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Profile Details
Subject Matter Expertise
Work Experience
Assistant Professor
University of Dublin Trinity College
July 2017 - Present
Senior Research Fellow /Lecturer
University of Leeds
2017 - Present
Research Fellow in Health Economics
University of York
2012 - 2016
University of York
January 2012 - January 2015
Government of Ireland Scholar
University of Limerick
2008 - 2011
Government of Ireland scholar (Health Economic)
University of Lausanne/University of Limerick
July 2012 - January 2008
PhD: Heath Economics (Department of Economics)
University of Limerick
- Present
PhD (Economics)
September 2011 - December 2008
- Certification details not provided.
(2020). Neuropsychological rehabilitation interventions for people with an acquired brain injury. A protocol for a systematic review of economic evaluation . HRB Open Research.
(2020). Neuropsychological rehabilitation interventions for people with an acquired brain injury and their caregivers. A protocol for a systematic review of economic evaluation . HRB Open Research.
(2020). A protocol for the establishment and evaluation of an older adult stakeholder panel for health services research . HRB Open Research. 3. p. 1. F1000 Research Ltd
(2020). Cost-effectiveness of brief structured interventions to discontinue long-term benzodiazepine use: an economic analysis alongside a randomised controlled trial . HRB Open Research. 3. p. 33. F1000 Research Ltd
(2020). Effectiveness of interventions to reduce adverse outcomes among older adults following emergency department discharge: Protocol for an overview of systematic reviews . HRB Open Research.
(2020). The Development of a Consistent Europe-Wide Approach to Investigating the Economic Impact of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME/CFS): A Report from the European Network on ME/CFS (EUROMENE) . Healthcare. 8. (2). p. 88. {MDPI} {AG}
(2020). The Development of a Consistent Europe-Wide Approach to Investigating the Economic Impact of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME/CFS): A Report from the European Network on ME/CFS (EUROMENE) . Healthcare.
(2020). A protocol for the establishment and evaluation of an older adult stakeholder panel for health services research . HRB Open Research. 3. p. 1. F1000 Research Ltd
(2020). A protocol for the establishment and evaluation of an older adult stakeholder panel for health services research . HRB Open Research.
(2020). Computerised cognitive–behavioural therapy for depression in adolescents: 12-month outcomes of a UK randomised controlled trial pilot study . BJPsych Open.
(2019). Randomised controlled trial and economic evaluation of a task-based weight management group programme . BMC Public Health.
(2019). Randomised controlled trial and economic evaluation of a task-based weight management group programme . BMC Public Health. 19. (1).
(2018). A comparison of physical activity, physical fitness levels, BMI and blood pressure of adults with intellectual disability, who do and do not take part in Special Olympics Ireland programmes: Results from the SOPHIE study . Journal of Intellectual Disabilities. 22. (2). p. 154-170.
(2018). PATCH: Posture and mobility training for care staff versus usual care in care homes: Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial 11 Medical and Health Sciences 1117 Public Health and Health Services . Trials. 19. (1).
(2017). Effect of Collaborative Care vs Usual Care on Depressive Symptoms in Older Adults With Subthreshold Depression: The CASPER Randomized Clinical Trial . JAMA. 317. (7). p. 728--737. American Medical Association
(2017). Collaborative care and active surveillance for screen-positive EldeRs with subthreshold depression (CASPER): A multicentred randomised controlled trial of clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness . Health Technology Assessment. 21. (8). p. 1-196.
(2017). An examination of the nutritional intake and anthropometric status of individuals with intellectual disabilities: Results from the SOPHIE study . Journal of Intellectual Disabilities. 21. (4). p. 346-365.
(2017). Collaborative care for screen-positive elders with major depression (CASPER plus): A multicentred randomized controlled trial of clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness . Health Technology Assessment. 21. (67). p. 1-251.
(2017). Effect of collaborative care vs usual care on depressive symptoms in older adults with subthreshold depression: The CASPER randomized clinical trial . JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association. 317. (7). p. 728-737.
(2017). Computerised cognitive-behavioural therapy for depression in adolescents: Feasibility results and 4-month outcomes of a UK randomised controlled trial . BMJ Open. 7. (1).
(2016). Are Non-Pharmacological Interventions Effective in Reducing Drug Use and Criminality? A Systematic and Meta-Analytical Review with an Economic Appraisal of These Interventions . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 13. (10). p. 966. {MDPI} {AG}
(2016). Are Non-Pharmacological Interventions Effective in Reducing Drug Use and Criminality? A Systematic and Meta-Analytical Review with an Economic Appraisal of These Interventions . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
(2016). PROMISE: first-trimester progesterone therapy in women with a history of unexplained recurrent miscarriages - a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, international multicentre trial and economic evaluation . Health technology assessment (Winchester, England). 20. (41). p. 1--92.
(2016). Tackling obesity in areas of high social deprivation: clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a task-based weight management group programme - a randomised controlled trial and economic evaluation . Health technology assessment (Winchester, England). 20. (79). p. 1-150.
(2016). Erratum to: CASPER plus (CollAborative care in screen-positive EldeRs with major depressive disorder): Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. [Trials. (2014), 15, 451.] . Trials. 17. (1).
