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Francis Crick Institute
April 2015 - Present
Postdoctoral Training Fellow
London Research Institute
July 2014 - March 2015
Technische Universiteit Delft
July 2011 - July 2014
Research Associate
University of Washington
July 2009 - June 2011
PhD (Physics and Astronomy)
University of St Andrews
October 2005 - March 2009
MSci (Physics)
Durham University
October 2001 - June 2005
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(2019). The mechanism of DNA unwinding by the eukaryotic replicative helicase . Nature Communications.
Eeftens, J.M., van der Torre, J., Burnham, D.R., Dekker, C.(2015). Copper-free click chemistry for attachment of biomolecules in magnetic tweezers . BMC Biophysics. 8. (1).
Burnham, D.R., De Vlaminck, I., Henighan, T., Dekker, C.(2014). Skewed brownian fluctuations in single-molecule magnetic tweezers . PLoS ONE. 9. (9).
Power, R.M., Burnham, D.R., Reid, J.P.(2014). Toward optical-tweezers-based force microscopy for airborne microparticles . Applied optics. 53. (36). p. 8522-8534.
Schneider, T., Yen, G.S., Thompson, A.M., Burnham, D.R., Chiu, D.T.(2013). Self-digitization of samples into a high-density microfluidic bottom-well array . Analytical Chemistry. 85. (21). p. 10417-10423.
de Vlaminck, I., Henighan, T., van Loenhout, M.T.J., Burnham, D.R., Dekker, C.(2012). Magnetic forces and dna mechanics in multiplexed magnetic tweezers . PLoS ONE. 7. (8).
Dear, R.D., Burnham, D.R., Summers, M.D., McGloin, D., Ritchie, G.A.D.(2012). Single aerosol trapping with an annular beam: Improved particle localisation . Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 14. (45). p. 15826-15831.
Miles, R.E.H., Walker, J.S., Burnham, D.R., Reid, J.P.(2012). Retrieval of the complex refractive index of aerosol droplets from optical tweezers measurements . Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 14. (9). p. 3037-3047.
Burnham, D.R., Schneider, T., Chiu, D.T.(2011). Effects of aliasing on the fidelity of a two dimensional array of foci generated with a kinoform . Optics Express. 19. (18). p. 17121-17126.
Wu, C., Hansen, S.J., Hou, Q., Yu, J., Zeigler, M., Jin, Y., Burnham, D.R., McNeill, J.D., Olson, J.M., Chiu, D.T.(2011). Design of highly emissive polymer dot bioconjugates for in vivo tumor targeting . Angewandte Chemie - International Edition. 50. (15). p. 3430-3434.
Schneider, T., Burnham, D.R., Vanorden, J., Chiu, D.T.(2011). Systematic investigation of droplet generation at T-junctions . Lab on a Chip - Miniaturisation for Chemistry and Biology. 11. (12). p. 2055-2059.
Burnham, D.R., McGloin, D.(2011). Modeling of optical traps for aerosols . Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics. 28. (12). p. 2856-2864.
Wu, C., Schneider, T., Zeigler, M., Yu, J., Schiro, P.G., Burnham, D.R., McNeill, J.D., Chiu, D.T.(2010). Bioconjugation of ultrabright semiconducting polymer dots for specific cellular targeting . Journal of the American Chemical Society. 132. (43). p. 15410-15417.
Wu, C., Jin, Y., Schneider, T., Burnham, D.R., Smith, P.B., Chiu, D.T.(2010). Ultrabright and bioorthogonal labeling of cellular targets using semiconducting polymer dots and click chemistry . Angewandte Chemie - International Edition. 49. (49). p. 9436-9440.
Knox, K.J., Burnham, D.R., McCann, L.I., Murphy, S.L., McGloin, D., Reid, J.P.(2010). Observation of bistability of trapping position in aerosol optical tweezers . Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics. 27. (3). p. 582-591.
Burnham, D.R., Reece, P.J., McGloin, D.(2010). Parameter exploration of optically trapped liquid aerosols . Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 82. (5).
Cordero, M.L., Rolfsnes, H.O., Burnham, D.R., Campbell, P.A., McGloin, D., Baroud, C.N.(2009). Mixing via thermocapillary generation of flow patterns inside a microfluidic drop . New Journal of Physics. 11.
Burnham, D.R., McGloin, D.(2009). Radius measurements of optically trapped aerosols through Brownian motion . New Journal of Physics. 11.
Butler, J.R., Wills, J.B., Mitchem, L., Burnham, D.R., McGloin, D., Reid, J.P.(2009). Spectroscopic characterisation and manipulation of arrays of sub-picolitre aerosol droplets . Lab on a Chip - Miniaturisation for Chemistry and Biology. 9. (4). p. 521-528.
Yao, A.M., Keen, S.A.J., Burnham, D.R., Leach, J., Di Leonardo, R., Mcgloin, D., Padgett, M.J.(2009). Underdamped modes in a hydrodynamically coupled microparticle system . New Journal of Physics. 11.
López-Mariscal, C., Burnham, D., Rudd, D., McGloin, D., Gutiérrez-Vega, J.C.(2008). Phase dynamics of continuous topological upconversion in vortex beams . Optics Express. 16. (15). p. 11411-11422.
