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USD 60 /hr
Hire Dr. Juan J.
USD 60 /hr

Statistician & Data Analyst.R & Phyton & C++. 30+ years as researcher & consulting. 18+ projects conducted in Kolabtree

Profile Summary
Subject Matter Expertise
Work Experience

Professor of Satistics

School of Dentistry, University of Balearic Islands, Mallorca, Spain

September 2019 - Present


Universidad de las Islas Baleares

January 2018 - Present

Data Scientist


May 2017 - Present

Statistical training consulting

Balearic Health Research Institute

May 2017 - October 2017


Global Solutions

February 2015 - January 2016

Professor of Applied Mathematics and Statistic

Universidad Simón Bolívar

January 2013 - June 2015


Universidad Central de Venezuela

March 1978 - July 2011

Professor of Physics and Computational Science

Universidad Central de Venezuela

March 1978 - June 2011


PhD (Physics)

Universidad Central de Venezuela

- Present



September 1978 - March 1983

  • Certification details not provided.
Alexios-Fotios A. Mentis, Irene Garcia, Juan Jiménez, Maria Paparoupa, Athanasia Xirogianni, Anastasia Papandreou, Georgina Tzanakaki(2021). Artificial Intelligence in Differential Diagnostics of Meningitis: A Nationwide Study . Diagnostics. 11. (4). p. 602. {MDPI} {AG}
Juan Jimenez, Alexios-Fotios Mentis, Irene García Mosquera, maria paparoupa, Athanasia Xirogianni, Anastasia Papandreou, Georgina Tzanakaki (2021). Artificial Intelligence in Differential Diagnostics of Meningitis: A Nationwide Study . Diagnostics.
E. Alvarez, F. Moleiro, A. Octavio, A. Rodriguez y M. Vizcardo(2019). Nonlinear characterization of ECGs in patients with Chagas’ disease. Biomedical Physics $\backslash$& Engineering Express.
Dalmagro, F. and Jimenez, J.(2015). Agent based modeling of the coevolution of hostility and pacifism. International Journal on Modern Physics C.
Garcia, I. and Jimenez, J. and Mujica, R.(2014). Simulation of the efect of learning on the topology of the functional connectivity of neural networks. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations. 19. p. 1107--1112.
Garcia, I. and Jimenez, J. and Vega, C.(2013). Dynamic risk assessment of the onset of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Computing in Cardiology. 40. p. 735--738.
Alvarez, E. and Jimenez, J. and Moleiro, F. and Rodriguez, A.(2010). Characterizing atypical patterns of Heart Rate before Paroxysmal Ventricular Tachycardia. Medical Engineering & Physics. 32. p. 1131.
Dalmagro, F. and Jimenez, J. and Jimenez, R. and Lugo, H.(2006). Bounded-Rational-Prisoner Dilemma: on critical phenomena of cooperation. Applied Mathematics and Computation.
Dalmagro, Ferm{\i}n and Jim{\'e}nez, Juan and Jim{\'e}nez, Ra{\'u}l and Lugo, Hayd{\'e}e(2005). Co-evolution of bounded rational agents in adaptive social networks. Comput. Econ. Finance.
Barral, J. and Cantini, L. and Hasmy, A. and Jimenez, J. and Marcano, A.(2005). Correlation between strand asymmetry and phylogeny in mithocondrial DNA. Jour. of Theor. Biol.
Octavio, Jos{\'e} A and Rodr{\'\i}guez, Ana E and Misticchio, Francesca and Marcano, Alfredo and Jim{\'e}nez, Juan and Moleiro, Federico(2004). Circadian profiles of heart rate and its instantaneous variability in patients with chronic Chagas' disease. Revista Española de Cardioloǵıa (English Edition). 57. (2). p. 130--137. Elsevier Doyma
Octavio, Jos{\'e} A and Rodr{\'\i}guez, Ana E and Misticchio, Francesca and Marcano, Alfredo and Jim{\'e}nez, Juan and Moleiro, Federico(2004). Perfiles circadianos de la frecuencia card́ıaca y de su variabilidad instantánea en una población de pacientes con infección chagásica crónica. Revista española de cardioloǵıa. 57. (2). p. 130--137. Elsevier Doyma
