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アリス・ヴォ・エドワーズ, KolabtreeのトランスレーショナルサイエンスR&Dコンサルタントは、以下の包括的なリストを提供します。 医療機器開発 米国および英国における中小企業のための助成金および資金調達のオプション。  



The National Science Foundation (NSF) Seed Fund provides Phase I and Phase II funding that can total up to $1.25 million dollars in funding to small businesses. All work must be conducted in the United States and the company must be owned by 50% or more U.S. citizens. One perk of this program is that you must submit (and have approved) a short, 3 page pitch, before submitting your full proposal. Another is that you don’t have to have a company already set up: you can pitch your idea before you even have a corporation setup. I’ve participated in calls with some of the program directors on what makes a good pitch, and they told me that a significant portion of the companies they fund are brand-new startups. After submitting the 3 page pitch, you will need to get set up as a legal U.S. corporation that meets their ownership guidelines, in order to submit a full proposal. Also, they have rolling deadlines throughout the year.




Oxfordshire Business Support (OBS) created the Elevate Programme consisting of two funds for Oxfordshire SMEs to fund projects and activities related to job creation, start-up, and growth. The first fund awards start-up businesses, which have been established 12 months or less, a minimum of £1,000 up to the maximum amount of £3,000. The second fund awards growing businesses, established longer than 12 months, a minimum of £1,000 up to £8,000 maximum. To apply for this grant, SMEs must be based in an eligible sector of Oxfordshire, England and have sufficient funds to match the requirements. These funds can be utilized for capital and revenue projects; to increase sales through consulting, market research, and advertising; to improve business processes, performance, and profitability; and to create new jobs within your company. This is a highly competitive grant competition with an aim to provide flexible capital and/or revenue to assist SMEs, ultimately leading to business growth and job creation in Oxfordshire, England.


最近のコロナウイルスの流行により、私たちは世界経済の大きな変化を目の当たりにし、企業が新たな課題に適応し、それを克服する能力を持っているかどうかが問われています。Googleは、これらの新たな課題に取り組む世界の中小企業、医療従事者や組織、政府を支援するために、1兆2,000億円以上のコミットメントを発表しました。Google.orgはすでに、中小企業の苦難の時を支援するために、$1500万円の現金助成をNGOに提供しています。Googleからの支援を受ける方法はいくつかあり、広告助成金の授与、資本金へのアクセス、Google Adsクレジット、Google Cloudクレジット、学術・研究助成金などがあります。また、グーグルは、個人用保護具や救命用医療機器の生産量を増やすために、直接的な資金援助や専門知識の提供も行っています。世界中のコミュニティを支援する彼らのコミットメントは、現在および将来の課題を乗り越えることを目的としています。


UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)を通じたCOVID-19助成基金の目的は、コロナウイルスの発生に直接関連する英国の企業に対し、短期プロジェクトの資金を提供することです。企業や組織からの提案は、プロジェクト期間中に経済、文化、環境、地域社会、健康への影響に対処し、その影響を軽減する能力を示すものでなければなりません。この機会は、COVID-19の発生に対処する介入策を現在および将来にわたって活用するための製造および採用を支援するものであるため、医療機器を開発している中小企業に最適です。英国を拠点とする企業であっても、英国外にパートナーや製品がある場合、この助成金では、場合によっては海外からの共同研究者が認められます。


The Citizen Science Collaboration grant will support multidisciplinary research collaborations that spread citizen science methods into new fields of research and involve citizens to address societally-relevant issues. This is a single round funding scheme for projects lasting one to three years. Lead applicants can be from any discipline and must be of lecturer level or equivalent. This grant supports UK based applicants and awards up to £1.5 million. They are particularly interested in funding collaborative projects that will allow researchers who have no prior experience in using citizen science methods to develop their expertise, and projects that extend citizen science methods into new research disciplines. Citizen science is defined by Wikipedia as “scientific research conducted, in whole or in part, by ameteur (or nonprofessional) scientists. This is a great opportunity to consider how your 医療機器 might benefit from Citizen science. For example, when users of a medical app input their personal data and allow it to be shared for larger データ分析 and predictive projects, these users are considered citizen scientists. How could your medical product benefit from developing citizen scientists?


英国の3つの研究評議会(BBSRC、EPSRC、MRC)のグループが、「生命に触れる技術」の範囲に関連する研究申請に対して複数の助成金を提供しています。多くの助成金が用意されていますが、特にBBSRCが提供する助成金は、バイオサイエンスの技術開発に関連するものです。この分野では、新しいバイオ分析・生物学的ツールや技術の開発が奨励されており、助成金を獲得した場合、研究評議会は経済的コスト全体の80%に基づいて資金を提供します。 申請者がプロポーザルを提出するのに最も適切な主幹研究機関を特定できるよう、UKRIはTTLの受信箱に問い合わせフォームを提出することを推奨しています。





Innovate UK, part of UK Research and Innovation, calls for UK registered businesses to apply for funding in collaborative research and development (CR&D) projects related to healthy aging. Focus areas include industrial research and medical devices; specifically robotics, augmented or 人工知能, software as a medical device, wearables, diagnostics, imaging, data analytics, sensors, apps, and other medical devices that promote healthy ageing. Applicants can apply for a total grant of up to £500,000 for each project, not to exceed £2 million. Medical device SMBs have a chance to develop new products, processes, or services that lead to improvements in existing areas.


UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) invites applications for individuals from any discipline wishing to spend up to 36 months (full or part time) on secondment (this is a type of short-term contract/employment) in the biomedical sciences sector. This grant would allow a medical device small business to receive funding to pay for the secondment of a biomedical science expert to work on projects within your medical device company. The objectives of this grant call for a medical device small business are to create porosity between sectors by enabling career mobility; boost the skills, knowledge, and career development of people; intensify knowledge exchange between the biomedical industry and academia; add value to the Biomedical Sciences sector and the UK economy by increasing productivity. This grant can total up to £300,000 per secondment (up to 36 months).






Greater Lincolnshire Growth Fundには、2,925,000ポンド以上の助成金が用意されています。この資金は、Greater Lincolnshire地域内の中小企業や大企業を対象に、大規模な変革プロジェクトを支援することを目的としています。事業の拡大、倉庫の設置、医療機器の製造施設の設立などを検討している医療機器メーカーには適しているかもしれません。


この英国の助成金は、Greater Lincolnshire地域内での新規雇用や製品の大幅な販売を促進するためのものです。Greater Lincolnshire Growth Fundで提供される大規模なプロジェクトに参加する資格がないと考えている方や、大規模な助成金に応募することに圧倒されている方には、この小規模な助成金が初めての試みに適しているかもしれません。助成金の範囲は以下のとおりです。 £1,000 – £5,000 and can contribute between 40% and 50% of your overall costs. If you think this may be of interest to you, the next step is to discuss the activity you are requesting funding for with a Business Lincolnshire adviser. One potential use of this grant that those who aren’t currently based in Greater Lincolnshire could investigate is requesting funding to test developing partnerships and market with local businesses to increase sales of your medical device within the Greater Lincolnshire area.


The United States Air Force Office of Scientific Research is funding awards of between $250,000 and $2,000,000 for medical photonics devices. While this is a military grant, this proposal does not require security clearance, as this is considered an unclassified proposal for technology that can be used in helping treat soldiers. While this funding can be applied for by small businesses, it is recommended that a small business applicant proposal include information on how the project will be completed by or incorporate relationships with a team that includes university-based medical institutions, biomedical scientists, engineers, etc. This would be critical for future ongoing funding as they intend that future phases be focused on institutional settings, clinical practice, and in working products. This proposal also requires experience collaborating with military medical centers, or experience in military medical or combat care. If you don’t have military experience yourself, consider discussing your product or partnering with a vetaran, or discuss your product with one of the U. S. Military Research Organizations.


It’s not often that mental health grants have no upper limit, but that is exactly the case for this grant opportunity. The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) is providing funding of any amount, large or small, to small businesses and entities of all sizes (including those outside of the United States). Medical device proposals being sought are for projects that will either 1) develop novel brain stimulation devices or 2) significantly enhance, by means of hardware/software improvements, the effectiveness of brain stimulation devices that are currently U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved or cleared. One great part of this grant is that it is heavily research oriented, so you can propose a hypothesis-driven research project.






If you’re frustrated with grants where you have to compete against larger companies, are working on or interested in developing medical devices related to dentistry, and are based in the United States, this grant is for you. The National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research is funding a grant to support innovation,  optimization, and customization of the medical technologies used in digital dentistry. This funding is for up to $1.5 million in the second phase stage with no minimum on the amount they might be willing to fund for Phase 1 exploratory projects. There are multiple types of medical devices they are interested in encouraging small businesses to submit their proposals in. These include medical device development of digital imaging, novel image processing capabilities for dental radiology, and medical devices that use or integration of 3-dimensional (3D) additive manufacturing (e.g., 3D printing) with imaging tools which can support more timely delivery of dental products.


米国国立衛生研究所(National Institutes of Health)は、胃腸や消化器系の疾患の治療や管理に役立つ医療機器の開発に対して、$500,000を上限に資金を提供しています。現在募集中の医療機器の例としては、飲み込むことのできるスマートピルや、消化管内のマイクロバイオームの測定を支援する機器などがあります。この助成金は、中小企業、非営利団体、その他米国を拠点とする団体を対象としていますが、この助成金募集の一環として、臨床試験が必要であることに留意してください。


米国の障害者やリハビリテーション支援を必要とする人をサポートできる医療機器技術に対して、$500,000円を上限とする資金が提供されます。National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Researchは、この金額の賞を4件提供することを想定しています。この助成金に興味をお持ちの方は、現在、応募期間が2020年3月26日に締め切られることになっていますので、すぐに連絡してください。この締切日を逃してしまった場合でも、この組織が提供する他の助成金に慣れるために、見てみる価値はあります。米国では、このような連邦政府が提供する国家的な助成金の多くは、再募集や複数期間の延長が行われています。また、COVID-19に関連する課題については、助成機関が期限を拡大して募集を更新している可能性もあります。




The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) is providing funding for 臨床試験 of relevant medical devices, including surgical or diagnostic devices, or rehabilitative devices. This grant is designed to be provided by a small business concern, but can include partnership with other entity types to assist your small business with performing the clinical trial. Phase 1 funding is between $150,000 and $225,000. Phase II and Fast Track Proposals can be up to $1.5 million.


The U.S. government is funding medical device research of $1.5 million and up, for a U.S. based small business to develop a non-invasive, discreet wearable medical device that can monitor blood alcohol levels in real time. Initial phases do not require clinical trials for initial product design and development, and no partnership with external research or educational organizations is required.



これらの助成金は、医療機器開発業界の中小企業が利用できる可能性のあるオプションのほんの一例です。他の助成金が利用可能になった際には、このリストを更新したいと思いますので、ぜひチェックしてみてください。 また、これらの助成金を提供している団体を検討することで、今後も新たな機会が得られるかもしれません。

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