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Le migliori conferenze di biotecnologia a cui vale la pena partecipare nel 2020

Mahasweta Pal, scrittore scientifico freelance on Kolabtree, writes about the top biotecnologia conferences in 2020 happening around the world.  

Negli ultimi tempi, il mondo delle biotecnologie ha compiuto incredibili passi avanti. Da CRISPR babies to gene therapy, waves of advancements rocked the business world. However, the discussions on ethics and regulations in biotechnology research did not die down. Vigilance, clinical practice guidelines, commercialization challenges, pricing of cell therapies, and so on — the agendas are overflowing for 2020. However, the bright side is, the crucial questions that remained unanswered until 2018 showed signs of certainty as 2020 dawned in. CRISPR regulations became definite and universal; the azioni normative molto attese su questioni bioetiche sono stati affrontati.

In such a dynamic time, the pace of the industry is something that a biotechnology researcher should not miss. Some of the biggest biotechnology industry events are slated for 2020, which promise a spectacle of groundbreaking developments. You could attend trade fairs exhibiting neurological research that could become the platform for wearables tomorrow. Similarly, at premier biologia molecolare conferences lined up, novel signaling pathways would be showcased, which are potential drug targets for tomorrow. Biotech researchers may attend not one, but at least three conferences.

Pertanto, presentiamo una lista degli eventi più attesi dell'industria biotecnologica nel 2020 che accadono in tutto il mondo scienziati freelancegiovani e vecchi dovrebbero partecipare!

1. Precision Medicine World Conference 2020 (21-24 gennaio 2020|Santa Clara, CA)

This conference offers the biggest platform dedicated to personalized medicine, hosting 2500+ industry persons from 35 countries. Participants can enjoy 400+ presentations, the key one being by Richard Schilsky (American Society of Clinical Oncologia). Not to forget, sessions by award-winning scientists, Phillip Greenberg (Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center) and Micheal Synder (Stanford Center of Genomica and Personalized Medicine), who would be discussing successful clinical genomics programs, immuno-oncology, and converting health data into medical products. Currently, early-bird registrations of different capacities are available, ending on Jan 8, 2020.

2. PREDiCT: Modelli tumorali San Francisco Summit 2020 (22-24 gennaio 2020|San Francisco, CA)

The 4th Annual PREDiCT: Tumor Models San Francisco Summit 2020 continues to serve the immuno-oncology community regarding preclinical profiling through a robust selection of PDX mouse models. Scientists exploring the potential of 3D models are invited to present their findings, which help the community remain abreast of the advancements and challenges in preclinical and translational research. The comprehensive 3-day agenda concludes with keynote speeches by Chung-Wein Lee (Celgene), Jaeho Jung (ABL Bio), and Erin Riegler (Chimera Bioengineering). Registrazioni sono in corso con varie opzioni di prezzo.

3. Virus 2020 - Nuovi concetti in virologia (5-7 febbraio 2020|Barcellona, Spagna)

Viruses are the carriers of lethal infections, while also being the most used micro-organism models. Viruses 2020 follows previous meetings of virologists on Virus replication and host-virus interactions, organized by the MDPI journal. Particularly, for 2020, the conference themes are virus pathogenesis, antiviral innate immunity, and viruses of gastrointestinal pathologies. Therefore, the event calls upon virologists to showcase novel research in molecular and cell biology, biologia strutturale, immunology, epidemiologia, e bioinformatics. for the 3-day event. Invited speakers include Rosa M. Pintó (Enteric Virus Laboratory, University of Barcelona), Dr. Martin Beer (Institute of Diagnostic Virology, Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut, Greifswald – Insel Riems, Germany), and Dr. Stacy M. Horner (Center for RNA Biology, Duke University Medical Center, NC, USA). Registrations are open, including early-bird reservations and covering author registrations.

