driven multi-channel filter design with peak-inference suppression for threshold-based spike sorting in high-density neural probes . Proceedings of the ... IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing / sponsored by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Signal Processing Society. ICASSP (Conference). p. 955--959. IEEE
Fabian Kloosterman, Rahul Agarwal, Zhe Chen, Matthew A Wilson, Sridevi V Sarma(2016). Neuronal Encoding Models of Complex Receptive Fields: A Comparison of Nonparametric and Parametric Approaches . 2016 ANNUAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION SCIENCE AND SYSTEMS (CISS). IEEE
Fabian Kloosterman, Refet Firat Yazicioglu, Carolina Mora Lopez, Srinjoy Mitra, Bogan Cristian Raducanu, Silke Musa(2014). Ultra-high-density in-vivo neural probes . Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference. p. 2032--2035.
Fabian Kloosterman, Zhe Chen, Stuart Layton, Matthew A Wilson(2012). Transductive neural decoding for unsorted neuronal spikes of rat hippocampus . Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference. 2012. p. 1310--3.
Fabian Kloosterman, Zhe Chen, Matthew A Wilson, Emery N Brown(2010). Variational Bayesian Inference for Point Process Generalized Linear Models in Neural Spike Trains Analysis . Proceedings of the ... IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing / sponsored by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Signal Processing Society. ICASSP (Conference). p. 2086--2089. IEEE
Fabian Kloosterman, Zhe Chen, Matthew Wilson, Zhe Chen(2015). Probabilistic approaches to uncover rat hippocampal population codes . 186--206Cambridge University Press
Fabian Kloosterman, Tommaso Fellin, Michael Halassa(2012). Analysis of hippocampal memory replay using neural population decoding. 14259--282Humana Press