Jimenez, J. and Octavio, A. and Moleiro, F. and Rodriguez, A. and Misticchio, F. and Marcano, A.(2004). Circadian pro les of heart rate and its instantaneous variability in patients afected of chronic Chagas' disease. Revista Española de Cardiologia.
Cisneros, L and Jimenez, J(2003). Measurement of information flow and nonlinear interdependence. REVISTA MEXICANA DE FISICA. 49. p. 17--20. SOCIEDAD MEXICANA DE FISICA APARTADO POSTAL 70-348, COYOACAN 04511, MEXICO
Cisneros, L and Jim{\'e}nez, J(2003). Medidas del flujo de información e interdependencia no lineal. Rev Mex. F́ıs. 49. (S3). p. 17--20.
Garcia, P. and Jimenez, J.(2002). Communication Through Chaotic Map Systems. Phys. Lett. A, 298, 35, 2002. 298.
Cosenza, M. and Garcia, P. and Jimenez, J. and Marcano, A. and Parravano, A.(2002). Coupled Map Networks as Communication Schemes. Phys. Rev. E, (R),. 65.
Garcia, P and Parravano, A and Cosenza, MG and Jim{\'e}nez, J and Marcano, A(2002). Coupled map networks as communication schemes. Physical Review E. 65. (4). p. 045201. American Physical Society
Cisneros, L. and Cosenza, M. and Jimenez, J. and Parravano, A.(2002). Information transfer and nontrivial collective behavior in chaotic coupled map networks. Phys. Rev. E, (R),. 65.
Moleiro, Federico and Rodr{\'\i}guez, Ana and Misticchio, Francesca and Octavio, Jos{\'e} and Marcano, Alfredo and Jim{\'e}nez, Juan and Alvarez, Esteban(2002). Modelado no lineal del electrocardiograma vs variabilidad de la frecuencia card́ıaca en la detección de afectación card́ıaca precoz en la enfermedad de Chagas. Av. cardiol. 22. (4). p. 111--117.
Moleiro, Federico and Rodr{\'\i}guez, Ana E and Misticchio, Francesca and Ruesta, V{\'\i}ctor and Octavio, Jos{\'e} A and {\'A}lvarez, Esteban and Fern{\'a}ndez, Arturo and Jim{\'e}nez, Juan and Marcano, Alfredo and Vizcardo, Miguel(2001). The usefulness of the application of nonlinear dynamics in the analysis of electrocardiograms in Chagas' disease patients. Revista espanola de cardiologia. 54. (9). p. 1081--1090.
Alvarez, E. and Fernandez, A. and Jimenez, J. and Marcano, A. and Moleiro, F. and Octavio, J. and Rodriguez, A. and Ruesta, V. and Vizcardo, M.(2001). Utilidad de la aplicación de técnicas de modelado no lineal en el análisis de electrocardiogramas de pacientes con infección chagasica. Revista Española de Cardiologia,.
Moleiro, Federico and Rodr{\'\i}guez, Ana E and Misticchio, Francesca and Ruesta, V{\'\i}ctor and Octavio, Jos{\'e} A and {\'A}lvarez, Esteban and Fern{\'a}ndez, Arturo and Jim{\'e}nez, Juan and Marcano, Alfredo and Vizcardo, Miguel(2001). Utilidad de la aplicación de técnicas de modelado no lineal en el análisis de electrocardiogramas de pacientes con infección chagásica. Revista Española de Cardioloǵıa. 54. (9). p. 1081--1090. Elsevier Doyma
Barral, J. and Hasmy, A. and Jimenez, J. and Marcano, A.(2000). Nonlinear modeling technique for the analysis of DNA chains. Phys. Rev. E.
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Jimenez, J. and Marcano, A. and Moreno, J. and Ruggeri., G.(1992). Detecting chaos by local associative memories. Phys. Lett. A.
Herrera, L and Jim{\'e}nez, J and Barreto, W and Esculpi, M and Denmat, G and Santos, NO(1990). Thermal conduction and the stability of self-gravitating spheres. Astrophysics and space science. 165. (2). p. 211--218. Springer Netherlands
Barreto, W. and Esculpi, M. and Herrera, L. and Jimenez, J. and Denmat, G. Le and Santos, N.(1990). Thermal conduction and stability of self gravitating spheres. Astrophys. Sp. Sci. Jour.
