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USD 80 /hr
Hire Dr. Ali I.
USD 80 /hr

Biophysicist with Computational and Wet lab experience | 6 years in Academia and 2 years in Industry

Profile Summary
Subject Matter Expertise
Writing General Proofreading & Editing
Research Scientific and Technical Research
Consulting Scientific and Technical Consulting
Data & AI Statistical Analysis, Data Visualization
Work Experience

Senior Scientist


August 2022 - Present


PhD Physics

Syracuse University

August 2016 - May 2022

  • Applied Machine Learning: Ensemble Learning


    March 2023 - Present

  • Natural Language Processing with Pytorch


    February 2023 - Present

Ahmad M, Imran A, Movileanu L (2023). Overlapping characteristics of weak interactions of two transcriptional regulators with WDR5 . International journal of biological macromolecules.
Lauren Mayse, Imran A, Wang Y, Ahmad M, Oot RA, Wilkens S, Liviu Movileanu (2023). Evaluation of Nanopore Sensor Design Using Electrical and Optical Analyses . ACS nano.
Imran A, Moyer BS, Kalina D, Duncan TM, Moody KJ, Aaron Wolfe, Cosgrove MS, Liviu Movileanu (2022). Convergent Alterations of a Protein Hub Produce Divergent Effects within a Binding Site . ACS chemical biology.
Imran A, Moyer BS, Aaron Wolfe, Cosgrove MS, Dmitrii E Makarov, Liviu Movileanu (2022). Interplay of Affinity and Surface Tethering in Protein Recognition . The journal of physical chemistry letters.
Lauren Mayse, Imran A, Larimi MG, Cosgrove MS, Aaron Wolfe, Liviu Movileanu (2022). Disentangling the recognition complexity of a protein hub using a nanopore . Nature communications.
Imran A, Moyer BS, Canning AJ, Kalina D, Thomas M. Duncan, Moody KJ, Aaron Wolfe, Cosgrove MS, Liviu Movileanu (2021). Kinetics of the multitasking high-affinity Win binding site of WDR5 in restricted and unrestricted conditions . The Biochemical journal.
Imran A, Popescu D, Liviu Movileanu (2020). Cyclic Activity of an Osmotically Stressed Liposome in a Finite Hypotonic Environment . Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids.