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Profile Details
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Hire Dr. Dominic T.
United Kingdom
Profile Summary
Subject Matter Expertise
Work Experience

Assistant Professor

University of Dublin Trinity College

July 2017 - Present

Senior Research Fellow /Lecturer

University of Leeds

2017 - Present

Research Fellow in Health Economics

University of York

2012 - 2016

University of York

January 2012 - January 2015

Government of Ireland Scholar

University of Limerick

2008 - 2011

Government of Ireland scholar (Health Economic)

University of Lausanne/University of Limerick

July 2012 - January 2008


PhD: Heath Economics (Department of Economics)

University of Limerick

- Present

PhD (Economics)

September 2011 - December 2008

  • Certification details not provided.
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(2014). Autism Spectrum Social Stories In Schools Trial (ASSSIST) . BMJ open. 4. (7). p. e005952. British Medical Journal Publishing Group
{Barry Wright Elizabeth Littlewood, Joy Adamson, Victoria Allgar, Sophie Bennett, Simon Gilbody, Chrissie Verduyn, Ben Alderson-Day, Lisa Dyson, Dominic Tr{\'{e}}pel, Shehzad Ali}, Lucy Tindall(2014). Computerised cognitive behaviour therapy for depression in adolescents: study protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled trial .
(2012). An update on the economics of dementia care in Ireland . Irish Medical Journal. 105. (2).
(2011). Informal cost of dementia care - a proxy-good valuation in Ireland . Economic and Social Review. 42. (4). p. 479-503.
(2011). Informal cost of dementia care - a proxy-good valuation in Ireland . Economic and Social Review. 42. (4). p. 479--503.
(2018). The economics of preventing dementia . New Developments in Dementia Prevention Research: State of the Art and Future Possibilities. p. 156-169.
(2017). Cost-effectiveness of interventions for the treatment of dementia disorders . Mental Health Economics: The Costs and Benefits of Psychiatric Care. p. 339-352.
(2012). Health-related Quality of Life Measures in Economic Evaluations of Child and Adolescence Mental Health Interventions: A Systematic Review. JOURNAL OF MENTAL HEALTH POLICY AND ECONOMICS. 15. p. S22--S22. INT CTR MENTAL HEALTH POLICY {\&} ECONOMICS-ICMPE VIA DANIELE CRESPI 7, MILANO, 20123, ITALY