4. Cancer Care At The Crossroads Summit 2020 (27 marzo 2020|New York)

The New York Genome Center is bringing together assistenza sanitaria providers, stalwarts from academia, genomics companies, and advocacy groups on a grand platform. Cancer At The Crossroads features talk shows with participation from global investors, regulators, researchers, and influential industry folks. In additon, scintillating workshops cater to pertinent issues in cancer biology, novel cancer treatments, advancements in cancer screening. Moreover, the various research symposiums keep attendees informed on the near forthcoming shifts within the industry, and the directional changes for cancer research. At the 2020 edition, the keynote speakers include Mace L. Rothenberg (Pfizer) and Clifford Hudis (American Society of Clinical Oncology). As the registrations close after selecting just 100 applicants, you probably have to register early!

5. JAK-STAT Pathways in Health & Disease (6 aprile 2020|Long Island, New York)

This upcoming event showcases pioneering research on JAK-STAT Inhibition and its association with cancer. This conference invites researchers to present abstracts solely focused on the mechanisms, mutations, and the metabolomics associated with the Jak-STAT signaling pathway. As always, it is being hosted at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. While the keynote speech by John O’Shea of the NIH is the highlight of the event, attendees can look forward to award-winning presentations by David Frank, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, and David Tweardy, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, among others. Registration would be running up till the event date, while Abstract submission closes on Jan 17, 2020.

6. Epigenetic Pathways and Human Disease Conference 2020 (30 aprile-3 maggio 2020|Cania, Grecia)

One of the less explored areas of genetic research, epigenetics remains an area for unlocking mechanisms for rare diseases and cancer. Abstracts are invited on topics including DNA and histone modifications, aberrant epigenetic regulation, neuroepigenetics, and epitranscriptomics. Of note, the theme for discussion is pathogeneses of various brain disorders, while attendees can listen to lectures on Chromatin, RNA, and DNA regulatory pathways and utilizing epigenetic data for drug discovery. Registrations are on, and participants can utilize early-bird discounts on entry, poster submissions, and workshops. Doctoral and post-doctoral researchers are encouraged to attend, while invited speakers include Anne Brunet (Stanford University) and Karen Adelman (Harvard Medical School). Registrazioni chiudere l'8 marzo 2020.

7. Conferenza EuroSciCon sulla biotecnologia e la bioingegneria (6-7 maggio 2020|Stoccolma, Svezia)

Questo evento industriale stellato si concentra sulla bioingegneria e la bioproduzione e ospita scienziati, accademici, gruppi di ricerca e agenzie di finanziamento. L'evento invita i ricercatori a presentare abstract su argomenti che vanno: tecnologie di fermentazione, biotecnologia marina, potenziale di mercato della bioingegneria, biomateriali, bioterapeutici, nanobiotecnologia e ingegneria proteica. Con le registrazioni già iniziate, l'evento promette ai ricercatori una pletora di simposi e workshop per giovani scienziati. Inoltre, un vasto pubblico lo grazia ogni anno e per il 2020, EuroSciCon sta anche progettando di premiare scienziati e organizzazioni per il lavoro di ricerca innovativo. Attualmente, gli organizzatori stanno dando via 25% sconti sulle registrazioni per grandi gruppi di ricerca. Visita ora!

8. Congresso mondiale sui biosensori 2020 (26-29 maggio 2020|Busan, Corea)

For over 3 decades, this conference has fulfilled the networking, business development, and peer-to-peer interaction needs of academicians, government agencies, and biotech SMEs. The conference brings together a variety of research scholars and influential delegates from the industry for conversations on applying biochemical sensors, bioelectric devices, and bioengineering. Presenting scholars stand a chance to publish their research in  Registrations will start in a month’s time.

9. Biomarcatori clinici e traslazionali (2-4 giugno 2020| Boston, MA)

Essentially, the 3-day conference presents various training sessions and workshops on clinical applications of biomarkers. Currently, studi clinici are being designed using disease-specific biomarkers. This conference aims to train and award young scientists on liquid biopsies and genomic biomarkers. Workshops have been designed to prepare researchers for solving problems in precision medicine. Secondly, attendees can visit seminars on Disease Modeling, Immuno-Oncology Biomarkers, and New Small Molecule Drug Targets. Most importantly, attendees can registrare a prezzi early bird e presentare gli abstract dei poster entro il 24 aprile 2020.

