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Hire Dr. Cat F.
United States
USD 50 /hr
PhD Ecologist with 10+ years research experience
Profile Summary
Subject Matter Expertise
Technical Writing,
Fact Checking,
Gray Literature Search,
Systematic Literature Review,
Secondary Data Collection
Scientific and Technical Consulting
Data & AI
Statistical Analysis,
Data Visualization
Work Experience
Postdoctoral fellow
NSF Fellow
October 2016 - Present
University of California Santa Barbara
September 2012 - January 2016
- Certification details not provided.
Kelcie L. Chiquillo, Brianna M. Mims, Autumn U. Chong, Carly Johnson, Sennai Y. Habtes, Caitlin R. Fong, Paul H. Barber, Peggy Fong(2021). Herbivory as a limiting factor for seagrass proximity to fringing reefs in Moorea, French Polynesia . Aquatic Botany.
Emily R. Ryznar, Peggy Fong, Caitlin R. Fong, A. Randall Hughes(2020). When form does not predict function: Empirical evidence violates functional form hypotheses for marine macroalgae . Journal of Ecology.
Caitlin R. Fong, Rachel L. Kennison, Peggy Fong (2020). Nutrient Subsidies to Southern California Estuaries Can Be Characterized as Pulse-Interpulse Regimes that May Be Dampened with Extreme Eutrophy . Estuaries and Coasts.
Caitlin R. Fong, Camille J. Gaynus, Robert C. Carpenter(2020). Complex interactions among stressors evolve over time to drive shifts from short turfs to macroalgae on tropical reefs . Ecosphere.
Caitlin R. Fong, Armand M. Kuris, Ryan F. Hechinger(2019). Parasite and host biomass and reproductive output in barnacle populations in the rocky intertidal zone . Parasitology.
Caitlin R. Fong, Sarah J. Bittick, Peggy Fong, Kathy Van Alstyne(2018). Simultaneous synergist, antagonistic and additive interactions between multiple local stressors all degrade algal turf communities on coral reefs . Journal of Ecology.
Caitlin R. Fong, Matthew Frias, Nicholas Goody, Sarah Joy Bittick, Rachel J. Clausing, Peggy Fong(2018). Empirical data demonstrates risk-tradeoffs between landscapes for herbivorous fish may promote reef resilience . Marine Environmental Research.
CAITLIN R. FONG, ARMAND M. KURIS(2017). Predation on transmission stages reduces parasitism: sea anemones consume transmission stages of a barnacle parasite . Parasitology.
CAITLIN R. FONG, NANCY A. MORON, ARMAND M. KURIS(2017). Two's a crowd? Crowding effect in a parasitic castrator drives differences in reproductive resource allocation in single vs double infections . Parasitology.