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USD 50 /hr
Hire Dr. Santiago V.
USD 50 /hr

Ph.D. in Computer Sciences | Data Scientist | Expert in Software Engineering and Machine Learning

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Subject Matter Expertise
Consulting Scientific and Technical Consulting
Data & AI Statistical Analysis, Algorithm Design-Non ML
Product Development Formulation
Work Experience

Assistant Researcher

Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas

April 2015 - Present


PhD Computer Sciences (Facultad de Ciencias Exactas)

Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires

- December 2013

  • Certification details not provided.
H.C. Vázquez, A. Bergel, S. Vidal, J.A. Díaz Pace, C. Marcos(2019). Slimming javascript applications: An approach for removing unused functions from javascript libraries . Information and Software Technology. 107. p. 18--29. Elsevier {BV}
Vidal, S., Oizumi, W., Garcia, A., Díaz Pace, A., Marcos, C.(2019). Ranking architecturally critical agglomerations of code smells . Science of Computer Programming. 182. p. 64-85.
Vázquez, H.C., Bergel, A., Vidal, S., Díaz Pace, J.A., Marcos, C.(2019). Slimming javascript applications: An approach for removing unused functions from javascript libraries . Information and Software Technology. 107. p. 18-29.
E. Guimarães, S. Vidal, A. Garcia, J. A. Diaz Pace, C. Marcos(2018). Exploring architecture blueprints for prioritizing critical code anomalies: Experiences and tool support . Software: Practice and Experience. Wiley-Blackwell
Vidal, S., Berra, I., Zulliani, S., Marcos, C., Andrés Díaz Pace, J.(2018). Assessing the refactoring of brain methods . ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology. 27. (1).
Guimarães, E., Vidal, S., Garcia, A., Diaz Pace, J.A., Marcos, C.(2018). Exploring architecture blueprints for prioritizing critical code anomalies: Experiences and tool support . Software - Practice and Experience. 48. (5). p. 1077-1106.
Vazquez, H., Marcos, C., Vidal, S., DIaz Pace, J.A.(2017). A tool to prioritize code smells in distributed development . IEEE Latin America Transactions. 15. (10). p. 1941-1947.
Vidal, S., Bergel, A., Díaz-Pace, J.A., Marcos, C.(2016). Over-exposed classes in Java: An empirical study . Computer Languages, Systems and Structures. 46. p. 1-19.
Vidal, S.A., Marcos, C., Díaz-Pace, J.A.(2016). An approach to prioritize code smells for refactoring . Automated Software Engineering. 23. (3). p. 501-532.
Vidal, S.A., Bergel, A., Marcos, C., Díaz-Pace, J.A.(2016). Understanding and addressing exhibitionism in Java empirical research about method accessibility . Empirical Software Engineering. 21. (2). p. 483-516.
Vidal, S.A., Marcos, C.(2013). A Catalog of aspect refactorings for Spring/AOP . Journal of Universal Computer Science. 19. (1). p. 157-182.
Vidal, S.A., Marcos, C.A.(2013). Toward automated refactoring of crosscutting concerns into aspects . Journal of Systems and Software. 86. (6). p. 1482-1497.
Vidal, S.A., Marcos, C.A.(2012). Building an expert system to assist system refactorization . Expert Systems with Applications. 39. (3). p. 3810-3816.
Marcos, C., Vidal, S., Abait, E., Arroqui, M., Sampaoli, S.(2011). Refactoring of a beef-cattle farm simulator . IEEE Latin America Transactions. 9. (7). p. 1099-1104.
Rago, A., Vidal, S., Andres Diaz-Pace, J., Frank, S., Van Hoorn, A.(2017). Distributed qality-atribute optimization of sofware architectures . ACM International Conference Proceeding Series. Part F130660.
Vidal, S., Guimaraes, E., Oizumi, W., Garcia, A., Pace, A.D., Marcos, C.(2016). Identifying architectural problems through prioritization of code smells . Proceedings - 2016 10th Brazilian Symposium on Components, Architectures and Reuse Software, SBCARS 2016. p. 41-50.
Vidal, S., Vazquez, H., Diaz-Pace, J.A., Marcos, C., Garcia, A., Oizumi, W.(2016). JSpIRIT: A flexible tool for the analysis of code smells . Proceedings - International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society, SCCC. 2016-February.
Vidal, S., Guimaraes, E., Oizumi, W., Garcia, A., Pace, A.D., Marcos, C.(2016). On the criteria for prioritizing code anomalies to identify architectural problems . Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing. 04-08-April-2016. p. 1812-1814.
Vidal, S., Marcos, C., Diaz Pace, A.(2014). Analyzing the history of software systems to predict class changes . 2014 IEEE Biennial Congress of Argentina, ARGENCON 2014. p. 228-233.
Vidal, S., Marcos, C., Bergel, A., Arévalo, G.(2011). Memoization aspects: A case study . Proceedings of the International Workshop on Smalltalk Technologies, IWST'11.
Vidal, S., Abait, E.S., Marcos, C., Casas, S., Díaz Pace, J.A.(2009). Aspect mining meets rule-based refactoring . Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Practices of Linking Aspect Technology and Evolution, PLATE '09, Co-located with the 8th International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development, AOSD.09. p. 23-27.
Diaz-Pace, J.A., Nicoletti, M., Schiaffino, S., Vidal, S.(2014). Producing just enough documentation: The next SAD version problem . Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 8636 LNCS. p. 46-60.
Diaz-Pace, J.A., Nicoletti, M., Schiaffino, S., Vidal, S.(2014). Producing just enough documentation: The next SAD version problem . Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 8636 LNCS. p. 46-60.
Abait, E.S., Vidal, S.A., Marcos, C.A., Casas, S.I., Sofia, A.A.O.(2010). An integrated process for aspect mining and refactoring . Quality and Communicability for Interactive Hypermedia Systems: Concepts and Practices for Design. p. 176-194.