10. AlgalBBB 2020 (14-17 giugno 2020|Pittsburgh, PA)

2020 presenta la decima edizione della Conferenza internazionale sulla biomassa algale, i biocarburanti e i bioprodotti (AlgalBBB), dove i riflettori saranno puntati sulle recenti tendenze della tecnologia agricola e dei biocarburanti. Le nuove ricerche sulle alghe saranno presentate da scienziati e ingegneri ad ampio spettro, con enfasi sulla produzione di biomassa, la coltivazione, la bioraffineria, la conversione delle materie prime in combustibili e le analisi di sostenibilità. Gli ultimi risultati della ricerca sulle alghe, i biomateriali, la progettazione di fotobioreattori e i sistemi di controllo saranno presentati anche da eminenti accademici. Presentazioni astratte e le registrazioni sono in corso, soprattutto per i ricercatori che mirano a pubblicare sulla rivista Algal Research.

11. Conferenza sulle cellule staminali intestinali - interazioni di nicchia in salute e malattia (17-20 luglio 2020|Lisbona, Portogallo)

Le cellule staminali intestinali sono sottoposte a un esame più approfondito, a causa dei massicci tassi di incidenza dei tumori maligni gastrointestinali. Anche se i ricercatori non stanno lasciando nulla di intentato per esporre l'ambiente del piccolo intestino e del colon, che hanno un impatto sull'azione delle cellule staminali intestinali. Questo evento offre ai ricercatori e ai leader dell'industria una piattaforma per presentare gli organoidi gastrointestinali derivati da cellule staminali pluripotenti umane, disregolati ISC behavior causing gastrointestinal disease, spatial transcriptomics of the small intestine, and the like. The impressive list of speakers includes Heinrich Jasper (Genentech), Marcia Haigis (Harvard Medical School), and Shalev Itzkovitz (Weizmann Institute of Science), among others. Registrations start on Jan 31, 2020, and poster submissions will run up to May 20, 2020.

12. Mechanisms & Models of Cancer (Aug 11 – 15, 2020|Cold Spring Harbor, NY)

La ricerca sul cancro è progredita a grandi passi negli ultimi due anni. Tuttavia, i meccanismi e i modelli fondamentali della tumorigenesi sono in continua evoluzione e meno esplorati, garantendo così una ricerca continua. Questo evento fornisce ai ricercatori la piattaforma per mostrare le diverse dimensioni del cancro attraverso risultati esplorativi in biologia strutturale, genomica, eterogeneità ed evoluzione del cancro. Sessioni interessanti sul metabolismo del cancro, l'immunologia dei tumori e l'immunoterapia, la proliferazione e la segnalazione della sopravvivenza devono essere attese. Le iscrizioni e la presentazione degli abstract sono aperte fino al 22 maggio 2020.

13. Congresso mondiale BIO (21-24 settembre 2020|Raleigh, North Carolina)

One of the key events for the Biotechnology industry, Bio World Congress has been attracting scientists and executives working in biomanufacturing and agri-tech for over a decade. Primarily, the congress caters to animal biotechnologists, biohazard specialists, environmentalists, food scientists, plant and seed researchers, and biomanufacturing vendors. The event is one of the sought after platforms for launching new products in agri-tech and food sciences. What’s more, attendees get a chance to visit the exhibition of 100+ manufacturers of animal cell models, cancer cell lines, and microarrays. This conference, organized by Organizzazione per l'innovazione biotecnologica (BIO), is where the who’s who of America’s biotech world meet. Not to forget, attendees can even plan big for the “Partnering uno a uno” opportunities.

Think we’ve missed out one of the biotechnology conferences in 2020? Leave us a comment below and we’ll add it to the list!

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