Tatarkova, S.A., Burnham, D.R., Kirby, A.K., Love, G.D., Terentjev, E.M.(2008). Tatarkova et al. Reply: . Physical Review Letters. 101. (2).
Cordero, M.L., Burnham, D.R., Baroud, C.N., McGloin, D.(2008). Thermocapillary manipulation of droplets using holographic beam shaping: Microfluidic pin ball . Applied Physics Letters. 93. (3).
Summers, M.D., Burnham, D.R., McGloin, D.(2008). Trapping solid aerosols with optical tweezers: A comparison between gas and liquid phase optical traps . Optics Express. 16. (11). p. 7739-7747.
Tatarkova, S.A., Burnham, D.R., Kirby, A.K., Love, G.D., Terentjev, E.M.(2007). Colloidal interactions and transport in nematic liquid crystals . Physical Review Letters. 98. (15).
Di Leonardo, R., Ruocco, G., Leach, J., Padgett, M.J., Wright, A.J., Girkin, J.M., Burnham, D.R., McGloin, D.(2007). Erratum: Parametric resonance of optically trapped aerosols (Physical Review Letters (2007) 90 (010601)) . Physical Review Letters. 99. (2).
Burnham, D.R., Wright, G.D., Read, N.D., McGloin, D.(2007). Holographic and single beam optical manipulation of hyphal growth in filamentous fungi . Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics. 9. (8).
McGloin, D., Burnham, D.R., Summers, M.D., Rudd, D., Dewar, N., Anand, S.(2007). Optical manipulation of airborne particles: Techniques and applications . Faraday Discussions. 137. p. 335-350.
Di Leonardo, R., Ruocco, G., Leach, J., Padgett, M.J., Wright, A.J., Girkin, J.M., Burnham, D.R., McGloin, D.(2007). Parametric resonance of optically trapped aerosols . Physical Review Letters. 99. (1).
Burnham, D.R., Mc Gloin, D.(2006). Holographic optical trapping of aerosol droplets . Optics Express. 14. (9). p. 4175-4181.
Burnham, D.R., McGloin, D.(2006). Holographic optical trapping of aerosol droplets . Optics Express. 14. (9). p. 4176-4182.
Dear, R.D., Summers, M.D., Ritchie, G.A.D., Burnham, D.R., McGloin, D.(2013). Axial localization improvements when trapping aerosol droplets using an annular beam . Optical Trapping Applications, OTA 2013.
Burnham, D.R., Schneider, T., Chiu, D.T.(2011). Holographic optical traps and spectroscopic detection for probing cellular releasates . Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Burnham, D.R., Schneider, T., Chiu, D.T.(2010). Optical trapping enabled parallel delivery of biological stimuli with high spatial and temporal resolution . Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 7762.
McGloin, D., Guillon, M., Rudd, D., Burnham, D.R., Summers, M.D., Firmin, J., Butler, J.R., Wills, J.B., Mitchem, L., Meresman, H., et al.(2009). Towards airborne optofluidics: Optical manipulation techniques for airborne particles . ISOT 2009 - International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies. p. 404-408.
Burnham, D.R., McGloin, D.(2009). Modelling aerosol optical tweezers . Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Burnham, D.R., Reece, P., López Mago, D., Gutiérrez-Vega, J.C., McGloin, D.(2008). Dynamics of airborne tweezing . Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 7038.
Cordero, M.-L., Burnham, D.R., Baroud, C.N., McGloin, D.(2008). Holographic control of droplet microfluidics . Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 7038.
López-Mariscal, C., Burnham, D., Rudd, D., McGloin, D., Gutierrez-Vega, J.C.(2008). Accurate phase mapping of nondiffracting singular beams . Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 7062.
Di Leonardo, R., Ruocco, G., Leach, J., Padgett, M.J., Wright, A.J., Girkin, J.M., Burnham, D.R., McGloin, D.(2007). Parametric excitation of optically trapped aerosols . Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 6644.
McGloin, D., Buchanan, J., Burnham, D.R., Lorenz, R.M., Scott Edgar, J., Jeffries, G.D.M., Zhao, Y., Chiu, D.T.(2007). Controlled fusion of femtoliter-volume aqueous droplets using holographic optical tweezers . Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
McGloin, D., Buchanan, J., Burnham, D.R., Lorenz, R.M., Edgar, J.S., Jeffries, G.D.M., Zhao, Y., Chiu, D.T.(2007). Controlled fusion of femtoliter-volume aqueous droplets using holographic optical tweezers . Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe - Technical Digest.
Burnham, D.R., McGloin, D.(2007). Holographic optical manipulation of aerosols . Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Burnham, D.R., McGloin, D.(2007). Holographic optical manipulation of aerosols . Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe - Technical Digest.
Burnham, D.R., McGloin, D., Wright, G.D., Read, N.D.(2007). Holographic optical manipulation of hyphal growth in filamentous fungi . Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Burnham, D.R., McGloin, D., Wright, G.D., Read, N.D.(2007). Holographic optical manipulation of hyphal growth in filamentous fungi . Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe - Technical Digest.
McGloin, D., Burnham, D.R., Summers, M.D., Rudd, D.R., Shavisi, A., Dewar, N.(2007). Studies of droplet manipulation in optical traps . Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 6644.
Burnham, D.R., McGloin, D.(2006). Controlled aerosol manipulation using holographic optical tweezers . Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 6326.