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CRISPR Food: The Road to Better Future?

CRISPR, the acronym for Clustered Regularly Interspaced Palindromic Repeats, is a collection of prokaryotic DNA sequences that solely serve as a cellular defence system. CRISPR/Casシステムは、バクテリアがDNAの塩基対の不規則性を感知して排除し、バクテリオファージからDNAを守るために使用される。また、無数の遺伝子配列に適用することで、特に先天性疾患や遺伝性疾患の治療戦略の開発に成功している。 CRISPR 特に食品は、科学者や農家が様々な利点を利用して、ますます人気が高まっています。

2017年、MITとハーバード大学のブロード研究所から画期的なレポートが届きました。 述べています。 の発見は、新しいCRISPR/Cas は、RNAだけでなく、DNAも切断するシステムです。同じ頃、MITテクノロジーレビューに掲載されたレポートでは、CRISPR/Cas というシステム。 微細なDNAを切断する フラグメントを簡単かつ正確に作成することができます。


The range of spectacular results with CRISPR/Cas systems coming in from University research laboratories is immense. CRISPR’s rise stands apart from that of other genetic engineering tools owing to its accuracy, manoeuvrability and versatility with other genomes as well. Just a few weeks back, 科学者 at the Chinese Academy of Sciences altered gene sequences in pigs to produce what is being called as “CRISPR Bacon”. In fact, scientists at the Broad Institute call it “molecular scissors” useful for developing pest-resistant crops.

The scope of applying CRISPR to crops, poultry and other edibles isn’t unheard of; since 2015, CRISPR/Cas システムは、トウモロコシ、小麦、トマトの栽培や、乳量の多い家畜の培養などに利用されています。CRISPRが食品製造会社にとって次の大きな課題として注目されているのも不思議ではない。

Although the issue of genetic modification of foods has raised a tough battle between companies and regulatory bodies, CRISPR doesn’t seem to be facing much strife. This leads us to the question then, whether CRISPR is going to be the technology of choice for ensuring better food & nutrition for the world? Also, will CRISPR-based food be affordable enough for the most far-reaching consumers? Here are some insights which might lead us to some answers.


Yes, you heard that right. A letter from the US Department of Agriculture stated that mushrooms produced with CRISPR-based modifications reduced its browning tendencies with no external protein or antibody additions. This means CRISPR isn’t to do with modifying genes directly, rather only removing the parts that could be harmful. It doesn’t involve modifying gene sequences per se, which is why it doesn’t need strong vigilance the way GMOs used as foods did in the past. CRISPR based foods that are almost market-ready include cabbages with stronger long-staying flavours, tender red meat, drought-tolerant corn and non-browning mushrooms. Moreover, レギュラーステープル 米、大豆、じゃがいも、オレンジ、小麦などの作物は、CRISPRの専門家によってゲノム改変の可能性がチェックされます。農業専門家の報告によると、CRISPRはこれまでよりも大きな植物や幅広い種類の作物に適用できるそうです


CRISPR/Casシステムの研究が急速に進むにつれて、新しい Cas 酵素の研究が行われています。最初はCas9が注目され、その後すぐに科学者たちが単離した Cas13 稀な遺伝病のゲノム修復に有用なRNAを切断することができる。使用した各種プロバイオティクス食品 Cas enzymes in bacteria are being applied to enhance the protein content, shelf life and flavours of cheese and creamy yoghurts. Its utility in the preservation of active bacterial cultures used in the manufacture of dairy products is also being tested. The fact that CRISPR tools are faster and cheaper has got various food and dairy companies interested in implementing them. So it won’t be long before fortified cheese, milk and butter with zero spoilage arrive at the market, all thanks to CRISPR.


The technology, although deemed controversial among bioethics experts, is a fascinating method for enhancing the marketability of other genetically modified foodstuffs. Earlier, edibles were checked for irregularities at RNA-protein levels and を交換しました。 with superior quality protein strands to increase product quality. Now, the site of repair is acted upon faster, it’s cleaved by CRISPR at the exact location and repaired much faster. So foods need not undergo enhancements with protein injections, instead, desirable alterations can be done before the early stages of growth itself. Plant breeding activities are undergoing massive changes with expert selection strategies, eliminating the need for R & D for systematic gene isolations, seed selections and breeding cycles. Now, genes that inhibit antibiotic resistance can be directly removed, weak genes prone to low protein expression can be repaired and pest-resistance can be conferred to plants with much simpler mechanisms.


CRISPR’s applicability is enormous, owing to its ability to cut open any organism’s genome. Touted to be a ‘molecular scalpel’ or ‘molecular scissors’, scientists have reported Cas enzymes for every kind of genetic enhancement possible. Today, there are Cas 臍帯血細胞、免疫細胞、創薬、家畜の飼育、魚の養殖などに使われる酵素です。少し前には、FDAが遺伝子組み換えのサーモンを安全に食べられると承認しました。朗報は、CRISPRで編集された食品はトランスジェニック生物ではないので、遺伝子組み換え作物ではなく、CRISPRベーコンのような遺伝子編集された食品であるということです。


News is that major pharma companies are investing heavily in this novel gene-editing technology. There have been big industry-academia collaborations happening between companies like DuPont Pioneer, Novartis, Monsanto, AstraZeneca and Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Innovative ゲノミクス Initiative, the Broad and Whitehead Institutes in Massachusetts, and Thermo Fisher Scientific. These deals have initiated a surge in CRISPR’s already existing scope.

CRISPRのパイオニアの中には、Feng ZhangによるEditas MedicineやEmmanuelle CharpentierによるCaribou Biosciencesのように、自分で会社を立ち上げた人もいます。そして2017年には、Crispr TherapeuticsやIntellia Therapeuticsのように、遺伝子治療のためのCas酵素の研究に特に焦点を当てたスタートアップ企業が増えました。

CRISPR has already been through a long journey to make it through government regulations and environmentalists’ opinions. While CRISPR foods can be dismissed as trivial and frivolous by genome researchers, a tremendous amount of research is underway to produce CRISPR foods in 遺伝子組み換え作物を完全に利用できるようにするには、農家が何ヶ月もかけて収穫するのに比べれば。何よりも、遺伝子組み換え食品に比べて、遺伝子編集食品は製造コストが安いのです。

So, let’s just say that CRISPR’s role in food and agriculture has barely unfolded. A whole new arena of フードサイエンス 栄養不足のない世界がすぐそこまで来ています。



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