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世界中のコミュニティで実際に働くことで、ポジティブな変化をもたらす機会に飛びつく人は少ないでしょう。しかし、副保安官から看護師に転身した彼は ジェシカ・アダムス, it is a dream come true. Whether it’s volunteering to help victims of Hurricane Katrina, offering medical services in the Dominican Republic, or even supporting local groups in her hometown in Florida, Adams is passionate about using her expertise as a nurse to educate and empower. Though she graduated as a political scientist, Adams turned to 看護 following her experience working with a youth development organization in New Orleans. She intended to pick up some practical skills, but had no idea that her new career would become a huge part of her identity.

Through humanitarian trips, Adams has traveled widely within and outside the US, serving in regions that do not have easy access to ヘルスケア facilities and resources. She は、医療ボランティアとして、グローバル・リビングストン財団を組織しています。 iKnowフェスティバル, a series of music concerts focused on HIV awareness in Uganda. The annual event, now in its 5th year, aims to reduce the stigma surrounding HIV and promote sexual health awareness. Adams, along with a team, offers on-site tests, medical examinations and counseling. Last year, to assess the impact of the festival, her team did a pilot study, but found that a standard assessment tool could not be applied to the geographically and culturally diverse communities in the area. They needed a more rigorous study design and had to be certain that they were adopting the right statistical techniques. They were also on the verge of applying for various nursing research grants and wanted to make a strong case for it.

2017年末、アダムスは助けを求めて コラブツリー そこで、データ収集方法やサンプルサイズが正確かどうかを確認しながら、無作為化と層別化を支援してくれる専門家を探しました。彼女は、経験豊富な学際的な科学者に相談することに成功しました。 ドロラ・ジェンキンス博士, who had extensive experience in data collection analysis and design. Though the deadline for the project was six weeks, Dr Jenkins provided Adams and her team with a robust and reliable design for their study within ten days. Thanks to this, Adams’ team was able to apply for several nursing grants on time. They were also able to apply for continued funding from the AIDS Healthcare Foundation. If awarded with a research grant, they will implement Dr Jenkin’s study design in their home base, Kabale, with a control community. Dr Jenkin’s model will not only help them accurately measure the effectiveness of their initiative, but can also be replicated in other places and with other health issues.

We at Kolabtree are humbled to have played a role, however small, in facilitating a project that has the potential to change so many lives. We had the opportunity of interviewing Adams, who we believe has led a life far from ordinary. Here’s what she has to say about her unique career path, her work in Uganda, and the joy of giving back.
My role as a Deputy for the Sheriff’s Office working in the jail focused on “care, custody, and control”. As a political science student at the time, I had really begun to look at the larger picture as it involved crime, punishment, mental illness, ethics, inequality, discrimination, stigma, and all of these interrelated issues that create and frame our societal problems. I didn’t feel like I was part of a solution to the problem at that time. I just felt like I was there to contain them, so to speak, and I wasn’t satisfied with that.
Our work has helped selected communities in rural Uganda by creating an opportunity for many of the local residents to access free on-site HIV testing, as well as a growing number of other free ヘルスケア services such as cervical cancer screening, family planning, male circumcision, blood pressure screening, and more. The event, itself, contributes to stigma reduction by normalizing the discussion surrounding HIV, condom use, and sexual health while reaffirming the idea that “knowledge is power”. Those that do test positive for HIV are immediately linked to care through our local NGO partners.


We actually didn’t end up applying for an NIH grant recently, although we remain committed to working up to that goal. Instead, we have applied for several nursing research grants, in addition to continued grant funding with some of our established partners such as the AIDS Healthcare Foundation. If funded via the nursing research grants this year, we plan to undertake a study designed to measure the impact of our work on stigma reduction in our home base community of Kabale — where we have produced the “iKnow” HIV Awareness Music Festival for 4 years now — with a control community that is not familiar with our initiative. Being able to show that our public health model is an effective stigma reduction intervention will be a huge step toward our goal of establishing what we do as a successful model for replication for use in other places and with other health issues.
I actually came to New Orleans as an AmeriCorps volunteer following Hurricane Katrina. I had just graduated with a degree in Political Science and I knew by that time that it was time to move on from law enforcement. I came here and worked with an organization called YouthBuild which assists at-risk youth by teaching trade skills and helping them work towards their GEDs. It was a good experience, but the funding for the program ran out. I realized that my law enforcement experience did not really translate into many other skills that were useful in this community as it was in the process of rebuilding. This was actually the same time as the economic recession. I chose nursing, not only because it was a solid set of practical skills, but also because I believed I would be able to find a job in a job market that was unreliable at the time. Even though the move was a calculated one for me, it ended up being the best thing I could have chosen to do with my life. I never expected to love nursing the way that I do. It’s really remarkable how fast being a nurse became interwoven into my identity. It’s who I am now.
ボランティア!?私の経験では、そこには 常に、常に、常に、常に 喜んでやってくれる人のための仕事です。私は地元で「Street Medicine」という組織でボランティアをしています。この組織は医療を提供し、ホームレスのコミュニティにいる人々を必要なサービスにつなげることを目的としています。また、多くの専門団体に所属し、理事や委員会などに参加して医療政策により深く関わってきました。このような時代だからこそ、私たちが声を上げることが必要なのです。
Kolabtreeは、科学者の専門知識を利用しやすく、手頃な価格で提供することを目的としたプラットフォームです。このプロジェクトは、科学者の専門知識にアクセスできるようにすることを目的としています。 国境を越えたコラボレーションの力. You can support Adams’ work これ.

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