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USD 10 /hr
Hire Dr. Marcio L.
USD 10 /hr
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Subject Matter Expertise
Work Experience

PhD student

Leiden University

March 2014 - Present


Msc (Agroecology)

Universidade Estadual do Maranhão

March 2012 - March 2014

Bsc in Environmental Engineering (Environmental engeneering)

Universidade Ceuma

February 2007 - June 2011

  • Certification details not provided.
Leite, M.F.A., Pan, Y., Bloem, J., Berge, H.T., Kuramae, E.E.(2017). Organic nitrogen rearranges both structure and activity of the soil-borne microbial seedbank . Scientific Reports. 7.
da Silva, R.L., Leite, M.F.A., Muniz, F.H., de Souza, L.A.G., de Moraes, F.H.R., Gehring, C.(2017). Degradation impacts on riparian forests of the lower Mearim river, eastern periphery of Amazonia . Forest Ecology and Management. 402. p. 92-101.
Leite, M.F.A., Luz, R.L., Muchavisoy, K.H.M., Zelarayán, M.L.C., Cardoso, E.G., Moraes, F.H.R., Rousseau, G.X., Gehring, C.(2016). The effect of land use on aboveground biomass and soil quality indicators in spontaneous forests and agroforests of eastern Amazonia . Agroforestry Systems. 90. (6). p. 1009-1023.
Cassman, N.A., Cassman, N.A., Leite, M.F.A., Pan, Y., De Hollander, M., Van Veen, J.A., Kuramae, E.E.(2016). Plant and soil fungal but not soil bacterial communities are linked in long-term fertilized grassland . Scientific Reports. 6.
Cardozo, E.G., Muchavisoy, H.M., Silva, H.R., Zelarayán, M.L.C., Leite, M.F.A., Rousseau, G.X., Gehring, C.(2015). Species richness increases income in agroforestry systems of eastern Amazonia . Agroforestry Systems. 89. (5). p. 901-916.