(2016). Are non-pharmacological interventions effective in reducing drug use and criminality? A systematic and meta-analytical review with an economic appraisal of these interventions . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 13. (10).
(2016). PROMISE: First-trimester progesterone therapy in women with a history of unexplained recurrent miscarriages – A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, international multicentre trial and economic evaluation . Health Technology Assessment. 20. (41). p. 7-91.
(2016). Social Stories in mainstream schools for children with autism spectrum disorder: a feasibility randomised controlled trial . BMJ open. 6. (8). p. e011748.
(2016). Social stories™ to alleviate challenging behaviour and social difficulties exhibited by children with autism spectrum disorder in mainstream schools: Design of a manualised training toolkit and feasibility study for a cluster randomised controlled trial with nested qualitative and cost-effectiveness components . Health Technology Assessment. 20. (6).
(2016). Screening for anxiety disorders with the GAD-7 and GAD-2: A systematic review and diagnostic metaanalysis . General Hospital Psychiatry. 39. p. 24-31.
(2016). Tackling obesity in areas of high social deprivation: Clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a task-based weight management group programme – A randomised controlled trial and economic evaluation . Health Technology Assessment. 20. (79).
(2015). People with intellectual disability and their families perspectives of Special Olympics Ireland: Qualitative findings from the SOPHIE study . Journal of Intellectual Disabilities. p. 1744629515617059--.
(2015). Screening for anxiety disorders with the GAD-7 and GAD-2: a systematic review and diagnostic metaanalysis . General hospital psychiatry.
(2015). Clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of parenting interventions for children with severe attachment problems: a systematic review and meta-analysis . Health technology assessment (Winchester, England). 19. (52). p. 1--348.
(2015). Self-hypnosis for intrapartum pain management in pregnant nulliparous women: a randomised controlled trial of clinical effectiveness . BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology. p. n/a--n/a.
(2015). Screening for psychological and mental health difficulties in young people who offend: A systematic review and decision model . Health Technology Assessment. 19. (1). p. 1-158.
{Richardson D and Perry, A and Ali, S and Duffy, S and Gabe, R and Gilbody, S and Glanville, J and Hewitt, C and Manea, L and Palmer, S and Wright, B and McMillan, D.}, R and Trepel(2015). Screening for psychological and mental health difficulties in young people who offend: a systematic review and decision model . Health Technol Assess. 19. (1). Health technology assessment (Winchester, England)
(2015). Clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of parenting interventions for children with severe attachment problems: A systematic review and meta-analysis . Health Technology Assessment. 19. (52).
(2014). CASPER plus (CollAborative care in Screen-Positive EldeRs with major depressive disorder): Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial . Trials. 15. (1).
(2014). Autism Spectrum Social Stories In Schools Trial (ASSSIST) . BMJ open. 4. (7). p. e005952. British Medical Journal Publishing Group
(2014). Autism Spectrum Social Stories in Schools Trial (ASSSIST): Study protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled trial analysing clinical and cost-effectiveness of Social Stories in mainstream schools . BMJ Open. 4. (7).
(2014). Computerised cognitive behaviour therapy for depression in adolescents: Study protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled trial . BMJ Open. 4. (10).
{Barry Wright Elizabeth Littlewood, Joy Adamson, Victoria Allgar, Sophie Bennett, Simon Gilbody, Chrissie Verduyn, Ben Alderson-Day, Lisa Dyson, Dominic Tr{\'{e}}pel, Shehzad Ali}, Lucy Tindall(2014). Computerised cognitive behaviour therapy for depression in adolescents: study protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled trial .
(2012). An update on the economics of dementia care in Ireland . Irish Medical Journal. 105. (2).
(2011). Economic analyses of dementia care in Ireland and Europe- perception of services and care, the market value of informal care and changes in service utilisation attributed to comorbid depression . 1--323University of Limerick
(2011). Informal cost of dementia care - a proxy-good valuation in Ireland . Economic and Social Review. 42. (4). p. 479-503.
(2011). An economic perspective of dementia care in Ireland: maximising benefits and maintaining cost efficiency . Care Alliance Ireland
(2011). Informal cost of dementia care - a proxy-good valuation in Ireland . Economic and Social Review. 42. (4). p. 479--503.
Trepel, Dominic and Crean, Margaret and Bedley, Emer(2015). An Economic Analysis of Home Care Services for People with Dementia [Executive Summary] . 1--3
(2018). The economics of preventing dementia . New Developments in Dementia Prevention Research: State of the Art and Future Possibilities. p. 156-169.
(2017). Cost-effectiveness of interventions for the treatment of dementia disorders . Mental Health Economics: The Costs and Benefits of Psychiatric Care. p. 339-352.
(2012). Health-related Quality of Life Measures in Economic Evaluations of Child and Adolescence Mental Health Interventions: A Systematic Review. JOURNAL OF MENTAL HEALTH POLICY AND ECONOMICS. 15. p. S22--S22. INT CTR MENTAL HEALTH POLICY {\&} ECONOMICS-ICMPE VIA DANIELE CRESPI 7, MILANO, 20123, ITALY