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As 10 principais startups de saúde que irão mudar o futuro

Advances in ciência dos dados e inteligência artificial are giving rise to a new wave of saúde startups that focus on análise preditiva, medicina de precisão, enhanced ciências da vida pesquisa e melhor atendimento aos pacientes. O crescimento do mercado de saúde digital deverá crescer a um CAGR de 13,4% entre 2017 e 2025, atingindo $536,6 bilhões até o final de 2025. Aqui estão 10 startups de saúde de topo (no mundo todo) que estão redefinindo a inovação:

  1. SWORD Saúde
    You no longer have to be physically present for physical therapy — Porto/San Fancisco-based SWORD Health has developed the world’s first AI-powered digital physical therapist. After an assessment of rehabilitation needs, the clinical team prescribes a tailored programme which the patient can take home. A high-precision motion tracker is strapped on to the patient, which wirelessly communicates data to the virtual therapist. The digital therapist is then able to guide the patient through the correct exercises remotely, making sure that they are performed correctly.
  2. Prognos
    With the ambitious aim of eradicating disease, Prognos (formerly Medivo) uses AI and advanced data analytics to help predict disease at the earliest. They have a huge laboratory network with access 13 billion patient records, and this data is enriched before AI is applied to it for actionable insights. This registry helps identify patients at risk and develop tailored treatment plans. Prognos also provides a solution for payers, who can use analytics to assess risk populations/members and identify “care gaps”.
  3. Saúde Flatiron
    Flatiron Health is an oncologia-focused electronic health records (EHR) company that aims to accelerate cancer research and improve patient care. They offer an EMR system that reduces time and cost, an analytics platform that helps derive relevant insights from data, and a service that screens patients for eligibility for ensaios clínicos.  They work with hospitals, community clinics, academics and ciências da vida companies. Backed by Alphabet, the company was bought over by Roche in early 2018.
  4. Fertilidade moderna
    Este startup baseado em São Francisco oferece um teste hormonal de fertilidade que as mulheres podem fazer em casa. Você só tem que fazer um simples teste de impressão digital e devolvê-lo pelo correio para um relatório aprovado pelo médico sobre seus hormônios e um perfil de fertilidade. A empresa é parceira da Quest Diagnostics, que tem mais de 2000 centros nos EUA. Fundada por dois ex-executivos Uber e 23andME e lançada no Y Combinator, a empresa levantou $6 milhões em maio de 2018.
  5. DayTwo
    California-based DayTwo analyzes your gut microbiome, based on which it offers personalized nutrition advice. You provide a stool sample and a blood test result, the company profiles your gut microbiome at the genetic level, based on which it recommends what foods  you should and shouldn’t eat. It secured $12 million funding in 2017 from Johnson & Johnson, Mayo Clinic, and other investors.
  6. Saúde da Babilônia
    UK-based Babylon Health enables users to have virtual consultations with doctors and healthcare professionals through video/audio and text messaging. It’s AI-powered chatbot can make recommendations and diagnoses, and aims to be an alternative to the NHS’ 111 service. Its investors include DeepMind’s founders; the company raised $60 million in 2017 and claims that its AI system is on par with human docs. Not too long before we start consulting AI GP’s!
  7. Arterys
    Yet another company tapping into the power of AI, Arterys calls itself “the AI assistant to radiologists”. This San Francisco-based company offers an FDA-approved oncology AI software that helps radiologists measure and track tumours in MRIs and CT scans using a simple browser — and the aim is more accurate, faster cancer recognition. The software uses aprendizagem profunda to detect lung and liver lesions, with an accuracy that’s equal to segmentations performed by human experts. Arterys completed a series B funding of $30M in 2017.
  8. Feebris
    This London-based company provides in a mobile application that enables community-based diagnoses in the elderly and in children (under 5). It uses data collected from digital stethoscopes and wearables. Intelligent algorithms extract insights from this data and drive diagnosis and disease prediction. One of their main applications is the detection of childhood pneumonia through a digital stethoscope which connects to the Feebris platform. Feebris won the Big Ideas competition in April 2018 and was awarded £10k funding and RGAx mentor support.
  9. DrDoctor
    DrDoctor, sediado no Reino Unido, ajuda os pacientes a agendar consultas em clínicas, através de cancelamentos de última hora. Ele identifica automaticamente as vagas não preenchidas nos hospitais e as oferece aos pacientes em listas de espera. O DrDoctor faz parcerias com vários hospitais do NHS e é usado para marcar mais de 4 milhões de consultas por ano. Recebeu £15K no ano de sua fundação, em 2012 e recebeu financiamento do Serviço Nacional de Saúde em abril de 2018.
  10. PatientSafe
    Esta inicialização de San Diego se concentra em comunicações clínicas e fluxos de trabalho aprimorados para um melhor atendimento aos pacientes. Sua plataforma PatientTouch combina texto, conversa, dados EMR, alertas, e muito mais, em um aplicativo móvel. Dados em tempo real (que são priorizados) ajudam a garantir que a decisão correta seja tomada e que o cuidado correto seja entregue ao paciente certo. A empresa fechou uma rodada de financiamento de $25 milhões em 2017.

Healthcare is an industry in which a huge amount of data is generated as well as collected every day. With the help of data science, aprendizagem de máquinas and AI, we are now able to analyze this data and extract meaningful insights which will pave the way for bigger medical innovations. With the digital revolution taking over, the industry continues to grow at a furious pace.

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