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Subject Matter Expertise
Work Experience
Guest scientist
Max-Planck-Institut für chemische Ökologie
December 2017 - February 2018
PhD Researcher
Fundación Instituto Leloir
April 2007 - July 2013
PhD (Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales)
Universidad de Buenos Aires
April 2007 - July 2013
Licenciado (Facultad de Ciencias Naturales)
Universidad Nacional de Salta
March 2001 - December 2006
- Certification details not provided.
Diego Galagovsky, Ana Depetris-Chauvin, Gérard Manière, Flore Geillon, Martine Berthelot-Grosjean, Elodie Noirot, Georges Alves, Yael Grosjean(2018). Sobremesa L-type Amino Acid Transporter Expressed in Glia Is Essential for Proper Timing of Development and Brain Growth . Cell Reports. 24. (12). p. 3156--3166.e4. Elsevier {BV}
Diego Galagovsky, Ana Depetris-Chauvin, Charlene Chevalier, Gerard Maniere, Yael Grosjean(2017). Olfactory detection of a bacterial short-chain fatty acid acts as an orexigenic signal in Drosophila melanogaster larvae . Scientific Reports. 7. (1). Springer Nature
Diego Galagovsky, Ana Depetris-Chauvin, Yael Grosjean(2015). Chemicals and chemoreceptors: ecologically relevant signals driving behavior in Drosophila . Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 3. Frontiers Media {SA}
Diego Galagovsky, Maximiliano J. Katz, Julieta M. Acevedo, Eleonora Sorianello, Alvaro Glavic, Pablo Wappner, Marianne Bronner(2014). The Drosophila insulin-degrading enzyme restricts growth by modulating the {PI}3K pathway in a cell-autonomous manner . Molecular Biology of the Cell. 25. (6). p. 916--924. American Society for Cell Biology ({ASCB})
M. J. Katz, J. M. Acevedo, C. Loenarz, D. Galagovsky, P. Liu-Yi, M. Perez-Pepe, A. Thalhammer, R. Sekirnik, W. Ge, M. Melani, et al.(2014). Sudestada1, a Drosophila ribosomal prolyl-hydroxylase required for {mRNA} translation, cell homeostasis, and organ growth . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 111. (11). p. 4025--4030. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences