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Licensing Associate
North Carolina State University
June 2013 - Present
Doctoral Candidate
University of Central Florida
August 2008 - June 2013
MBA (Business)
North Carolina State University
August 2014 - Present
Ph.D (Optics)
University of Central Florida
August 2008 - May 2013
- Certification details not provided.
Schoenfeld, W.V., Wei, M., Boutwell, R.C., Liu, H.(2014). High response solar-blind MgZnO photodetectors grown by molecular beam epitaxy . Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 8987.
Wei, M., Boutwell, R.C., Schoenfeld, W.V.(2013). Impact of growth conditions on ZnO homoepitaxial films on ZnO substrates by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy . Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 8626.
Mares, J.W., Boutwell, R.C., Falanga, M.T., Scheurer, A., Schoenfeld, W.V.(2010). MBE-grown NiyMg1-yO and ZnxMg 1-xO thin films for deep ultraviolet optoelectronic applications . Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. 1201. p. 197-202.
Casey Boutwell, R., Wei, M., Baudelet, M., Schoenfeld, W.V.(2014). Investigation and impact of oxygen plasma compositions on cubic ZnMgO grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy . Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 584. p. 327-330.
Wei, M., Boutwell, R.C., Garrett, G.A., Goodman, K., Rotella, P., Wraback, M., Schoenfeld, W.V.(2013). Impact of oxygen source parameters on homoepitaxial ZnO films grown at low-temperature on Zn-polar substrates . Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 552. p. 127-130.
Boutwell, R.C., Wei, M., Schoenfeld, W.V.(2013). The effect of substrate temperature and source flux on cubic ZnMgO UV sensors grown by plasma-enhanced molecular beam epitaxy . Applied Surface Science. 284. p. 254-257.
Casey Boutwell, R., Wei, M., Schoenfeld, W.V.(2013). The effect of oxygen flow rate and radio frequency plasma power on cubic ZnMgO ultraviolet sensors grown by plasma-enhanced molecular beam epitaxy . Applied Physics Letters. 103. (3).
Wei, M., Casey Boutwell, R., Faleev, N., Wei, M., Casey Boutwell, R., Faleev, N., Osinsky, A., Schoenfeld, W.V.(2013). Growth of high quality ZnO thin films with a homonucleation on sapphire . Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures. 31. (4).
Wei, M., Boutwell, R.C., Garrett, G.A., Goodman, K., Rotella, P., Schoenfeld, W.V.(2013). Optimization of photoluminescence lifetime for ZnO films grown on ZnO substrates at low temperature . Materials Letters. 97. p. 11-14.
Wei, M., Boutwell, R.C., Schoenfeld, W.V.(2013). Surface morphologies of homoepitaxial ZnO thin films on non-miscut ZnO substrates . Applied Surface Science. 277. p. 263-267.
Boutwell, R.C., Wei, M., Scheurer, A., Mares, J.W., Schoenfeld, W.V.(2012). Optical and structural properties of NiMgO thin films formed by sol-gel spin coating . Thin Solid Films. 520. (13). p. 4302-4304.
Wei, M., Boutwell, R.C., Mares, J.W., Scheurer, A., Schoenfeld, W.V.(2011). Bandgap engineering of sol-gel synthesized amorphous Zn 1-xMgxO films . Applied Physics Letters. 98. (26).
Mares, J.W., Boutwell, R.C., Schemer, A., Schoenfeld, W.V.(2010). Cubic ZnxMg1-xO thin films grown by plasma-assisted molecular-beam epitaxy for optoelectronic applications . Journal of Materials Research. 25. (6). p. 1072-1079.
Mares, J.W., Boutwell, R.C., Wei, M., Scheurer, A., Schoenfeld, W.V.(2010). Deep-ultraviolet photodetectors from epitaxially grown Nix Mg1-x O . Applied Physics Letters. 97. (16).