Barreto, W. and Herrera, L. and Jimenez, J.(1989). Evolution of radiating viscous sphere and gravitational collapse. Can. Jour. Phys.
Esculpi, M. and Herrera, L. and Jimenez, J. and Ibanez, J.(1989). Surface phenomena and the evolution of radiating fluid spheres in general relativity. Astrophys. Jour.
Esculpi, M. and Herrera, L. and Jimenez, J.(1988). Surface phenomena in general relativistic stellar models: critical mass and stability. Phys. Lett. A. 130.
Prisco, A. Di and Herrera, L. and Jimenez, J. and Ibanez, J.(1987). Bondi metric and conformal motions. Jour. Math. Phys.
Esculpi, M. and Herrera, L. and Jimenez, J. and Nunez, L.(1987). Junction conditions for radiating fluid spheres with heat flow. Phys. Lett. A.
Herrera, L and Jim{\'e}nez, J and Esculpi, M and N{\'u}{\~n}ez, L(1987). Junction conditions for radiating fluid spheres with heat flow. Physics Letters A. 124. (4-5). p. 248--252. North-Holland
Herrera, L and Jim{\'e}nez, J and Esculpi, M(1987). Thermal conduction and gravitational collapse. Physical Review D. 36. (10). p. 2986. American Physical Society
Esculpi, M. and Herrera, L. and Jimenez, J.(1987). Thermal conduction and gravitational collapse. Phys. Rev. D. 10.
Herrera, L. and Jimenez, J.(1986). Axially symmetric gravitational radiation from isolated sources and the deviation from spherical symmetry. Jour. Math. Phys.
Herrera, MA and Hacyan, S(1985). Interaction between matter and radiation at very high temperatures: I. Compton scattering. The Physics of fluids. 28. (11). p. 3253--3259. AIP
Esculpi, M. and Galina, V. and Herrera, L. and Jimenez, J. and Leal, L. and de Leon, J. Ponce(1984). Anisotropic fluids and conformal motions in general relativity. . Jour. Math. Phys.
Herrera, L and Jimenez, J and Leal, L and Ponce de Leon, J and Esculpi, M and Galina, V(1984). Anisotropic fluids and conformal motions in general relativity. Journal of mathematical physics. 25. (11). p. 3274--3278. AIP
Herrera, L. and Jimenez, J.(1983). Junction conditions and the propagation of isometries in general relativity. Phys. Rev. D.
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Herrera, L. and Jimenez, J.(1979). Neutrino fields in axially and reflection symmetric space time. Jour. Math. Phys. 20.
Gonzalez, C. and Herrera, L. and Jimenez, J.(1979). Radiating Kerr-Newman metric. , 836, 1979. (Con C. Gonzalez y L. Herrera). Jour. Math. Phys. 20.
Jimenez, J. and Moreno, J. and Ruggeri)., G.Forecasting on chaotic time series: a local optimal linear reconstruction method. Phys. Rev. A.
Hermosillo, A and Jim{\'e}nez, J and Moreno, JL and Ribes, E and othersAn exploratory study of referential processes in chronic-schizophrenic patients. Sociedad Mexicana de An{\'a}lisis de la Conducta/Mexican Society of Behavior~…
Alvarez, E and Jimenez, J and Moleiro, F and Rodriguez, A(2008). Designing an alarm system for the stratification of risk of cardiac arrhythmias. 2008 Computers in Cardiology. p. 1037--1040.
Vizcardo, M and Jim{\'e}nez, J and Moleiro, F and Marcano, A and Octavio, A and Rodr{\'\i}guez, A(2007). Analysis of the heart rate variability and stratification of the risk of cardiac patients with Chagas’ disease. 2007 Computers in Cardiology. p. 465--467.
Octavio, JA and Rodriguez, AE and Misticchio, F and Marcano, A and Jimenez, J and Moleiro, F and Parati, G(2003). Circadian profiles of heart rate and its instantaneous variability in patients affected of chronic Chagas' disease. JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION. 21. p. S258--S258.
Herrera, L and Jimenez, J(1982). " Ghost" neutrinos and asymptotic flatness. Relativity and Gravitation. p. 197--201.